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Posts posted by olandt

  1. I've heard in a couple of spots now about how a SMG rush is "Gamey". Why is that? Isn't the POINT of a SMG squad is to have overwhelming firepower at point blank range? To get to point blank range, you need to rush them. I thought this was just good infantry tactics.

    The Germans knew this, that's why the squads where created. In fact, they had a predessesor in WWI where the germans used similar squads to great effect in their last big west front offensive. As far as being common on the battlefield, someone else posted that the Volksgrenedier squads composed 40% of the Army at one point (I'll have to find the post).

    Something I find gamey is the tactic of ordering artilery barages on single spot and then cancelling them, and then reordering, basically emulating a TRP. THAT's gamey.

  2. Hi,

    I'm still new, but I seem to be an oddball here. All of my games have been versus the AI and I've personally found defending vastly easier than attacking. I've lost only one defense and maybe half of my attacks (mostly when I chose armor, which is why I was seeking advise in another thread). I'm playing my first defense versus a human which I'm expecting to be much more dificult than versus the AI for obvious reasons.

    I think the game is balanced just fine. I can give the advantages of defence, but most people here have probably heard them. That said, I would suggest playing on small map sizes for QBs as it defenately helps the defence to maintain a more cohesive force. I think one of the arts to defence is unit purchase.

    I do find certain units invaluable on the defense, with my number one buy as the German 88 Flak. BEST ALL PURPOSE DEFENDER. For 80 some points you get a gun capable of taking out a lot of the enemy armor, great blast value vs infantry, and AA protection thrown in for good measure. The ammo allotment is evenly split between HE and AP. Snipers are also a very good buy, especially in assaults as they can be great advance warning units and provide suppresion value. And of course, AT bunkers are very usefull. Don't bother with the 88 bunker unless you think your enemy will come with a behemoth. MGs are much more usefull since their primary drawback of being SLOW walkers doesn't affect them as much. I could go on, but I've probably drawn enough flames messages already.


    (who will probably be eating crow after getting trounced in his first defence vs a human)

  3. Hi,

    I was hoping to get input on peoples views of the different artillery tipes and usages. I personally prefer the 81mm for high ammo amounts and cheap costs. I usually only use 105's if I want something heavier. Is the truly heavy stuff worth the lag time and smaller ammo sizes? I've found teh german rockets to be WAY to random for tactical purposes. The 150mm rockets seem good for the prep bonbardment and that's about it. I've routed a few of my own troops with a stray 150 rocket. Finally, what is VT artilerry?

    Are fighters really worth it? The few times I've used them they were great killing HTs but my tank could have done that themselves. They wiffed on the bigger german armor or kepts attacking the same abondoned vehicle.



  4. Hi,

    I'm new to the game, but I've played enough times to recognize my weakness. I can't seem to figure out how to attack with armor. (All of this is against the computer) Defending vs the computer is a sinch unless I really give it lots of extra untis. I'm fine attacking with infantry, but I can't get my shermans to live long enough versus german armor. Part of this has to be due to my inexperience with recon, and my tendency for aggresive action (which seems to work well for the infantry, just not the tanks). I'ld appreciate any advise or links to good attack faqs.




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