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Posts posted by tiborhead

  1. I've been playing CM since last April, and even on an extremly low-end computer with a frame rate of like 1 per second and hideously bland textures, I still thought it was the best game out there. When I got my new computer in December, I nearly wet myself at how good it looked, even with stock textures! And a realistic frame rate (droooll)! I remember the first time I started her up. After picking my jaw off the floor, I said with childlike glee "MY GOD, THEIR HEADS ARE TURNING!!!" ahh, memories.


  2. Speaking of bridges, I have an amusing story you might get a kick out of. I was playing as the Germans on a map that I had made simulating a generic river crossing. Well, I was starting across a wooden bridge with infantry and a Tiger when artillery began to fall. My infantry ran for cover and got mauled before they could reach the other side, and the Tiger got imobilized by something (still not sure what did this). Anyhoo,the artillery continues to fall and blows the bridge right where the Tiger was sitting! I don't know if any of you have had this happen before or not, but the tank just vanished. Poof. It was gone. :eek:

    I think the idea of a random generated weight limit for bridges is very interesting, as TCs no doubt had to make hasty decisions

    when crossing unchecked bridges. Good idea Rick.

  3. Infantry Attacks was an excellent book. I urge anyone interested in Rommell, WW1, or war itself to give it a read. I liked it much more than MacDonald's "Company Commander". Don't get me wrong though, Company Commander was a great read too. Currently I'm reading

    " The Bloody Forrest", a book about the Huertgen offensive by Astor. Not that it has anything concerning tactics, it's just a good book. :D

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

    Just to piss off those of you that paid way to much for your Giga-whatver PIII...

    I took a Celeron 600, which is a coppermine PIII ecept with 128k cache, and over clocked it to 900 MHz. No problem. Only cost me 70 bucks with all the parts (Fan, Converter card, processor).

    So naaaaaah.


    FYI, I didn't pay all that much for mine. I got the 1GHz AMD athlon with 64 MB RAM, and a 32 meg card for around $1,300 for the whole package (cpu, moniter, printer, etc. etc.) The only part I got ripped of on is the memory. I got the thing last winter when 64 MB RAM was on the low end of current standards.

    [ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: tiborhead ]

    [ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: tiborhead ]

    Whoa. 3 edits in less than 2 minutes. Is that some kind of record?

    [ 07-11-2001: Message edited by: tiborhead ]

  5. WOW! I must be way behind the times!! :eek:

    I only have 64 RAM and a 1 ghz Athlon and CM runs fine. No slowdown whatsoever unless I play a HUGE operation, or load up on the mods. I was thinking about getting some more RAM, but I haven't the faintest idea of what to get, where to get it, or how to put it in. redface.gif Sorry guys, but to paraphrase oddball from Kelly's Heroes, I just play with em, I don't know what makes em work. I would appreciate any help in this matter.

  6. Hey there. I'm pretty good at designing scenarios, but I suck at operations. My question is this. Is there any kind of formula when deciding the dimentions of the map? Like if I want a op to be, let's say, 9 turns long, night every 5th battle, NML of 400 meters, and starting force size of roughly a company. This is just a quick example, not really what I have in mind, but it should give you an idea of what I'm asking. My ops either end up ending too quickly, or not quickly enough. Any help would be.... well, helpful. :D

    BTW please ignore any spelling, punctuation, or gramatical errors in this post as I'm just getting off work and am in a hurry.

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by panzerwerfer42:

    Has anyone figured out what the vehicle the blows up the church tower is? The one that looks like a marder but has a semi covered top. I know some marders had a slightly covered top but none I can find match that thing.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Yeah, a friend and I were trying to figure out what that thing was. I happened to have a

    book about german armour at the time which gave top, front, and side views of most all

    german AFV's. We couldn't find anything to match either. Despite this and other flaws, it's still one of my favs.

    The movie that is.


    [ 07-10-2001: Message edited by: tiborhead ]

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KiwiJoe:

    close combat muhaha! yeah its real fun watching your tank spin around 180 degrees and charge the enemy ass 1st!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    And let us not forget waiting around for up to a half an hour before the AI actually does anything. I can't count the number of times, when defending, I had to wait like 20 minutes just for the AI to send 1 infantry squad of a flamethrower or something. The exception being CC2. I recall that to be a challenging


  9. Don't get me wrong, I think your CRC proposal would make an interesting simulation, but for the purposes of CM, I don't think so.

