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Peter Panzer

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Posts posted by Peter Panzer

  1. ...while he may be a well intentioned fellow displaying his mod and all, it seems as though murpes is either attending to obligations more pressing than a video game or just plain doesn't give a damn.

    ...perhaps we would all do better by asking one of the proven, in-house terrain modders to whip something up (i.e. tom, tanksalot)...

    ...no doubt, it was a fine piece of work, but there are a few other gents about who disply an equal amount of craft and a far superior sense of follow through.

    ...for what it's worth.

  2. ...while he may be a well intentioned fellow displaying his mod and all, it seems as though murpes is either attending to obligations more pressing than a video game or just plain doesn't give a damn.

    ...perhaps we would all do better by asking one of the proven, in-house terrain modders to whip something up (i.e. tom, tanksalot)...

    ...no doubt, it was a fine piece of work, but there are a few other gents about who disply an equal amount of craft and a far superior sense of follow through.

    ...for what it's worth.

  3. ...i for one wouldn't mind getting my grubby mits on those paks/flaks either.

    ...at the risk of turning this into another circle jerk - tiger puts out some of the most wonderfully restrained, utterly convincing mods out there. any additional samples are always welcome.

    *sidebar: what of murpes "plowed fields?" also a dandy texture(s).

  4. ...well russell, although i'm afraid i won't be able to help you do any testing, i am certainly glad you have taken this project upon yourself.

    ...new faces would prove quite nice - given the restrictions, the first sample (upper left) doesn't look bad at all. please carry on...

    [ April 07, 2002, 02:32 PM: Message edited by: Peter Panzer ]

  5. …well executed bases, tom. - sensible color combinations, tolerance for irregular borders and subtlety create a welcome kick in the pants. This addition augmented one of the glaringly weaker elements of your audacious mod. My sincere thanks for all of the continued effort.

    …folks, in case you are unaware, turning out competent terrain mods is nothing new for this guy, his “subdued” grass and “field path” textures are keepers as well.

  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>What do you mean, like a distinct sound? If so, it might be possible for me to do a little editing... <hr></blockquote>

    ...no need to edit, the rifle effects you have are quite fine.

    i was referring to combat missions unfortunate use of generic rifle/SMG sounds (i.e. a garand shares the rifle .wav pool with the kar98, the thompson shares a set with the MP40....) no doubt a convenience for the designers, this configuration negates what could have been an additional level of detail/immersion. admittedly, rather small potatoes, nevertheless...

    ...out of curiosity, the kar98 used a "strip" of rounds as well, yes? when the bolt was pulled back following the firing of the last round, did the german weapon eject the magazine "base" with any sort of telltale sound?

    ...the M2 sounds promising - keep up the worthwhile work.

  7. ...howdy cap'n.

    ...i must say, you have some splendid finds amidst your mp3's. i found uses for the BAR, MP44 and one of the SMG files. thank you.

    ...damn shame the M1 doesn't possess a distinct effect - the ejection "pings" you snagged are a fabulous nuance.

    ...good luck revamping the .50, it is in sore need...i want a toothy grin plastered on my face when my doggies open up with that son of a bitch -give it bite...

  8. ...i suppose it is your time and energy which will ultimately be spent, but why another cromwell? tiger supplied a rather adept version quite some time ago. why not continue along the lines of the daimler scout car and address the vehicles that are in genuine need of attention such as the hummel and marder II? after viewing your jeep, i would also place a high wager on your ability to convincingly render the SdKfz 7 flak vehicles.

    ...it's no secret you have some ability andrew, why tramp over an already worn path?

  9. ...interesting technique, cmplayer.

    ...currently being treated rather inhospitably by sPzKp paderborn. on the yank end of: 1 M26, 1 M24, 2 M4A3's(75), 1 M4A3(76), 1 M3A1 lost vs. 1 Mk VIE, 1 Mk VG, 1 Mk VG(L), 1 ostwind knocked out.

    fortunately, the 3rd armored infantry are some real sonsabitches by spring o' '45. thus far, fought off two consecutive, german counterattacks, each supported with heavy armor(mercifully, we have a battery of 105's on standby...). christ, don't the krauts know the war is lost?

  10. ...no sweat gyrene:

    ...large scale, combined arms thrust directly aimed at capturing a bridge over the rhine. conceivably, this could be accomplished by establishing a “corridor,” if you will, of crucial river crossings. This could be brought about with relative ease by the laying of a “vast airborne carpet” through which an armored corps could pass...

    ...easy as one, two, three - straight on to the ruhr my friend. we’ll have the boys home by christmas...

  11. ...a brief tale relating to another mike8g project:

    ...once upon a time (7.07.01), mike8g said...

    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>HiRes version, based on the original BTS textures. Parts of Fernando's great halftrack set used with permission. An add-on will be available shortly, with gun-shields in matching camo scheme.<hr></blockquote>

    ...on 7.22.01, peter panzer inquired...

    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> ...is there still a plan to release a repaint of the 37mm gun shield for mike8g's handsome, if rather incomplete, flak vehicle mod? (i believe there is mention of such a possible update on the combat missions site)<hr></blockquote>

    ...shortly thereafter (7.22.01), mike8g answered...

    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>I'm at holiday at the moment, away from my computer only armed with a laptop. I'm pretty sure you won't want me to do a gunshield with a system that only has a 4 MB video card.<hr></blockquote>

    ...many moons pass...

    ...peter panzer attempts a long-shot(10.22.01)...

    <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>...37mm gun shield.<hr></blockquote>

    ...not certain if you are a master of suspense, on one hell of an extended vacation or just plain don't give a ****.

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