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Posts posted by olandt

  1. I think you might need to define your question a bit more. First, for what are you purchasing and which nationality? Is this an attack, meeting engagement or defense? What terrain and what weather, if you know?

    I'll give you my quick suggestions.

    For any of the allies max out your artillery. This is what the allies are good at. I prefer lots of mortars myself, with just a little of the big stuff for those really hard nuts to crack. If you're on the defensive, off map mortars are probably all you'll need. I like em cause of the shorter delay.

    The allied infantry is pretty vanilla, so the only question is how much, which dpends mostly upon terrain. Lots of woods, lots of infantry. Open plains is for tanks.

    Allied tanks tend to better at infantry support rather than duking it out with the big cats. If you know how to flank well, try M18s with the Americans, or cromwell IVs with the Brits. If you want more punch out of the Brits go with Fireflys or challengers. If you want a (slighly) portable pillbox, go with the later churhills.

    The americans offer more protection with the Sherman Jumbo or the Pershing. Generally, the allies favor movement and quantity over size.

    For the germans, you have a large number of options with infantry. Rifle squads are for longer range fights, SMG for extreme short with the rest falling in between. Buy Volksgenadier in Company sized units or greater to avoid the cheezy ALL SMG squads. Germans have lots of good support units, especially for defense. The 20mm flak is pretty good, and I like the 88 flak as well. The 88pak tends to be overkill unless you think your opponent will go the Jumbo route. Inf guns are good as well. The biggest questions is whether to go with a few big guns that pack a mean punch or lots of small ones. Remember that most allied players will immediately target your guns with artillery so you'll have just a few turns with them, unless you can manage to bug them out. German tanks tend to have superior front armor making them difficult to take head on. Allies will try to flank them so keep the cats far back and protect their flanks. The hetzer is a good cheap TD. The front slopped armor will infuriate your opponent. Same goes for the Panther. Don't forget armor slope when choosing a tank. High angles REALLY help. The tiger is not as mean as it might first appear because the armor angle is so low (don't get me wrong, they're still mean, just not invincible).

    Never buy aircraft unless you really like to gamble.

    I have no idea if this helps but clarify your need and I'm sure people will definately chime in.


  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The_Capt:

    Two things:

    Leave the tanks at home, they are sitting ducks to AT teams.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I would disagree. In the heavy fog with visibility at 25m I would argue that the tanks flanks are BETTER protected. If the tanks are positioned correctly with inf support, the AT teams need to come out of their ambush spots to attack. In the game I just played the AI's 75mm AT gun never came into the picture. It makes armor battle REALLY interesting.

  3. Another possible mod for those people who wish to have more conrol over the battlefield would be to give the player control over ONLY the HQs. No top downs just 1 level views from each HQ. It would be neat if you could model in getting lost in the fog and at night as well. Would make those encounters much more difficult and realistic as it would greatly increase friendly fire accidents.

  4. If you are wishing for a better challenge from the AI, attack the AI in heavy fog at night and buy its units for it. Give it plenty of Volkgrenedier squads and no artilery (as visibility will be 25m, and the computer only ever fires at things it can see). Give it some moble AT assets as well. heavy fog at night is TOTAL chaos.

  5. As the map was small (800pt defense) I came in down the left and attacked a small flag seperated from the rest expecting minimal resistance. Instead is was heavily guarded by a HSMG squad. It took 4 inf squads, a 2in Morter, WASP, and Sherman III to take it out, but not until it routed one of my squads and inflicted 12 casualties. But that wasn't the worse part. Just after that the remaining to squads of 1st platoon (with HQ) ran into a 81mm morter which routed BOTH squads before my wasp came to the rescue. Not to be out done, his FO routed a different squad when they tried to enter the building the FO was in. Apparently the FO has a pretty good "BOO!!!"

  6. Holy cow does that make assault tough. I just finish a game versus the AI where I was using main line Brit infantry on the attack versus SMG squads with visibility at 25m. My squads disintigrated upon contact with the enemy and were routed pretty instantly. The only way I was able to win was with Wasps, and my 3 tanks (plus a good dose of 4.2in morters). First, were my squads routing due to the overpowering firepower, or do squads generally panic more easily upon surprise contact. Secound, anyone have good infantry tactics when visibilty is 25m?


  7. I'm not sure if the CRC would add that much CPU demand. CRC would obviouly be tied into the Relative Spotting that BTS is already planning on going ahead with. It could use the same "Message" system, and rightly so. What would be cool would be coding in the runners. Imagine how much more important sharpshooters would become. Not for spotting as they are commonly used now, but for denying communication to the enemy. It would also be cool to code in the radio man with the officer units, making it an item that could be lost.

    What I think the really cool thing they could do, albiet this would definately only work on more powerful computers, would be to then run the game in real time. NO turns. Instead of the current "EYE in the SKY", see the whole battlefield, limit the view to 1st Person commander. Give him a map that keeps track of reports and issue orders on to ease things. I think that would be cool. You could then have an omnicient movie after the battle to see what all happened.

