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Posts posted by MeatEtr

  1. Whoa, missed this thread along with most of the CMBN forums, been busy lately with... well you know Winecape. ;) I think I was in one of the ROWs briefly. I remember playing and losing the first battle to be eliminated. It was a bad start to my CMx1 tourney play. Although I could be confusing it with another tourney, it's been so long I forget.

    Also made it to the final four of the King of the Hill tourney awhile back. IIRC the Mad Russian ran that big one. Good times!

    Anyways, if there's still room I'd love to play. :)

  2. You shouldn't bash gamespot... they did give CMBB a very high rating (9.1), and CMBB is *definitely* more of a niche game than IL-2.

    Huh, where am I bashing Gamespot? I gave them credit for justly panning a very buggy game. However PC Games (Russia) gave it a 90, two very opposite scores. Hmm, interesting the Russian reviewer is ahem, Russian, just like Maddox dev team. Can you connect the dots now? :D

  3. Mainstream media outlet Gamespot panned it with a 4 outta 10. But interesting PC Games (Russia) gave it a 90 out of 100. Gotta be somewhat biased for their countrymen.


    Oh well, we'll see how long it takes them to patch it up to make it worth purchasing. Let's all say it together with huge amount of sarcasm, "Thank you Ubisoft!". :mad:

  4. Generally I don't look too hard into forum feedback. Sometimes they tend to be overloaded with tech problems from people not computer savvy. But I'm sure there's still definitely some valid problems. We'll see how bad when some reviews from various media outlets get released. Either way, I'm not too worried about it, the game will still get much support and backbone from the dev team. As this is the first of many releases with the new engine.

    Btw, Olegs departure was first confirmed IIRC back around x-mas. Also I think he said this was just like a temporary leave of absence. Who could blame him though, been making WWII fighter sims for over a decade now.

  5. It looks like you only have one hard drive and it only has 4% free space. I have no idea how CM works from a programing point of view (does it write temp files to the hard drive?) but, as a simple man, I start to panic if any of my hard drives reach 90% capacity. Does the frame rate improve if you defrag the hard drive? Perhaps someone who knows more about computers could address this issue.

    Nice catch, this can have an impact on games. I recall a few years ago whenever my HD went below about 15G I noticed performance drop in some games. Besides defragging, you could go to disk cleanup to clear up more space. Also use the "more options" tab and also clean up system restore and shadow copies. I'm on Vista and these backups are usually unnecessary and chew up large amounts of disk space.

    Just ran mine myself, got 22G from clearing system restore and shadow copies. Then got 1.2G from the normal disk cleanup. Unless your having trouble with your PC then should be fine deleting all but the most recent restore point.

    I had to change my system restore settings in task manager. That and shadow copies were chewing up tons of space.

  6. Not sure what part of the world you're from, but if you buy non-discounted Steam games it is far more expensive than amazon selling physical copies (30-40 % cheaper on average). Steam only shines price-wise with discounts, which is fine as long you have patience, new games don't get discounted that quickly. Shogun 2 is 50 euros on Steam, 31 euros on Amazon. First proper Shogun 2 sale might be in half a year, and it might be discounted to ... 30 euros or something. Steam is not by far the cheapest way to buy games.

    Oh, and I believe Steam/Valve does not set game prices (except for their own of course). The publisher sets game prices, so apparently BF had a hand in undercutting their own sales it seems.

    I'm of course talking about their sales and not the normal MSRP. But they have sales all week practically, their midweek sale is tues-thurs and weekend deal is fri-sun.

    But it doesn't take half a year for games to go for a decent sale. I think your missing some deals. Here's just a few examples:

    Mafia 2 - 75% off just four months post launch

    Just Cause 2 - 50% off four months later

    AvP - 33% off just one month later

    Go ahead and look into it more and you'll see for yourself. Find a game on Steam, look at the launch date, then click on 'related news' at bottom right to find it's first sale.

  7. Did anybody else catch what Steam/Valve did when BF knocked the prices down on the ToW series last year(October)? Yup, they had a big sale for the ToW series at the same time. I forget the exact prices, but I do recall the Steam sale was much cheaper than the prices here. I figure this isn't good for BF getting undercut like that, or any company for that matter.

    Steam is by far the cheapest way to buy games. In the past couple of years it's gotten bigger. Directodrive, Gamersgate, and even Amazon is getting in on matching the Steam sales. Watch, in less than 3 months time Shogun will be on sale for half off.

  8. What are your graphics settings at? I've just recently discovered the model quality is the FPS killer for me. While the texture setting can be maxed with no impact on performance at all. Also by using FRAPs I learned I can also max out anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering settings with no impact on performance, done through NCP.

    Since upgrading my graphics card from a 9800GTX+ to a GTX 570 monster. This sucker chews through the latest games at high res with graphics, AA, and AF maxed. Then the card telepathically tells me "Hey what did you expect, you just spent $330 on me, I destroy high end games for a living." And then I respond telepathically back "Yes you certainly do, you are fulfilling your job, thank you very much." :D

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