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Posts posted by tiborhead

  1. Just be glad you didn't order it right when it was released. I waited over a month for my copy. With each passing day, the anger and frustration mounted. Finally, after a long days work, a small package protruding from my rusty mailbox could be seen shimmering in the afternoon sun. It had finally come. I can tell you this right now, all that wait made the arrival of that oversize white envelope even better. So relax, It'll get there.

  2. While your quest for the past is noble, my friend, I'm not so sure it is one you should embark upon. Suppose the knowledge you find is too much for you young mind to handle, and you go into a comatose like state. On the otherhand, what if this first thread you seek contains nothing but "Hi Mom smile.gif" or "Bump" posts, thus shattering your lifelong goal once you attain it.

    I say leave the past to the past and live for the present.

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MichaelU:

    I've found that the way to avoid shopping or watching chick flicks is to make the experience of making me do either so unpleasant it's not worth it. Highly effective. The moment I walk into a shop I become quite grumpy and brood menacingly in the background. During chick flicks I make constant comments on how unrealistic and crappy the movie is.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Amen brother. I used the sarcastic quips technique during chick flicks and I no longer have to watch them with her. smile.gif

    She rents them and watches them while I'm at work. As for shopping, I guess I'm lucky. We both shop for the same things, games. :D I don't have to spend time watching her try on 153 pairs of pants or whatever. It's great!!

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nick Panzer:

    Then there's the more acertive approach, just point to the general direction of the entrance of your abode and say, "There's the door!" There's a standing rule in my house, "Until you make more money than me, no whining!"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Ouch! You don't mess around do you?

  5. You could always take a tip from the Seinfeld episode when Jerry fed his girlfriend a bunch

    of turkey and wine. When she fell asleep, He would play with her antique toy collection. :D I used to think of women as time bandits.

    When you're single, you almost have too much time (at least that was the way it seemed).

    But when you're tied dow.. er.. in love, your amount of free time dwindles to a few measly hours a week. Spending time watching "chick flicks" becomes almost a full time job. (Shudder) But I guess I'm lucky, as my girlfriend plays CM with me occasionally, and we alternate computer time (since she's a Diablo 2 freak).

    [ 08-04-2001: Message edited by: tiborhead ]

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan:

    The mood in this forum lately reminds me of the times when everybody played the beta demo and eagerly awaited the gold demo and the final game.

    There is a glimpse of CM2 on the horizon,

    more and more features of the game come to light, everybody is a bit bored or itchy, we have more flames, more padlocks and Steve starts to post more regularly...

    Things get definitely more interesting.


    Yep. I said the same thing yesterday in one of the locked threads, the CombatMissions: Tiger mods one I think. 100% agree.

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bucsman:

    Richard, Hi!

    Maybe it is more like taking a pack of matches from a person who is sniffing gasoline and closing up the can. I have only lurked for three months, my friends longer, but it seems the threads are locked up because people can't take criticism. And you could tell that no one was reading the other posts. So if the place just becomes a place where people are gunning for each other, why not shut it down?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Can't argue with lurker logic. :D I swear, sometimes I think the really intelligent ones are the lurkers to tell you the truth. They don't say much, but what they say says alot. Not like me. :(

  8. Come on guys, enough is enough. I don't intend to irk anyone here, but all that could be said has been said. There's no reason to start another one of these threads is there? How many threads did the dead body thread spawn? Like 3 or 4 I think. And did any of them solve anything? No. I know it probably wasn't your intention to start another one rlh1138, but I get a sneaky suspicion that this one will end up locked too. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, LET THE MADDNESS END!!! :(

  9. After considering what Slapdragon said in the last thread of this subject, I tend to agree with him. They just shoot way too fast. I'm not too sure on this, just theory really, but the if the sharpshooter fires 4 3-4 round "bursts" every round, it's no wonder they dry up so fast. This is why I'd like to see an adjustable ROF for all units. Sorry, I just think it's a good idea. :D

    <posted by At the Drive In>

    why do snipers only have 10 rounds?.... i think they are worthless, at least none ofmine have ever killed anyone. they always run out of ammo... or maybe i don't use them right? ANY ideas?

    Use only genuine, CM approved elite or crack sharpshooters. That should solve your problem. ;)

  10. I think I can explain all this hostility that's been floating around here lately. Ahem... here goes... People are just a little moody because they're waiting for CM:B2B to come out. :D Seriously, I think that whole fiasco was just silly. As stated, it wasn't all that bad. Everyone overreacted, especially Tiger. Not that other parties didn't contribute to this mess, but as Steve said, he started it. The lesson to be learned

    from all of this, I suppose, is that whenever tempers start to flare and you find yourself being lured into one of these flame wars, just stop for a minute. You know, smoke a ciggy, have a cup o coffee, pound down a few shots of vodka, whatever. Just don't let it get to you. I was a lurker here for a LONG time because a while ago (April 2000) I joined the forum and made the mistake of bringing up a pacific theater thread and immediately got slammed with replies such as

    "DO A SEARCH, STUPID NEWBIE!!!!" and the like. Granted I should have used the search, but did I deserve that? Needless to say I was quite intimidated by this and was afraid to post any of my opinions. Now I just don't give a $#!^. This is sort of off topic, but I've seen a lot of this sort of thing lately.

    Well, maybe all the tension and anger will dissipate when CM:B2B is released, and we'll return to our happy little family in no time. :D

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gen-x87H:

    Shaprshooters are not snipers. They are really only good for taking out tank commanders. Usually I have found they miss but spook the commander into the tank and button up.

    A true sniper unit would be worthless on the battlefield. Most snipers would have taken 1 shot killed somebody and moved on. They would not be unloading thier arsenal into an uncomming company with tank support.


    I know they're not snipers, just used the word "sniper" because that's what some people refer to them as. :D

    The 10 'shots' is game abstraction. They can fire ten times, but that doesn't mean they fire ten rounds. It's like the other infantry ammo - you have 40 ammos for your squad, bud of cause that doesn't mean you have only 40 rounds per squad, or that every single soldier in the squad has 40 rounds.

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