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Posts posted by Erwin

  1. You guys do understand I am talking about subsequent missions of a campaign where the FO got KIA?   Not sure I believe that in RL a FO couldn't be replaced in the hours/days between missions.

    In game terms it's a PITA to find that you cannot complete (say) Mission 6 cos the FO was KIA in Mission 1 and one needs an FO n Mission 6.  To make the game playable and enjoyable, one really needs FO's to be replaced between missions.

    I will try and get the useless FO killed.  Am wondering that if KIA then the FO is replaced in the next campaign mission.

    PS:  Anyone want my SETUP file of Mission 6 to check on the inability to recrew a 251/17?   The file is only about 3MB so could attach to e-mail.  Send me PM if you want it.

  2. 41 minutes ago, Brille said:

    A Schroedingers cat if you will.

    LOL Yes, we need philosophy concerning epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics to understand the complexities of CM.  :)

    43 minutes ago, Brille said:

    So don´t think of this one-man-unit as an forward observer anymore...He is just another footsoldier now.

    In game terms it seems rather dangerous to not replace FO's between missions as the inability to call in arty in a reasonable time could make some missions impossible.  Does one really want to find that that (for example) Mission 6 is impossible cos the FO was killed 5 missions previously?  Also... surely in RL a new FO can be found in the hours/days between missions.

    What I will try is to get the useless FO killed.  Am wondering if the unit is completely eliminated it would be replaced in the next mission(s).

    Anyone want to get my Mission 6 SET UP file to check re the 251/17 bug?  It's only about 3MB so could attach to e-mail... If you want send me PM.

  3. 6 hours ago, Brille said:

    Have you maybe  selected the 251/17, while the infantry boarded it and didn´t de-select after that ? The status of the vehicle will only update when you have it de-selected first. Otherwise it will still be labeled as dismounted even though it is obviously fully mounted.


    Do you have a save of that instance maybe ?

    Yes, over numerous turns I have tried to mount several sets of inf onto it including crews from other vehicles.  The 251/17 stubbornly refuses to be crewed.  Plenty of saves, but it's a mission out of "Kampfgruppe VON SCHROIF" - almost 3MB file.  Happy to send it to whoever wants to check it out.  One doesn't have that problem with any other HT.  I vaguely recall having this issue in the past with 251/17's that have had their crews killed but otherwise seem undamaged.  

    The issue here is that between missions of a campaign this problem is not resolved.  This problem started two missions ago.  At the start of each mission during setup a HQ unit starts the set-up turn mounted in the 251/17.  However, the vehicle says "dismounted".  You can dismount and mount any other leg unit in the 251/17 and the same thing happens.  (The mounted unit can ACQUIRE ammo.)

    As with the FO issue mentioned in another thread, it makes no sense to have a vehicle that is not recrewed between missions nor does it make sense to have a FO return every mission but the FO is unable to spot for arty cos the lone member is not a "leader".  FO's should be returned in subsequent missions with a leader.  These are clearly bugs of the campaign system.  

    I have a new SETUP file that shows both problems if BF or anyone wants to check these issues out.


  4. 41 minutes ago, kohlenklau said:

    Curt Schilling. Curt loved ASL and also happened to be a professional baseball player. Boston Red Sox pitcher. Long story short, he lost his entire baseball career fortune of $115 million creating/investing in a video game company in the early 2000's. Went bankrupt and lawsuits drained him dry.

    I remember that as well.  He bought out The Gamers and IIRC Avalon Hill for cardboard games as well as he was a big fan of ASL.  "Multi-Man Publishing" was also his company.  Really sad...  



  5. 8 hours ago, chuckdyke said:

    Tired means you can't go Fast, quick when tired last longer/ You only lose quick when you are fatigued. 

    I virtually never order a FAST move.  And I don't like units to become TIRED.  In the game, it's all possible and no issues, (altho it takes a long time for a unit to recover from fatigued or exhausted).  It's just my own "house rule".

    5 hours ago, Bulletpoint said:

    Pausing for 10x5 seconds along the way or 1x50 seconds at the end gives the same result. But they scout the path much quicker by just letting them run.

    The PAUSE plus HIDE tends to make enemy AI lose sight and memory of them.  So, when they start up running again IIRC it takes the AI about 7 seconds to notice them again.

    5 hours ago, Bulletpoint said:

    it's more effective to simply keep the scouts close to the observer and doing recon by fire. No real reason to send the scout team forward.

    On small maps that's fine.  On huge maps one may not have the time to be careful (and not enuff ammo). 

    In open country, and if one is pressed for time, have found best option is as I described above.  In most scenarios it's a race to discover the enemy ASAP or... one nearly always runs out of time at the end.  Running out of time then leads to rushing at the end and most casualties are often suffered in those last hasty minutes of a scenario. 

