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Posts posted by Leta

  1. As Dave H said in the Newbie Tournaments thread, we must post our AAR's for public knowledge. But I feel soooo lazy sometimes ...

    Ok. Here is my "Blind's Man Bluff" AAR. To see the Commander (my opponent) version, go to page #1.

    In the 2-3 first turns I try to order my platoons in a "wedge" formation, rejoining the split squads to get more firepower in every unit. One platoon was formed on each side, near the edge, walking amongst the trees. Another platoon was formed aside and a little bit forward, to assist in case of a firefight. The 2 sharpshooters stay ahead, separated, sneaking and hiding, trying to see any Polish unit while remain undetected.

    Maintaining this formation, my platoons go forward, sneaking across the trees.

    At turn 8-10 (I don't remember exactly) my left flank suddenly crash with a Polish force. An intense exchange of shots starts and my men suffered some casualties (Commander's men suffered casualties too. I hear the shouts ...). While the firefight continues, I order 2 squads of the other platoon that run to catch the Commander's men from the back. The Polish, caught in a crossfire withdraw. Some of his squads try to escape running across open ground towards his lines, but 2 SMG squads take care of them. A minute later 3-4 dead Polish bodies lay in the field. Meanwhile, the other squads finished with the stiff resistance of a fierce Polish squad that figth to the last man. When the silence returns, my men (with aprox. 15 casualties) continue walking quietly.

    2-3 turns later, my rigth flank heard a sound. Then, the external platoon gets a "hiding" position until they discovered a Polish force moving slowly in open ground. A turn later, with 3-4 units in sight, the entire platoon open SMG fire. The Polish, caught in open ground, take a lot of casualties, with 2-3 squads completely dead. Another 2 squads (obviously in panic) runs towards the trees full of Germans. The few of them who reached the tress were soon dead. A few Polish squads were able to return fire, causing 4 german casualties, before they runs to safety. After the fight, my left flank continued walking, with 2 squads in the rear, to prevent a Polish counterattack.

    But nothing more occurs. All my remaining units (the 2 sharpshooters, 2 entire platoons, 1 with a few casualties and 1 mauled) reaches their objective. Finally, the result was 71-29 for me, if I remember well ...

    Commander plays the game with a clever strategie, but he had bad luck. My units spotted his Poles sooner and this (in my opinion) changed the balance to my side.

    Well, I found in Commander a great PBEM player (our 3 following games ended in a draw) and a friend.

    Hey, Commander! Watch your e-mail! My response to your last message are there ...

    And thanks Superted for this incredible tournament.

  2. I accept all your points Splash. But I didn't say in my post what kind of Polish are there. :confused:

    BTW, I'm calm too and having a LOT of fun.

    Eeeeeh ... Don't keep me waiting long time or Pfc. Dunsel probably starts to hate you.


    And you'll NEVER know how I think. Why? Because I don't know it either ;)

    Stay alert and have fun.

  3. OK boys, another game comes to an end.

    Commander and me finally finished Blind Man's Bluff and Mighty Mouse today in a fierce TCP/IP battle. We haven't any experience with this game mode before but ... Oh, man! Nobody knows how GREAT is this game until play in TCP/IP! Really amazing.

    In BMB the Germans (me) achieved a 71-29 victory. We have only 2 encounters along the game but ... the number of casualties were extremely high. In the first encounter, a German platoon collided with the Poles. After a bloody close combat the two forces were near to be anihilated. Fortunately for me, when the fight ends there are more Pole dead bodies in the ground than Germans.

    The second encounter occurs in the opposite side of the map. Another German platoon in a patch of tall pines sighted a Pole one moving in open ground. Well, after a minute of SMG fire almost the entire Pole platoon lay in the grass. The Germans had only four casualties.

    In MM ... well I don't want to give any spoilers to all the people who didn't play it yet. I only want to say that the battle was a real carnage. MM is a very tactical battle, with lots of good points for an ambush and lines of approach for your forces. And Commander played it very well. We finally achieved a Draw, 46 for the Axis, 54 for the Allies, with our forces really decimated.

    Ok, I'm ready! Who are my next opponent?

    [ 12-15-2001: Message edited by: Leta ]</p>

  4. I use mortar parks situated behind tall buildings with great LOS. Then I put an HQ unit in the second floor spotting for the mortars.

    In defensive battles it works well against attacking infantry moving across open ground or scattered trees. They cannot see where are the mortars so they cannot guide the counter battery fire.

    It's important, as Michael emrys says, to hide the HQ unit due to avoid a non-desirable long range fire (and consequent spotting of the HQ unit).

  5. No Russelmz, the highest officer rankings for both US and British are Battalion HQ. When I changed the force balance (increasing a little bit the Amis and decreasing the Brits) the icons changed according to the new balance.

    Reading your post I tried to simulate the conditions you describe (with 1 Brit. HQ Btn. and an entire US Rifle Company) and after several experiments the icons ALWAYS show the US star and the german cross.

    How can you do it? :confused:

  6. "Combat Mission is the first and only computer strategy game I've ever played"

    Hey! What a lucky guy! You hit in the bull's-eye with your first choice! :cool:

    Seriously, I'm playing Tactic & Strategic computer games for years and now I'm sure I'll not play any other game than CM for many years ahead (exception: CM2, CM3, etc.)

    Answering to your questions: No, there's no in-game stats, except for the morale and victory level you can see at the bottom of your screen.

    And yes, it's possible to see all units once the battle ends. You only have to click in the "Map" button of the final stats screen and you can inspect all units from both sides (the dead and the alive ones). Right click on each unit and then on the "Kills" button to see the targets of that particular unit.

    Only one note: the "Map" button only runs for abttles, not operations. Otherwise, you could know the strength of the enemy forces before the next battle.

    And welcome to the CM world ... ;)

  7. In a recent PBEM game a pair of Jagdpanzer IV were smashing my poor US Infantry. As a last resort, I ordered one of my only two "not panicked" platoons to run right to the jagd (it was buttoned). Once they were at only 1 m. of the tank (they seemed "inside" the tank smile.gif ) started to throw grenades. After the second grenade, I heard a "crangl" sound and the Jagd was inmobilized.

    Well, it wasn't destroyed, but an inmobilized Jagdpanzer is not very dangerous (unless you are in front of him ;) ).

    BTW, the gammon bombs using by the US Airborne units are very effective if used from a top floor. In the "Ramelle - Saving Private Ryan" scenario I could destroy a Tiger this manner.

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