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Paton Returns

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Everything posted by Paton Returns

  1. all right all right im sorry for the way i acted and spelt and puntuated and " Dissed " you guys in to and early retirement im working on getting some good screen shots of my mod if you guys are interested just say so . . . amonst other things im sorry for the way i have being and i hope u guys find it in your hart to forgive me . . . just wanted to see your reaction ! any way ive finaly convincewd a few guys to help my with ciematics witch im useing final cut pro to do .. . it'l end up a quictime movie witch start playing when you open the MOD { Full Stop breth leave a space} at least thats how they told me in pre school ! and no in dublin ieland we don't drink Guinnes all day we have the delious meals and quesine of the US meals like the ones we get from Mc Donnals witch help burn down those Ugly rainforests ! No ofence intended i know the majority of you guys r from the states anyway!
  2. ive had enough sh** for one LIFE Time !!! i dont go through all my Friggin topics withs a Dictonary or a Thesaurus thank u very much ! i dont expect any comments back because im not Friggen going to read them ive simply posted this to remind u how stupid u guys r sometimes when something new comes up ! just because your little minds cant contemplate that there r games more modern than WW2 ! So f**k yall all of yall if you dont like me Blow me ! - EMINEM Oh and yes i listen to eminem i know most of you posh people only listen to Classical but let me inroduce you 2 the 90's . . . . wait a minute. . . . any way i hoped my topics would cause insperation and thought but even these , the simpelist of tasks seem beyound your primitive brains you r the weakist link goobye. . .
  3. Ok stop it i cant take it any more in all or the topics ive posted its like oh hay what about c15 a2 95 abram sidewinder stinger missils how about the b58 x demions odf that {sorry but thats complete and utter bu***hit}why mist u guys question everything i do why whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.... and im tired of hearing about ballgames and peanuts for chri**s sake ! no this isnt a prank , yes iveseen kellys heros yes i ook at other topics { but i dont comment in them} . and ohhh sorry about the grammer and friggen spelling puntucation MOTHER!!!! dont hate me im only a messanger - Sifer {MATRIX} i posted my topics to get pople taking about other things other than the senerios in Combat mission ...oh hang on ive got an idea do u guysd what to see screen shots from my MOD? any way TALK to YOU later! :cool:
  4. and whats this obsession you guys seem to have with ballgames?
  6. Geyere if thats how u spell it how come [ since your not GERMAN amd u never play the NAZIs} at the end of every message u pst it says : some thing in german aggggggg sorry i fogot to paste it here but whats up with that? :eek:
  7. Thank u Clubfoot at leat u like me . . . sob sob F**k the rest of u! i'l create my mod and u guys dont have to play it but its the best friggin mod out there! so Shut the f**k up and get the f**k up - limp bizkit sorry .. but my welcome here hasnt been very warm! lol PS Harriers and Britsh Chalenger tanks are in the making! thanks for disgussing in this forum u r the weakist link goodbye! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  8. oh by the way by Gyrene r u German or something cause we beat your sorry ass 2 times !!!!
  9. it sure is grat some people have finally mentioned stuff in this section phew . . . but if you have a program called Res edit witch is clearly what all the people at big time software used to create the game , u can edit the code the textures and the sound litterly its just a matter of copiny and pasteing you textures over the old ones ! or as the case may be adding your own ones , Sound to if you have SOund edit the name kinada discribes it ! you can edit all the sounds in the game and create yoyr own ones ! if anyof you guys want these programs id be happy to mail or e mail them to u they r really small
  10. Well i sure got a lot of respone for just one day! thanks , but have any of you ever herd of a program cvalled RES EDIT the guys at bigtime software seemed to use it to make just about everything in the game from te art { picture on tanks faces! } to the ground sound and hill mounds { hay that rhymes } any way if you have never heard of this i suggest you get it you can open all the DATA files in the combat missions folder ! But im not sure if its avadible for PC's ha ha just MAcs !!!!! we win again anyway's this is what im useing along with Photoshop and Soundedit to make my MOD the BEST EVER if you guys want these programs just E mail me ! they are really tiny lil programs ....
  11. i love my tanks King tiger but on the other hand my king tiger was taken out by a normal infantry sqaud with granades ! wow i said but unless your looking any thing can happen i mean look at saveing private ryan hay that happened ! :cool: ! well not really but the sock bomb or what ever it was called would { in theary } work!
  12. sorry last time i quoted i copied all your text 2 pritty stupid ! i was new ! stop looking at me like that ! ahhhhh :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: any way sorry i have no idea how to transfer them across the net i guess u could save it on your desktop drop it in to Alladins drop stuff { for compacting files u can download it if u dont have it just do a search } and drag it in to a a Item widow next time your E mailing some one i dont know witch browser u have so i have no idea how to help u there! sorry !
  13. ok ive said this in the past i i stand by it we want some other wars ok world war 2 ! witch is yeah a cool war , but { sorry no wars a r cool i mean ahem } i am making a GULFWAR MOD so i hpe this starts off people making like , ehh , hmm , MODS ! Wow check this out i found this really cool Mod that makes the tanks Blue thats cool HAH AH AH = this is not a MOD . . . as much as i enjoy a 3D and more editable version of Microsofts Closecombat series lets see some people Take advantage off it! Terms and Coditions : in reading this you here buy commit your self to comenting STOP you must now Coment STOP or we will track you down and kill you STOP just kiding STOP
  14. ok thanks for that nagative response to something i at least thought would be quite positve . . . sob sob :confused: any way thanx for the response even thow i have you !
  15. Ah yes Stallengrad ! one of the Biggest battle of World War 2! wheres the game ? i think The Combat misssion engine would be perfect wouldnt it ? i tried making one but i have little experties on the eastern frount and i tried making a level with little success so some one elese give it a go ! i promise i'll play it! catch u later
  16. now that was a cool movie but wheres the game ? i think The Combat misssion engine would be perfect wouldnt it ? i tried making one but i have little experties on the eastern frount and i tried making a level with little success so some one elese give it a go ! i promise i'll play it! catch u later
  17. cool your a senerio builder guy too! im Making a OPPERATION DESERT STORM MOD based on the GULFWAR and stuff i just wanna know one think do u use a mac or a Pc i use both I work in Colledge on a PC and i work / play at home on my iMac witch i find is Much easier for editing and making senerios Becase if u have the applications RES edit and Photoshop you can edit the texture of everything in the game also u can edit sounds i hope my being a Mac user hasnt put u off or r u a Mac user 2 ? :eek:
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ramor: I have three that I am working on. The one that is finished is the battle with the tigers at the end of the movie. It is short but a lot of fun if anyone is interested.The other 2 should be finished this week. P.S. if you are interested please post instructions on how to post or E-mail scenarios as i am not familiar with the procedure for that. Thanks <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I was working on one myself but i got too ocupied with the GULF WAR MOD im working on check out the section i'l give your senerio a go because i love that movie ! Thanx
  19. hay ive being useing the combat mission engine for ages now i figured woulnt it be cool to have other wars based on it , you could do Vietnam or Kosavo or Korea or something , so i went all out and are doinf The Opperation Desert Storm Campaign from the Gulf WAR its well in to development ive edited the units and vechicles and textures too , you wouldnt belive how easy it is theyre all in Res edid Documents so u just copy and Paste!
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