    My "house standard operating procedure" is to recon as quickly as possible at the start, risk losing 2-man scouts, but then have more time to carefully do assaults without the "end rush".

    However, what I was describing earlier was what I have found to be the best tactic for scouting down long roads on huge maps using vehicles giving them the best chance of survival and xnt chance of no losing crew members.  

  6. 3 hours ago, Bulletpoint said:

    To my surprise, there was a hard limit at around 500m where I could park the Sherman at say 510m and have it sit there for 15 minutes without spotting anything, but the moment I moved it just one or two squares forward, it would spot the AT gun within seconds.

    So spotting distances are probably fixed rather than graduated ie: fixed % spotting at x meters, x to y meters, y to z meters.

    Re HUNT orders, have learned to use them sparingly and always in conjunction with a HIDE command.  So, mostly QUICK for 10-25 meters with 5 second pauses so unit doesn't tire too quickly. 

    When getting close to possible enemy, start mixing QUICK with short HUNT waypoints with HIDE command.  The closer to possible danger, the fewer QUICK moves, and more short HUNT commands with longer HIDE pauses (10-20 seconds).

    As pointed out earlier, it's not the lead scout team(s) who is expected to spot, it's the "observer" scout team(s) that are in safer overwatch positions that watch what happens to the lead scouts.

  7. 1 hour ago, Bulletpoint said:

    Scouting in this game is less about sitting still and hoping to spot something, and more about sending an expendable unit forward and having it draw fire.

    Unfortunately in the game, yes.  A few of our best designers do allow a lot more time for careful scouting.  But, usually the lack of time necessitates brutal Zhukov-style measures.  

  8. As mentioned, Phil...  I think I will have to delete everything of yours and start with fresh downloads.  It's a horrific job trying to untangle dozens/hundreds of mods plus variations plus updates and improvements from the past few years.  As you know, almost every CM2 family has had at least many hundreds of mods since 2007 totaling thousands of mods, and many no longer work due to engine updates etc.  Trying to test which ones are still ok and which should be deleted started to take man-weeks of work, so not feasible unless it's a full-time job.  It's easier to start fresh.  I actually envy the newer members as they can do so.

  9. Am heading abroad soon and won't have access to decent computer (or even phones) till April earliest, so hope one of the others can help.

    Edit: Actually I couldn't resist powering up your scenario to take a look.  Not sure if you want public comments, but my initial take was good (small) map.  Altho units consist of all regulars and I was expecting the SF forces to have better experience etc.  Hope to try it out when I have a few more minutes.

  10. Well, I already sent a PM request for anything you do.  Everything you have done is superb. 

    My only hope is that all your various mods can be better organized into specific folders so it's easier to d/l and insert updates and enhancements.  As I mentioned to you, Phil, right now I have several different versions of all your mods in many different folders.  Hope that Bootie's CMMODS site can be helpful in this.

  11. 4 hours ago, RockinHarry said:

    another scouting (with vehicles) tactic I´m using is fast move between observation points, preferably from then hull down position. If possible furtherly refining to turret down so that just the commander peeks over the crest. For more "secrecy" one can also fast move from point to point in full cover, then disembark.

    For open country that is the best tactic, agreed.  My suggested tactic above was for scouting down a long road on a huge map and one wants to locate enemy ambush positions quickly and relatively safely.  The tactic works best vs WW2 Russian who have few if any personal AT weapons.  They have little to hurt a buttoned up AFV. 

    The danger is that the AFV will come into the LOS of an enemy ATG or ATGM.  But, my experience is that ATG's and even ATGM's take sufficient time to spot and aim, that a scout AFV moving in reverse can usually get out of their LOS and the enemy asset will miss, but still expose itself to other units (usually inf with binocs) that are doing the actual spotting.

    I emphasize that this is all for optimizing one's play in the CM2 game rather than RL. 

  12. Based on my experience some decades ago of developing wargames the answer could vary from many tens of thousands (if there were enthusiastic volunteers to work on the project) to several hundreds of thousands - for a small niche within a niche game like CM.  A game designed for a large market could easily be in the millions.  

    Eg: https://www.ign.com/articles/star-citizen-crowdfunds-half-billion-dollars



  13. We all hope that Ukraine would recover all its territory.  However, there has been a level of naive optimism akin to probably how the German High Command felt in the Summer of 1941.  Reality of how hard things are and how high are the stakes are now just starting to be appreciated.  Best said by WSJ:  "It has become clear in the past several weeks that the tectonic plates of global power are shifting. The autocratic alliance of China, Russia and Iran is signaling it’s no longer content to accept an indefinite standoff of competing ideologies and commercial interests as the status quo. They have decided to make Ukraine a singular test, which they believe the U.S., Europe and Asia’s democracies will fail."


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