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Posts posted by Leta

  1. Originally posted by Hammerstein:

    Also the Barb wire in Juan Ramon Lopez Letamendi's Remagen Scenerio is brilliant, I'd really like to place this in mine. Anyone know where I can get it and how I place it in the Scenerio aswell.

    I'm not sure what do you mean with the barb wire issue. The barb wire is a unit you should find amongst the "Fortification" units. The look of the wire depends on the mods you use. I'm using Thomas Klimisch's barb wire and I strongly recommend it. You can find it in his TCMHQ page, here:

    Tom's Buildings Misc. Mods

    Juan R. "Leta" Lopez

  2. Hammerstein, I'm pleased you had a good time with my "Remagen" scenario (please, post a review in "The Scenario Depot").

    But Tom is right. When I sent the scenario to him he gave me all the information he had about the German OOB. Then I realized that an absolute historical scenario wasn't possible although you like the totally-unbalanced battles. So, we decide to maintain the battle more in a Hollywood action style (more playability) than in a real-but-absolutely-unbalanced style.

    But, if you are decided to make another "Remagen Bridge" approximation ... good luck! ;)

  3. Well, here is may AAR of Give & Take

    German: White4

    Canadians: Leta

    Setup: A platoon of Elite Canadian soldiers into the woods, NW of a small village sourrounded by woods, with a road crossing E-W. The only large VL is situated in the middle of the village, in the center of 4 tall light buildings. Snow and snow and snow ...

    The B platoon (Lt. Smithson) sneaks across the woods towards a bunch of small houses near them. His purpose is to take a good position before the arrival of the Germans (and before his forces were spotted), and a strongpoint where wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

    Sneaking and using splits squads for recon, Lt. Smithson squad finally reach the first houses and then they saw the first signs of German occupation: a roadblock who cuts the main road close to a tall strong building. Then, they receive a radio message: Platoon C (Lt. Landry) is on the way.

    While B platoon stands in position, C platoon advance along the road to the end of the woods and then turn right to deploy in the woods, left of the road.

    Once C platoon reach his positions, B platoon starts to advance house to house towards the tall strong building, near the houses who sourrounded the VL. When one of the squads cross open ground, a German squad starts to fire at them, causing some casualties, but the squad manage to reach a small house near the tall building.

    The other 2 squads of the B platoon and 1 squad of C platoon (along with the 2 mortars) starts a heavy cover fire who puts the germans (by this time the Canadians know they are poor Volkssturm grandpas) running out. Some other german squads firing from a light tall building south of the road commence to withdraw (suffering heavy casualties) due to the rifle and mortar fire of C platoon who starts to advance on the right flank of B platoon.

    While B platoon takes control of the tall strong building, a new reinforcement arrives: D platoon (Lt. McMillan) with Cpt. Arrow, a PIAT and a Veteran FO 3” mortars.

    B platoon soon starts to receive rifle (and panzerfaust!) fire from the near light tall building and the 2 buildings in front of them. They see that the 3 buildings north, west and south of the VL are occupied. The germans in this buildings directs fire towards platoon B who, after take some casualties, decide to retire to the back of the building, out of enemy LOS. The Germans in the building south of them soon withdraw to the VL buildings due to the rifle and mortar fire of C platoon. Meanwhile, D platoon arrives at the end of the road and starts crossing the woods to deploy at the right flank of platoon C.

    B and C platoons are stopped by the heavy rifle and MG fire. D platoon advance to reach his positions; his purpose is to attack the enemy positions around the church to outflank the VL buildings while B and C platoons returns fire. The mortars lay a smoke barrier in front of the VL buildings to provide a breath to B platoon. The FO, meanwhile, give orders to fire directly (but without clear LOS) to the VL position.

    It looks a stalemate ... but at this moment, a new reinforcement appear: a Sherman V tank who quickly advances, using the road, to the firefight.

    The tank advances to a safe position (far from the fearsome german Schrecks) and starts firing to the first VL building while the first 3” grenades starts falling. The Volkssturn squads in the VL buildings seems hesitants, but the Canadians look at some German squads who run to support the harassed troops in the VL buildings.

    The FO decide to advance to a new position with clear LOS (in a small building behind the strong tall building), because some of the last shells have exploded dangerously near the B platoon. The tank, meanwhile, continue with area fire against the west VL building and his occupants starts to withdraw. D platoon almost reach his deployment positions.

    Then, the west VL building collapses. His remaining occupants withdraw to the other 3 buildings who are now exposed to fire. One squad of the C platoon runs to a small building near the church (while D platoon runs 100 m. behind him) but the they starts to receive heavy fire from the church and the south VL building, reducing the squad to a half. A couple of german squads runs from the east VL to the curch, taking some casualties while crossing open ground.

    The FO reaches his new position an immediatly orders to fire to the VL, this time with a clear LOS across the rubble. The tank advances to the right to have clear LOS to the Germans in the church and starts firing at them. The D platoon deploys in a strong tall building west of the church (over the two floors) and starts firing at the germans in the church when they see a German Halftrack who quickly advances directly towards them. D platoon receives the HT with a rifle salvo and he stops. Meanwhile, the tired PIAT walks to the D platoon building. In this moment, a Badger flamethrower appears, advancing quickly to support B platoon who are stopped in his building.

    But the HT isn’t stopped definitively. When he advances only to 20m. to D platoon building, the Canadians see with horror he’s a flamethrower HT who, in only 5 seconds and with only 2 shots, turn to flames the strong building with D platoon in it and the small building occupied by the brave C platoon squad. They all withdraw, some broken. In the other side of the road, the situation is a mirror: the Badger has reached a fire position and has flamed a tall light building plenty of German squads and MG’s. The 3” mortars shells, meanwhile, starts to fall over the 3 remaining VL buildings, and the Germans in it are all taking cover.

