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Posts posted by MeatEtr

  1. Although the sound of flies around corpses as B56 says would be a nice touch.

    But only when the camera is down there near some corpses. I just don't wanna listen to flies buzzing around all battle long.

    Wait a minute, I just got a brilliant idea, if they do in fact include flies buzzing around corpses. Then the deluxe CMBN version should include a flyswatter. Damn thats pure genius! :D

  2. There use to be a set of rules for the hardcore FOW players, was named ____ Rules, I forget. It relied on the player to abide by them though. It was mostly restricted camera movement, like no elevating the camera above ground at all and you can only lock to a unit to look around.

    Always wondered why BF didn't implement some kind of hardcore FOW skill level. Or at least give us more options to fine tune the game to a players preference. Great example of this is the robust options of the IL2 series. I know it's a very different genre, but could still be done for CM, at least to some extent.

  3. Ooooh, seeing the closeup of the Thompson SMG from SPR makes me sooooooo want to post a closeup screenshot of CM:BN's Thompson SMG. I swear ours looks more authentic, you can even read the serial numbers and manufacturers stamp on ours! Damn you, non-disclosure agreement! :(:P

    MikeyD, I hereby give you permission to show us a close up of the Tommy gun. If Steve or any other powers that be question you, just tell them Meat said it was ok. You'll be fine! :eek:

  4. That's awesome MeatEtr. I once tried to make a zombie scenario with hordes of zombies trying to get a well-armed squad. I imagined that I would take a hundred or so elite fanatic red "civilian" observers with an aggressive AI plan. It didn't work out as I envisioned. :D

    Check out MarkEzra's "Scoop's Big Adventure". :D

    Thanks man! I like that zombie idea too, BF needs to fix or do somefink to make zombie hordes possible. :D

    I did play Marks Scoop's scenario, good quirky fun for a change of pace from the usual.

    I got a series from what I did with CMBB(never released publicly) that I might do for CMBN . But as I never really fully tackled the CMSF editor, the CMBN editor will be mostly new to me.

  5. 3 families ?

    Last i heard the following was about right:

    CMBN base game

    - module 1 commonwealth

    - module 2 market garden

    - module 3 buldge ?

    - module 4 power pack odds and ends + cool stuff

    CM russian front base game:

    - module 1

    - module 2

    - module 3

    Product 3 ?

    Please fill in "?" where appropriate :)

    Oh and a lot of this stuff is still just a concept i believe i.e not set in stone.

    No, there's gonna be 2-3 familes per front, not a single family per front. So for the Western Front, I think the 2nd family starts at Bulge. So on and so forth, I forget the details.

    IIRC their gonna start the East Front family at Bagration, then have a late war family and also a early war family. I think.

    There use to be a sticky with details of this stuff, maybe an update will get posted again soon. Like that 'road ahead' thread from awhile back.

  6. I attempted to make a joke scenario for CMSF, but never got around to finishing it. It was gonna be called something like "Battlefront HQ Uprising" which depicted the BF community assaulting the BF HQ demanding more info about CMBN, then referred to as CMN. It would of been complete with their bio pics in the intel image, yes even that little jar with Charles brain was gonna be in the image.

    But I'm lazy! :D

  7. A search of the forums should turn it up, but I believe it's been said that BFC plans on two Eastern Front games with 2 to 3 modules each.

    Actually I think that initial estimate has been bumped up to three families with 2-3 mods a piece. Probably a bit too early to accurately predict though.

  8. I hope down the WW2 road we will eventually get hit decals, blackened hulls and thrown tracks. Even just a gun barel drop like CMx1..

    Agree with getting damage decals, I think pretty much everybody would like it. But there already is gun barrel drop in CMSF. Maybe not for abandoned tanks, but I've seen the gun barrel pointing downward on at least some KOed tanks.

    So I'm sure we will at least have this for CMBN.

  9. No, it won't unfortunately. However, hopefully sometime later this year we will be able to integrate this functionality into our Browser Toolbar. The API for the toolbar was recently much improved with a number of new powerful functions, which should allow us to finally complete that project. The idea is (among others) that you could be browsing the net and the toolbar would alert you when a new turn came in, and would allow you to grab the PBEM file, launch the game, and then later upload your PBEM file. An online opponent finder and improved chat (better than what is there now) would also be part of it. However... it will take some time after the Normandy release to complete this.

    Thanks for the update Moon. I too was wondering on the status of better multiplayer functionality. I too would like it to be a in-game browser, I think most would. But at this point, anything is better.

  10. Here's some info from my QB thread from awhile back.

    All game features are done, but not all are polished. We don't like showing things that aren't polished because people tend to freak out about stuff that we can, and probably, will change before release.

    As for QBs specifically, they're done and the testers are pretty happy with the end result. Still some rough edges to smooth over, but most of the significant ones have been addressed successfully. There's more that will be changed before release, others will likely find their way in later on. Remember, if we held back releases until the game was 100% what all players want, you'd still be waiting for CMBO :)

    We're confident that we have a better system than was in CMx1 and KNOW we have a better system than was in CM:SF. We expect some CMx1 guys will complain about this or that part of it, but we think overall they will like it. And as time goes on they'll probably find the things they initially objected to weren't all that big of a deal after all. You know... standard "I don't like it because it's different" reactions are bound to happen.


    After reading through this thread I went and took a brief spin in the QB generator. Between map selecting/viewing options, the formation/specialist team/vehicle cherry picker, and even the handy 'suggestions' button it is a joy to operate now. Everything you could hope for. This from someone who was never much of a fan of QBs. If Steve's electing to not advertise it currently that could mean the final product's expected to be even better than what they got running now!

    Two ways to check maps at QB startup. If you 'human' select your map you'll get a list of QB maps to chose from. This shows the usual scenario 'opening shot' image which a conscientious map maker would use to include a preview pict of the terrain. In the unit purchase screen you can elect to 3-D preview your map. This helps make sure you're not buying all armor for a tractless forest map or foot infantry for an objective 2km downrange across open ground. :)
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