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Everything posted by Pak_43

  1. e-mail is aok treeburst.. Let me know if I'm needed... Yep, I was aware that a significant portion will be half completed, I read more than I post And as a member of BoB I'm aware of what that implies for the state of my guys if I take over... :eek: I'll sit tight and wait for my e-mail... Cheers
  2. OK Treeburst, I've read the thread with the "How it works bit in it" (how handy!) Sign me up... should be do-able without too many hassles!
  3. I'll give it a go! Love to... I know nothing about the tourney but let me know expectations of turn turnarounds and timescales and I'll see if I can make the commitment... Oh yes and I'm away for a week from Aug 1st, hope that's ok!!
  4. Hey bulletproofest... look out your window, see that other building in the far, far distance? The one with loads of windows? See that window on the bottom floor? The one on the right? With the blinds? That's where the people who care live...
  5. Did not one battalion of tanks decide to ride the LCT's all the way in and therefore were on the beach to support the landings? "Ninety-six tanks, the Special Engineer Task Force, and eight companies of assault infantry (1,450 men), landing just before and after 0630, were to carry out the first assault missions (Map No. V). On the right, the 743d Tank Battalion brought in all its tanks on LCT's." Omaha Beachhead (6 June-13 June 1944) American Forces in Action Series. Historical Division. War Department (Washington, D.C.: Center of Military History, Facsimile Reprint, 1984), pp. 35-87] My understanding was that a considerable number of these got picked off by guns zoned in on the beaches..
  6. Priest mate, I don't understand this bit, probably because I'm being thick! "So going back to Jason's example of the Americans using bombers and P51's in the landings and thus relying on technology, the reverse would be that the Germans would use tactics instead of the Luftwaffe if they had run SeaLion. That is totally and completely not true." To be fair to Jason I don't think he's ever claimed: "Considering you were trying to state that the Americans used gadgets more than anyone or at least relyed on them to do the work." just that the American didn't rely on "Omaha as a straight ahead infantry attack, and two months of hedgerow fighting in the American sector as just shoving infantry forward relying on "willpower" - " as an approach... Whether that was Brian's original point I'm not so sure... So are we arguing about American WWII doctrine regarding NW Europe amphibious assaults and their relation to British WWII doctrine regarding NW Europe amphibious assaults? And more specifically gadgets? Or American doctrine in general applied to a willingness to use gadgets as compared to other nations in WWII (and only Brian has defined the term gadgets so far...)
  7. Would the CM armoured divisons consist soley of Flak trucks?? *Pictures loads of troops clinging to flak trucks shouting "We're invincible!!"* Also would an army consisting of CM'ers actually get to the battle? *Pictures time-consuming discussions on what constitues "gamey" in this situation* [ February 08, 2002, 10:56 AM: Message edited by: Pak_43 ]
  8. Top banana!! Could you send me the mod... bentate@ntlworld.com Cheers in advance...
  9. Oh wow! Huge stuff here!! I actually agree with the post about a tilted argument, and to that end I suspect that I'm due to cop some flak... But to that end. I'm going to bite hard on Jason's tempting morsel of a challenge.. I offer up to the experts the British emergency (war) against the MCP in Malaya. The British were slightly outnumbered but used any number of strategies, none of which were directly aim at reducing the enemies combat capability ("Hearts and minds","Own the jungle" and "Buy them off" all of which involved reducing the enemies will to fight rather than were aimed at eliminating the enemy combat capability. I submit that under the very tight definitions of maneuvre warfare posted by Jason this one probably qualifies. The defence rests M'lud.
  10. Yep consider me in.... I'm definitely a newbie.... One TCP game under my belt... I CANNOT work out how to win with the Yanks in the scenario where they drop separated on top of the German forces... That should give you an idea of my level
  11. Cheers Subvet, Toothpaste :eek: Still I have nothing to lose.... I tried to burn a backup but ended up making about 4 coasters!! So I gave it up as a bad job... unless somebody responds soon to my e-mail I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and buy another copy....
  12. Thanks for the help guys... Yes all my other Cd's are ok. It must be scratched I think. It worked fine for a little while and then I wanted to play via TCP on Wednesday and no go. I had a good look at it and cleaned it but it's still dead. This is the first CD I've had this happen to, of all the ones to go too! I am deep into cold turkey... Frustration level is at max right now!!
  13. I've sent an e-mail to Battlefront several days ago... no response as yet so I wondered if anybody else has had the same situation? My CD won't read my CM disc anymore, has anybody been able to swap a dead one with Battlefront or do I have to front up for a new one?
  14. Have you seen the 251/1 at Bovington stuffed with a squad of dummies dressed in German uniforms standing up? Those guys didn't have room to raise their arms let alone fire.....black-eyes all round and a MAJOR inter-squad fist-fight the moment the halft-track stops!
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