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New Age Santa

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Everything posted by New Age Santa

  1. yep, I need those wacky suckas. Can anyone fill me in on the gamiest units in game and how ou use them to be "gamey" I plan on making a utteraly bizarre scenario melding all the accusations of "gameyness" into one giant..well...you know.. BTW: I am using this forum because the combat mission discussion forum went kaput
  2. How do you rename your unit's commanding officer??? I saw this done in a few scenarios and I was wondering how to do it myself. Also, is there any way you can adjust the ammunition for squads, vehicles, tanks, etc etc??
  3. Nope, the cd is the original copy, it's been in my cd-rom drive for about 40 minutes, it's clean and well-kept and is being read. I deleted the prefs and tried again, nothing. Something is seriously freaky..
  4. ok, so I downgrade and all of a sudden it works again. Wtf?
  5. I just recently updated CM to the latest version and when I up and fired it up...it says CD-ROm required yet I have my cd in the cd-rom drive. What the hell is going on????
  6. A HETZER!?!? :eek: I certainly hope not from the front...
  7. Edit: changed topic name =P Now that I have your attention does anyone recall how the German machine gun doctrine worked, just need to know if I am advancing my troops properly and I haven't been able to find any proper manuals on the subject online at all. Basically when I would do is have have one CO be almost right next to the HMG crew on some kind of overwatch or keyhole position, covering the advance my rifle/smg/whatever infantry went to their destination. When I felt the coast was clear and there is sufficient power already present to cover the HMG crew and CO's advance I move them along to, yep, a keyhole or overwatch position covering the advance of my troops. (BTW: yes I have a CO present with my forces as they advance, and if needed I will bring along a Panzershreck alongside the CO of the advancing squads) So is this basically how it worked or do I have the whole thing totally skewered [ 09-24-2001: Message edited by: New Age Santa ]
  8. I've heard some talk of a scenario mega pack, what is it and where can I find it?
  9. Personally I didn't find his posts smug at all, I think people are just looking for an excuse to fight.
  10. wtf, guys why are you skewering him?? It was probably something called a "FIGURE OF SPEECH" when he said the 80% thing. He really didn't read 80% but he has read alot. And I thought the figure of speech was a common occurence in the English language. What I think he meant was how were the Germans were very succesful early on in the war with what in many cases was inferior weaponry.
  11. LOL! A flamethrower duel, I've never thought of that! I've come up with some ideas though, What about a map only 400 meters wide but 2,000+ meters long. Get some AT guns and tanks and we can have a ultra long range shootout! Or a map called Quality vs. Quantity. It'll be 10 or 15 german Uber Tanks versus swarms of some Allied not-so-uber tanks. (No grogs roast me for that one, I very well know late war Shermans and such were at least on par with quite a few German tanks. I was referring to maybe some Sherman I's or maybe Greyhounds =P....OR DAIDLERS XD)
  12. Any suggestions??? I need a good laugh in CM Unique scenario suggestions also welcome.
  13. Actually I have played almost every single game up there. Half-Life should be in the top five or 10 but NOT number one
  14. Actually I have played almost every single game up there. Half-Life should be in the top five or 10 but NOT number one
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