    If I understand you right (which I may not, seeing as how I'm an idiot sometimes smile.gif), your proposal would sorta elininate our need to give orders. If the AI was that advanced there would no reason to play the game. smile.gif

    Like I said though, I think it would make a great sim. Taking on the role of a company commander or a lieutenant, seeing the events of the battle from his eyes and having to make on the spot decisions based only on loose info would be challenging to say the least.

  10. This may be kinda stupid, but I'll give it a shot.

    1. How about a multiple tatget order, so as to switch targets every 10-20 seconds. I think it should help with support fire.

    2. This one plays on panzerwerfer42's idea of

    a low ROF. How about an adjustable ROF for squads and mainly MG's. I can't count the number of times I ran out of ammo too early because my rifle squad was firing at an enemy

    just inside max range. I know hide will solve this too, but I still think adjusting ROF from say 2 salvos per round to 8 (or whatever the max is) would be helpful.

  11. If you're looking for a book, I think German Squad tactics of WWII seems good. I can't give a full review though as I had to order it through my library and didn't have a chance to really read it.

    Here's the publishing info if you're interested.

    German Squad tactics in WWII.

    Gajkowski, Matthew

    Nafziger, 1995

    I think it retails around $20 US.

    Hope it helps :D

    [ 07-07-2001: Message edited by: tiborhead ]

  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Enoch:

    It seems your gf might be a budding armchair general!

    Have fun.

    [ 06-29-2001: Message edited by: Enoch ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I don't know about that. Even though she likes CM now, I still think she's more partial to Diablo 2. Especially now that the expansion is coming out. I hope she doesn't pull that whole " Well, you'll have to wait until I finish with diablo until i play a rematch." thing just to have the one up.

    Wait. Does my first victory count or not, seeing as how it was her first game and all?

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by StugIII:

    Will you let us know if she comes home one day with The Complete Guide to German Armor of WWII or something similar? Then you'll know she's hooked :D<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Nah. I should be so lucky. She's too busy reading trashy Anne Rice stuff.

    As far as using Tigers or Panthers, some one on the last thread said I was a gamey bastard

    for using them against her. Oh well, I guess you can't win 'em all.

  14. Hello again. Well, we finished up our game last night and I'm just getting around to add the 2nd and final installment of this epic(?)

    battle. We left off at the end of turn 13. If you want to hear about the first half, go to the "Tiborhead vs his girlfriend update" thread.

    Turn 14: My left platoon is pretty much decimated, and the left VL is about to fall. About halfway through the turn a squad from my center platoon arrives just in time to hold off a enemy rush on the small house right near the VL. Fierce hand to hand combat ensues with both sides taking some losses. Meanwhile, the push on the right suddenly pulls back and dissapears into some pines.

    I decide to hold the platoon there incase this is some elaborate ruse to lure me into an ambush. The center is more or less uncontested thanks large in part to the Stug.

    Turn 15: The threat on my right flank seems to have subsided for now. In the center, I order my Stug carefully to the left about 5 meters so as to get a los to the left VL. Halfway there, one of the sherms on the ridge to the right gets a good side shot but misses. The Stug gets behind the cover of some pines before a second shot is fired (whew). My Stug immediatly begins targeting a second squad rushing to the small house where the hand to hand is taking place. After a few shots from the main gun the enemy starts a hasty retreat smile.gif, and moments later, my reinforce squad finishes off the remaining enemy squad. I also have my FO target a cluster of trees to the left of the left VL, as that seems to be where she launching these rushes from, but it hasn't arrived yet.

    Turn 16-18: Well, just when things start to look up BLAMM!! my Stug goes up in a pillar of flame. Aparantly one of the sherms was able to get just enough LOS through the trees to hit me in the side :mad:. Before I know it, the other sherm starts speeding towards the left VL along with more infantry from the

    trees to the left. She's just taken her first VL. I decide to pull the right platoon back to the right VL which is guarded by 2 HMG42s. The center remains calm.