    With the Badger flaming all who moves, the 3” shells hammering the VL buildings and the C platoon covering them, the B platoon make some advance to the small building in front of them. B platoon can see a lot of German squads who runs to the east, probably panicked. In the other side, the weary PIAT try to outflank the HT, but just when he take LOS of the HT, an accurate MG round kill the entire team. The tank has starts to move to fight with the HT who is retreating in reverse to a safe place (at this moment the VL flag turns from German to Neutral, turn 19).

    While the Badger give a ration of flames to a couple of German squads in the rubble, the B platoon runs directly to the north and south VL buildings causing a general withdraw of the mauled remaining German squads in it. D platoon charges towards the church, occuping it, with the tank aid. The German HT remains in a safe place, shooting sporadic MG rounds. The FO redirects fire in front of B platoon and in the middle of a bunch of panicked German squads who run to the east. (the VL flag turns to Canadian, turn 20).

    The German have placed some islands of resistance in a few small buildings and wooden patches east of the VL buildings but a quickly advance of the Badger (who just flamed a wooden patch plenty of German squads) and the heavy 3” mortar fire continuosly fallen causes another general German rush. D platoon is safely placed in the church, firing to all the Germans in sight and B and C platoons are firing from the VL buildings, now all in his hands. The tank advances along the road left to the church, hunting the HT who is in the far side of a wooden patch east of the church.

    The tank, finally, reaches the HT position, killing him with a point blank shot. The Badger just flamed another wooden patch and a tall light building NE of the VL and the FO is shelling the running Germans. The battle is almost over and the Volkssturm battalion are disbanded.

    In the last minutes of the battle, the Canadians just remain in position, spending their last ammo rounds in the few German squads who aren’t routed.

    The final results are (Allied Major Victory):

    AXIS (27)

    218 casualties (46 KIA)

    1 vehicle knocked out

    111 men OK

    ALLIED (73)

    65 casualties (17 KIA)

    59 men OK

    Well, I'm waiting anxiously for the White4's AAR. He's a good writer and knows how to put the feeling in it.

    C'mon man! I'm writing now the Nothing Fancy AAR!

  4. I live in Madrid, Spain, and a few Km. from my home, in the Ciudad Universitaria (University City) was one of the bloodiest fronts of all the Spanish Civil War. I remember, when I'm only 5 years old (in 1967, 28 years past the end of the war) I was in that zone with my parents, walking at the countryside. Then I saw something white ... I ran to it and when I was over it, I saw with horror it was part of a human backbone. With 5 years, I was afraid of skeletons so, recognizing that as a part of one of them, I ran crying to my father's arms. We immediatly went back to the car, but at the side of the path I saw part of a skull ... imagine that.

    Well, I remember that day perfectly because those images impact me during years. And years after, studying history I could understand how in the heck those things were there. The rain probably washed the terrain and the bones appeared ... I don't know, but I don't want to find again nothing like that in a battlefield.

    Recently, a few months ago, I was in a small village of the north of Spain in an ancient house of a friend. He was repairing the roof, and before this, he needs to clean up the attic, plenty of old things. "Watch that thing I encountered" said my friend. Then he gave me a little bag of strong material. Inside was a perfectly preserved gas mask his grandparents has during the war, to prevent a gas attack.

    Sometimes it's not neccesary to go to the battlefield to find war souvenirs smile.gif

    [ February 21, 2002, 01:53 PM: Message edited by: Leta ]

  5. Originally posted by IronChef4:

    Does anyone else think that it would be cool to make a mod based on the Spanish civil war?

    I's possible in CMBB. You have almost all the stuff you need. Partisans as Communist and Anarchist Militias (great look with his red/black caps), Russian Army as Republicans and International Militias and Germans as Nationalist Army. And Italians as Italians, of course. :D

    You have some of the tanks that fought there too. The Panzer Mark I or the russian BT-5.

    Aaaaa... if I only know something about painting and Photoshop ...

  6. I use hotmail for PBEM without problems. To better manage it, use MSN Explorer. With it, you can handle the attachments properly and store the received e-mails in your hard disk. Also, with the MSN Messenger, you'll be notified when a new message arrives (very interesting to play quickly if you have the time). You can download both programs from Microsoft's page.

    For larger PBEM files, follow SuperTed advise and use icqmail.

  7. Blood'n'Steel Report:

    "Oh man! This is a total carnage!. From my observation point I can see at least eighteen smoke columns scattered along the whole battlefield. I see abandoned tanks, jeeps and other vehicles by dozens from here to horizon, his crews running in panic. American and German wreckages are melted everywhere. More and more tank columns are arriving to the slaughterhouse this battle is ... It's a total madness. Leta out."

  8. Today, searching for some data I encountered this Canadian AFV I never saw before ...

    The Skink

    If you read the data in this link, you can see that at least one of them see action in the Western Front.

    I think will be great to see that in the re-writing of CMBO with the CMII engine, with an extreme Rarity factor, of course.

    But there are another interesting data ...

    " Using HEIT ammunition, the Skink proved most valuable in setting fire to buildings, thus forcing the enemy out into the open "

    and ...

    " In one instance, the Skink attacked a building occupied by 50 enemy soldiers. Ten of them were wounded by HEIT fragments, the others surrendered in terror "

    Now I understand the value of those evil Quad 20mm when attacking a building tongue.gif

    [ February 13, 2002, 02:44 PM: Message edited by: Leta ]

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