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Posts posted by olandt

  1. Hi,

    I'm posting this here since It's a problem related to exchange of pbems, and not technically a CM problem. The Problem is my opponent keeps trying to send me the next turn, but his message is coming in 2 parts. The first message will simply have an attachment that says part1, and the second email will say part2. The problem is I don't know how to reunite the 2 parts so as to be able to download the turn. I've sent and received numerous turns with this opponent before, without this problem. He can even send an old turn to me with no problem, just not the current one. I have no clue what is going on. Someone please help, I'm going through CM withdrawal!!! :eek:

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maj. Battaglia:

    For a tall wall, you can use the bocage with wire. This allows demo charges to blow the wire and infantry to then pass through. The only problem is that bocage can be seen through if you get within 10 meters or so.


    I was under the impression that barbed wire was not destoyable in the game (haven't run into it much so far, so I haven't really tried).

  3. What made me think of the walls was more a west front battle. Didn't the battle around Metz have walls? Other places where you would see walls would be surounding villas or mansions. Not to mention the ghettos or prison camps (which were more wire, but a few walls).

    I definately think they need to implement some sort of sandbagging or reinforcement of buildings. Even just 2 qualities of foxholes would be good, the normal and a reinforced (could represent roof construction). Allow foxholes to exist in buildings, and that can represent sandbags.

  4. Does anyone know if there will be larger walls in CMBB. I'm thinking of something one story high (two game levels). Of course they would need to be modelled with a way to blow them apart.

    Second question revolves around forts and strongpoints. I know trenches are being added, but how about reinforced concrete forts capable of holding infantry? Basically something strong enough to withstand a good artillery pounding.

    Disclaimer, I have no clue how common either of those where on the east front. I think the walls at least would be found in old cities.

  5. If you can get search to work, I posted with a similar subject in the last month. Quickly, cromwells are FAST eggshells, use them like shermans. Churchills are to be used like mobile pillboxes, anti-infantry (get the models with the extra thick armor). The challenger is a decent all around tank, still has mobility to keep it alive but a better gun and better armor than the cromwells. Shermans, are well, shermans. The Sherman Fireflys have a darn good antitank gun on em.

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by danyzn:

    Let me lift the level of obviousness by adding my own guess: I guess the battle was called Black Wednesday because it happened on a Wednesday.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Actually, It was a 2 day battle. "Black Wednesday to Thursday" just doesn't have the same ring. tongue.gif

    Thanks for the great info, links, and ideas. Anyone know if large walls will be modeled in BB. Something one story high? In addition, I remember a strong point in the fortifications. I would love to see concrete shelters for infantry too, not just pillboxes.

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bigdog:

    G4 500 256MB sweet box :cool: BTW any of you guys runinning CM on OSX?

    Big Dog

    [ 07-23-2001: Message edited by: Bigdog ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I was under the impression CM didn't run on OSX do to rave(?) issues. It was also causing problems with writting CMBB for OSX so I believe we won't be getting CM for OSX until the next rewrite. Thats what I sawon a different thread. Someone correct me if I'm wrong (do I really need to say that?).

  8. Any one know how you might model both Spanish AND German troops in the same Scenario for the east front.

    I have an old board game with 5 gagillion little chits that I never actually got to play called Black Wednesday. It is composed around a large Soviet assault on Spanish positions south of Leningrad just as the Germans were being thrown back.

    I would really love to model, but I'm not quite sure how. I think the Spanish were using German kit, but I've no clue what their uniforms look like. And if I wanted to go by the game, I would have to have German reinforcements. I guess I could use HEER for the spanish and SS for the Germans.

    The scenerio will be HUGE!!! 3 Soviet infantry battalions with armor suport attacking a Spanish battalion with some extra companies attached. The Soviets have a TON of artillery, especially prep bombardment.

    I guess the battle was called Black Wednesday because of the catostrophic casualties on both sides.

    So if any can think of how to resolve German and Spanish forces together, plus any other comments, I'ld appreciate it.

    Hey, it's never too early to start thinking about Scenario design for CMBB.


    [ 07-23-2001: Message edited by: olandt ]

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Farnz:

    Pete, all bunkers are 200% efficent when faced away from the impedeing nazi advance, mines don't work on germans, and barb wire improves our vision in fog. Now just tell me how to get ot antwerp or I'll whip out my 300mm rocket<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    So I hope you didn't read my other thread on 300mm rockets until AFTER you bought your forces. Right? smile.gif

    Don't worry, I lined the back of the map with barbed wire so any of my troops who try to run away will be encouraged not to. Don't want anyone leaving too soon. :P

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JasonC:

    I don't use bunkers because they are overpriced,<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I would agree with you on the machine gun bunkers, but a pillbox with a 75mm gun can be had for 130 pts. Thats the price of a cheap tank. Placed in a proper location it can command an entire valley. They are the ONLY AT gun capable of lasting longer than 3 turns (most other guns dieing to artillery in that time). I might consider the 88mm pillbox overpriced as the 75mm should be sufficient to take out most allied tanks. In addition, pillboxes supposedly (I've never tested, just read it in the rule book) get an accuracy bonus.

  11. I was curious to know how much AP and AT minefields and barbed wires people use when defending in QBs. Do you buy just a few, or do you buy a lot? Are 10 minefields worth the price of a squad on a 2000pt defence? They are supposed to be "force multipliers" but in a game where buying them means a smaller force, are they worth the cost?

    And when was the last time someone actually bought a roadblock in a QB?

  12. I tried this a few times on the attack against the computer. The major damage came on a gentle slopes village with little tree cover. I think the toll was high because the troops where huddle in the small areas of cover so that a single rocket would do mega damage. If you wanted to increase the effect, I think you might try to space out the hits slightly in time. Basically to route a few units with the initial volley and then wipe them out with a second volley when they're running.