    On turn 17 I decide to risk it and send my right platoon to try and retake the left, while center platoon (now 2 squads and a platoon leaded) remain in place as one of her tanks, which I thought was a sherman but was really an m-10 creaps forward right in front of them. They're all hiding in tall pines, so

    I'll try to hit him with grenades and my 'fausts when he gets close enough. My arty finally arrives and manages to slow her advance alittle. Turn 18 deals with right platoon rushing behind center's location on their way to attack the enemy's newly aquired and thus poorly defended VL. All the while, the M-10 continues to draw closer to it doom.


    BTW I should mention that this is a 25 turn battle just for clarity. Don't know if I mentioned that or not.

    Turn 19: well, my FO runs out of ammo towards the end of the turn, but still manages to supperess some of her infantry. By this time I loose sight of her sherman, but the M-10 pulls a few meters from center platoons position and stops. Seconds later, grenades

    are flying through the air towards the M-10.

    Not one of them is effective, and for some reason the squads decide NOT to use their 'fausts even though the target is like 8 meters away!?!? After a few seconds of this, the M-10 takes off to my left toward the VL and vanished behind a hill. Right platoon is now in the woods behind the left VL but they are tired so I decide to rest them for a turn.

    Turn 20-22: Turn 20 is rather uneventful. However on turn 21 right platoon begins it's assualt on the left, and quickly gain a toehold in the small house and scattered trees. It would seem I'v caught her off guard. Midway into turn 22, the enemy units around VL left are fleeing in panic. But towards the end the sherman makes a grand re entrance along with a rag-tag bunch of infantry. The M-10 is still unseen.

    Turn 23: The sherman along with the infantry

    begin to make mince-meat out of right platoon. Simultaniously, the enemy thrust into my right flank which broke off back in turn 14 re-emerges dangerously close to the right VL. :eek: I decide to pull my center platoon leader and another squad to help out on the right, while I abandon my hopes of holding on to the left and have them withdraw into the woods behind them and move fast to reinforce the center as I am spreading myself too thin.

    Turn 24: This is gonna be close. She holds left VL, I hold the center, and right is in question. The back-up force from center arrives at the right VL just in time, while the retreating right platoon gets caught in an open spot between the buring house and the center platoon and recieves heavy fire from the sherm and some small arms. This cancels any hope of effectivly reinforcing the center VL.

    Turn 25: This is it. The remnants of right platoon crawl to the safety of the trees housing center platoon. This is about the time the M-10 reappears and puts the ownership of the center VL in question.

    On the right, despite a desperate attempt to take back VL right, at the end of the turn it remains in question, resulting in an allied minor victory.

    She won? :(

    I blame the loss of this battle on my greed

    as I should have just held what I had instead of trying to retake the left, and slightly on my VETERAN PZ grenadier squad for not using their fausts on the M-10. But I'm not bitter. Far from it. I'm actually kinda glad she won. It gives her confidence and hopefully she won't tell me that she sucks after every turn. Oh well, It was fun either way and I look forward to our next match.

    Well that's it. I hope you enjoyed it, smile.gif

  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Scipio:

    tiborhead, can you send me a backup?

    I mean of your girlfriend, not of the game. I will try to install it on local hardware :D<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Sure. I'll make a copy of her tonight and send it to ya. :D Seroiusly though, I don't know how I found her. If you only knew the crap she lets me get away with. smile.gif

    She's great.

    As far as her being a member of the forum, I don't know. I suppose it's possible though.

    Someone suggested I tell her about the forum

    so she could get some 3rd party advice.

    It doesn't look as though she needs it though.

    [ 06-27-2001: Message edited by: tiborhead ]

  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Enoch:

    I thought the whole point of you playing against your girlfriend was to bring you closer???

    [ 06-27-2001: Message edited by: Enoch ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    It is if you think about it. Aside from the healthy level of competition, we spent about 5 hours playing yesterday. Usually one of reads while the other takes the computer (she usually plays Diablo 2). So, It is sorta bringing us closer, we're just developing a

    slight suspicion of one another is all

    (Hmm I bet she's plotting against me at work). :D

  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

    I'm sure there are plenty of games on store shelves that had more time spent on the design of the box than on the manual or even the game itself. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Yep. Just go to your local gaming store and you're sure to find a ton of silver foil, hologram, super embossed, special edition, game boxes. Most of which contain lousy games. As for the sight needing a revamp, maybe just a small one. IMO function takes precedence over form.

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