  8. I really like your idea and have been pondering something similar myself. It might also prove to be an interesting way to model the AI. In effect, each officer unit will have to possess it's own AI and you're simply replacing the one on top. By reducing the scope of each AI's area might be a great way to Parralel process the required code. I could see soemthing like the need for Battle plans for your troops. You as Battalion HQ, command Company A to take yonder hill by this path. The Company A commander would then only need to figure out lines within the laid out path. Each Platoon would be given subobjectives and only need to figure those out. Prepared scenarios could come with a selection of possible battle plans that the AI could use, thereby creating a better AI attack. Of course, the AI may already work this way, I don't quite know.


  9. Hi,

    I'm just created a generic US combined arms assault scenario. No gimics, thrills, or attached history. Just a hand created map and hand picked units in a hopefully realistic manner. Plenty of room for the the defender to set up in depth. I will be creating a few more scenarios using the exact same map, but different weather, time, and troop configurations. Email me if you would like it. Feel free to distribute. Just let me know if the map is any good.


  10. Thanks guys,

    That's really helpful. I plan on making a few maps and stocking them with troops but trying to make it in a sort of QB type battle. Basically, reuse the same map with a few different troop configurations. Let the players decide troop placement and actually give the defender plenty of room to decide the best places to defend.



  11. Ah ASL. Unfortunately I was never able to find someone willing to start that up with me, and that was in a gaming club.

    Okay new list:


    No KTs

    Some Panthers

    Some PZ IV (slightly fewer than Panthers)

    Few Tigers


    Stug IIIG and IV?




    Any Sherman






    I don't even know where to begin with the other allies. Cromwells Churhhills ...

  12. I found JasonCs thread on SMGs but didn't see anything on common formations. I'm look for something like; what would reasonably be found in a 2000pt German Armor setup? On offense, on defense. When might you see a Sturmcompanie? (from the german, on attack of course, but were they all that common?) For some things like an American rifle company, sure, they're all over the place. but how about the Jackson or the Chaffee? Do you see more Shermans, Stuarts, or M18s? At the very simplest something like;

    No KTs

    NO Super Pershings

    Lots of Panzer IVs

    Some Panthers

    Few Tigers

    Maybe I need to search better.

  13. Hi,

    I'm looking for a list showing how common each of the different units available in CMBO are. I would like to pick realistic formations for QBs and scenario building, but I'm not a WWII historian and do not have the time to become one (I consider myself a fan of WWII history, but I don't have the indepth knowledge a historian would). What I'm looking for is basically a quick guide to field a force that is reasonable. Of course I could always use vanilla units, but it's fun to include the more specialized units. I just want to include them in a realistic manner. (Help would definately be appreciate for the mirad of AFVs, many of which I have no clue whether they were common or not. I don't remember seeing to many Hetzers in the war films.



  14. Hi,

    If you want a nice scenario for an ambush, try Xmas at Hemroulle (comes with the game) as the Americans. Be sure to hide you hellcats and try to ambush the germans along the main road down the middle with your howitzers. You may need to give the germans some inticement to get them down the road. Engage with a hellcat and retreat it before it dies. If your ambush works right it can be very satisfying. You don't actually NEED the ambush command to do this, but it's the best example I've seen so far.


  15. The AI is better on defense than offense so try playing more attack and assault scenarios. I don't find defending versus the AI very interesting as merely increasing it's pts values generally doesn't add INTEREST to defending vs the AI. It still attacks in the same one large mass movement. With more points, you simply leave more dead AI units (or there are simply TOO many enemy troops and you run out of ammo or are COMPLETELY overrun).


  16. Hi,

    So what are peoples views on the infantry guns afforded to the germans? (I'm only looking at the germans here since I'm primarily concerned with defending as the germans).

    The basic choice seems to come down to pts vs Blast. Do you take 1 150mm gun, or 3 75mm guns? The benefit of the 150mm gun is it's ability to scare the bedjeezus out of enemy infantry and route most squads with the first hit. That said, after the infantry finishes hiding, the gun will be quickly taken out with enemy artillery, giving it at most 4 turns of action.

    The smaller guns give the advantage of cheapnes, meaning you can by more to force the enemy to use more artillery to take them out. Each gun however takes MUCH longer to get the same effect the 150 does.

    The 105 recoiless seems to be a decent compromise, but I'm not convinced. My other thought was to go with hummel. Yes it has limited ammo, but when does your 150mm ever survive long enough to go through more than 15 shots? The hummel's mobility should help it survive against enemy artillery.

    Is there ANY use for the 20mm Flak or 37mm Flak beyond (slightly) annoying fighter/bombers?

    Are field guns worth the pts at all, or should you just go with inf and AFV?


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