    As for attack versus defense, I would think the rockets would work better on attack. The delay on them is so large that unless your using trps as the defender, it will be difficult to time the strike. (I'm not saying it can't be done, just harder). In addition, the attacker has a MUCH greater number of possibilities on routes to the attack and setup. You can usually guess relatively closely where the defender will be setting up, and cloes does count with horseshoes and 300mm rocket barrages. The final advantage is in the points. The attacker gets a much larger credit towards artillery, and due to the randomness of the rockets, you need a large number to make up for the randomness. 25 300mm rockets may miss the good spots. 100 300mm rockets have a much greater chance of hitting and will devastate the epicenter with a fair amount of certainty.

    And yeah, with CMBB, I assume we'll need to start getting use to this.

    Gen-x87H : You must of been really desperate for a game if you let someone refuse maps multiple times. If the general orders you to defend that rediculous location, then you defend there. Gees, email me instead if you ever that needful of a game. And, uhh, no rockets... smile.gif

  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pak40:

    Well, I always play with one of the preset force restrictions (combined arms, infantry, mechanized, armor) and never with the unrestricted setting that could allow a person to buy such a rocket arsenal. What's the fun in playing someone like this? The rockets are shot and then the game is over. There's no strategy or tactics or any actual combat, sounds pretty lame to me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Well, I'ld have to agree with you, which is why I did this against the computer to see what sort of effect this type of barrage would have. As far as unrestricted vs the other go, unrestricted gives only a marginal increase in artillery allotment. In the test above I had 3000 points to spend on everything, 1050 of it which can be spent on artillery in unrestricted. Armor, CA and infantry allow 900 point of artillery which is still plenty enough for one heck of a barrage. It can be thought of as prep bombardment. On second thought I might use this versus an opponent, but only if I get to see the look on his face. smile.gif

  14. Try this cheese on. I just did a 2000pt attack scenario as germans against the computer. ALL of my arty was 300mm rockets. (except for a couple of 150mm rockets to round out the points). After the smoke cleared, the computer had 102 casualties out of 250 men and several of his tank were either imobilized or gun damaged. Half the town was flattened. What I want to know is, has anybody actually ever done that in a real game vs an opponent? Come on, fess up!

  15. This gives me an interesting idea for defending towns. Place your bazooka team in the center of a building so that it can't see the enemy aproaching. Take a shot with the bazooka once the enemy has entered the building, and if the bazooka shot doesn't get the enemy squad, maybe the building will.

    Might also be useful on the offensive. Enemy machine gun in a 2 story. Run your bazooka in, lbow up the building. Sorta like the dwarven demolition squads in Warcraft.

    Exlamer: Yes I know this is an extremely cheesy, gamey idea tongue.gif:D

  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by JasonC:

    As for the problem with "playing fair" in unit selection and then the other guy takes all paras and Churchills, I agree that can be a problem. In two senses - one, when it isn't anything discussed beforehand and one gets "surprised" by the practice of an opponent, and two when one needs lectures beforehand about what one can't use, etc. Half the point is to *avoid* the "you can't take SMGs" whines.

    What about a Fionn like set of agreed settings? It can be anything goes, like now. As alternates agreed levels (akin to "75" and "76"), one can specify "few automatics" or "many automatics".

    "Few automatics" would mean Allies avoid overuse of paras i.e. you can take paras but don't mix force types, use them with armor, etc, while in return the Germans use infantry types with 1 LMG per squad and some rifles in each (rifle 44 and 45, security, VG rifle, pioneers, etc), not all SMG or all 2-LMG squad types. "Many automatics" means the Germans can take the other types as much as they want, and the Allies can use paras mixed with other force types, with armor, etc, as much as they want.


    An alternative to many/few rules is simply to but units at the appropriate level, by which I mean, if you buy 3 platoons, you must buy a company instead. For volksgrenadiers this means one rifle44 platoon for every 2 SMG platoon. You should be forced to buy the Battalion if you are purchasing 9 platoons and the Battalion cost is not greater than 50-80% of your total allotement (some Battalions will have truly inappropriate units for attacking and to preserve force mix necesitates leaving some of the support units home)

    As for tests, I don't need no stinking tests. tongue.gif

  17. CM is meant to represent the battle after preperatory barrages and other "pre-battle" activities have occerued. One of those activities that directly effect the actually battle is the amount of recon gather on an opponent before the battle actually takes place. I find having to spend time in a battle doing recon that should have been done "pre-battle" annoying at times. Therefor, I would like to suggest the following for QBs.

    As part of the setup point purchse, allow a player to buy so many points of recon. Buying this recon would result in certain features of the opponents setup being revealed. Units symbols would appear on your screen during setup similar to the lost contact symbols currently seen in the game. Sound contacts might also be shown. Of course inaccurate info would be possible as well. The problem, the opponent needs to have setup something in the first place, so only the second player will benefit. This can be solved one of 2 ways. The simple way is to only allow recon on probe/attack/assaults for the attacker and have the defender setup first. The second, more complicated way is to have 2 stages of setup. The first setup phase will be normal. The second phase for each player will include the recon gleaned from the first phase. However, fortifications and entrenchments will be locked down. Meaning you can move that squad of inf, but their foxhole stays where it was dug. Certain guns such as the Flak88 will also not be allowed to move. One may wish to limit the number of units that are moved as well.

    Thoughts, comments?

  18. If you read the book "The Green Beret" theres a chapter where a special forces unit in vietnam calls a gunship attack inside his perimeter. Of course, I don't know if you can believe the book or not. I heard of a similar account during the Gulf war as well. (recon unit behind lines). If you know it's coming and they don't, you at ;east have a btter chance than your enemy.

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