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Posts posted by Panzer76

  1. That means that it cost me personally the bulk of my life savings and my earnings over the last few years.

    Now, thats dedication and passion! Thanks for dedication both to you and the team. Im sorry to see yourself having not much to show for your personal time and money spent on this. I hope there exist some karma in the world, and your efforts will be rewarded in some other way.

    Good luck with your future, and thanks again!

  2. Ok.. the controls are HOPELESS. This is one of the games I really want to like and play, but how can I when the controls are counter intuitive (to other RTS') and are all over the keyboard. I mean, cmon, the technical quality is nice, bit the controls are from the 90this. Please look into this as the controls of any game are fundamental to the enjoyment of said game. And please dont give me any crap about how we will get used to it. We already are used to how most games handles movement and control, why would this game need any special keys for that? (hint, it doesnt and it is just stupid)

  3. Originally posted by Hat Trick:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by cool breeze:

    Tanks will soon regularly sport anti missiles systems that beat almost all missiles.

    Is this really true? I know that some systems are under development, but the history of anti-missle systems does not provide great confidence in the effectiveness of future systems. </font>
  4. Regarding RPG effect on Humvees:

    Here is one that just keeps on rolling after being hit:


    While I dont think these will be moving anywhere soon:



    I guess its dependant on what kind of warhead you use and where you hit.

    While the first Humvee kept on rolling, I think some of the occupants can very easily have been injured or killed.

  5. 1st. Skelly, they didnt negotiate with Taliban, they negotiated with the Eldars for the village, trusting them to defend it. For whatever reason, they didnt. You know, we cant occupy every village in Afghanistan and someday they will have to fend for themselfs.

    2nd. This battle wont mean squat in the larger picture. We dont win there with military force alone. And thats something the west still havent taken seriously. I wonder how many lives will be lost before (if) we wake up.

    3rd. Sadly Afghan is a sideshow ever since US invaded Iraq and everybody involved is worse off because of it.

    4th. Some of you may not know it, but skelly is a right wing nut case, or atleast used to be some years ago. White power etc. Dunno if he has changed his ways.

  6. In CMx1 you have a strat AI and a tact AI.

    In CMSF you have worse strat AI, but they are supposed to use the scenario makers guides of approach etc. The TacAI in CMSF is worse than CMx1.

    In the end, as a sinlge player experience, CMx1 will probably give you much more mileage, and if you are ever going to play MP, there is no contest, CMx1 is way better.

    But, the core issue here if you LIKE the game. Try both games, and decide. Just be aware that CMx1 have endless possibilities, CMSF is very constricted.

  7. Originally posted by DaveDash:

    This thread reminds me exactly of all the Shogan Total War vets grumbling about Rome Total War when it was released, or Civ2 vets grumbling about Civ3, or game X fans grumbling about the new game Y.

    Except ofcos, all these games got great scores in reviews, and CMSF Metascore is just over 60. Its not like there is only a few "rotten apples" who think this game is lacking, but rather, most people.
  8. Originally posted by MarkEzra:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer76:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MarkEzra:

    This forum not dead like you keep saying...most of us just waiting...You are clearly in need of glasses.

    Oh Im sorry, its just that Im used with the activity level of the CMx1 forums... but this is great! </font>
  9. Originally posted by MarkEzra:

    There is another view, not clouded by vitriol or supposed slights and insults, that is actually the majority view: I play the game, I like the game

    Huh? Nothing Ive seen would indicate this. The reviews are bland, and the forums are "dead". Not exactly what I would expect if this game was played and enjoyed by so many as you seem to indicate.
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