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Rocky Balboa

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Posts posted by Rocky Balboa

  1. I'm wondering if the engine allows to place units below surface without changing the terrain?

    I would prefer trenches, foxholes or pits painted as a flat dark areas on the surface instead of a 3D-model if would allow to model dug in units.

    Yes units can be placed below the surface and this is the way it works in CMSF but this means that foxholes and trneches are part of the map and are always visible.

    With CMBN everyone wanted foxholes and trenches to conform to FOW rules and remain hidden until spotted so BFC made them 3d models ....

  2. Also, why can't the foxholes and the trenches actually deform the terrain - like craters?

    This is due to some limitations in the game engine. Once the terrain is deformed then it becomes part of the map and is not subject to FOW. Only objects that sit on top of the map can be subject to FOW so this is why you have foxholes that look like earth pimples.

    It would be great if BFC could fix this in the next major release but I suspect this behavior is too deeply rooted in the engine code and would require a significant amount of work to fix ...

  3. My only issues really are sometimes the Brit artillery seems a bit lacking compared to what I read, and also in past CM's the Brit squads tended to have 2 stens by this point. A second sten would probably help things quite a bit.

    Also in past CM's the Enfield was a bigger advantage. It gave off a 10 in firepower compared to a 5 for the Kar (M1 was like a 15). The Enfield seems to operate just about the same as the Kar in game so that advantage is totally gone.

    Your assumption is that Cmx1 got it right.

    I try not to make comparisons to CMx1 and CMx2 like this as they really are two totally different games. Cmx1 had to used abstract things like firepower values to balance the playing field where as the CMx2 engine models the characteristics of the weapon and its ballistics so in this respect it's more of a true simulation.

    Imo the Enfield and the K98 where pretty comparable weapons and any significant observation to the contrary where a result of user headspace and timing ;)

  4. Blue is correct for the ranks. At least it's what's on my grandfather's uniform and the ranks I've collected so far.


    It's possible that they had a different color for dress uni and field uni. OD I think would be more appropriate for field uni.

    Currently I use JuJu's v1.0 UI and then change the rank icons with another mod to OD. My vote would be in favor of changing the color from blue to OD ...

  5. 1) There are different levels of difficulty ("realism") options for each player to choose.

    2) There are different styles of play for each player to choose. Real time or turn-based.

    3) Why the hell is there not an adjustable time limit option for each player to choose vs. A.I.?

    Giving you the ability to adjust time would be just giving you an easier setting. If you want to play on an easier setting you already have that ability ... Have you tried playing on basic? This might resolve the problems you are having.

    With that said you can already change the time limits on any scenario or QB by going into the editor making the change then saving. The only thing you can't do this on is the campaigns.

  6. Now let's look at what it can't do. The most important thing here is that the AI has absolutely no ability whatsoever to react to the player's moves. None. Period. It cannot react to the player's moves and reposition its forces around to counter a developing threat from the human player.

    If BFC ever adds triggers to AI scripting then the AI will be able to react to a players moves. This will add a whole new dimension to the game. Maybe we will see this in CM:EF .....

    As it is today, the AI is already ridiculously easy to defeat so I fully understand why time limits are there.

    For those who think you should have unlimited time to execute a plan should keep in mind that in almost ever case real world commanders were given time constraints. The reason for this is that ever level of command is on a schedule during an operation.

    Plt Ldrs have to work within the time constraints of the COY, Company CO is under the time constraints of BN, BN CO is under the time constraints of Regt. and so on ...

    I can speak from personal experience when I say that once a plan was in place and troops were on the move, there was some but not much time to re-work the plan on the fly. I would guess this was especially true in 1944 as good communication was a challenge.

  7. i am particularly fond of putting y squads on Assault orders instead of splitting them up. The squad advances using fire and manouvre but the point about the artillery threat is well taken,

    Assault works well in certain situations and I have used it on occasion but when you first make contact and your not ready to assault yet, splitting your squads and forcing them to disperse seems to help to keep down the casualties.

    Also by directing your assault yourself you can take advantage of little techniques like this:

    When assaulting a building move your assault element using <quick> to the door of the building and have them stop or pause (10-15 secs) at the door. During this pause period they will in some cases attempt to throw grenades into the building before entering.

    Keep in mind that many times your fire and maneuver is conducted at the PLT level where you have one squad laying down a base of fire and another squad conducting the assault.

  8. needless to say I was less than impressed by the smoke screen set down especially as the winds were very strong, though not as impressed as the troops it was supposed to cover.

    I don't know about the 1 round issue your having but I dare say your troops wouldn't have been impressed even if the mortar had fired off 3 or more rounds. In very strong winds, your smoke is going to dissipate very quickly anyway ...

  9. Haven't read all the suggestions here but I'm sure they are all great ... I thought I would add a few of my own observations.

    Watch your C2 (Command & Control) status on your units. When you first make contact and start to developed the situation, split your squads into teams and keep them dispersed so that one mortar round doesn't wipe out the whole lot. When you split squads remember to watch your C2!

    Always have plenty of fire support before you move this means tanks, MG's and on board mortars. If you don't know exactly where the enemy is located then area fire at suspected locations.

    When you pinpoint a known location then bring as much fire to bear as possible and try to flank the position instead of charging head on.

  10. Why have BFC not included the Commandos?

    I suppose for the same reason that US Rangers were not included in CMBN ... Steve, said sometime back that Rangers would be a good candidate for the final odds & ends mod so perhaps Commando's will be added as well ... cheers

  11. I know this has been brought up several times ... but I don't think there was ever a definitive answer ... or if there was, I didn't understand because I'm just too dumb!!

    1) Can I install Commonwealth as a separate game with it's 1.10 patch and still play CMBN with the 1.01 patch until I finish my ongoing PBEM battles??

    2) Can myself and my opponent install the 1.10 patch mid-way through an ongoing game?? If this was done, we would install the patch before playing the turn that processes the action.

    Easy solution, keep your 1.01 install as is and install 1.10 in a new folder... As long as you install the base on the same machine you can load it as many times as you want ...

  12. I have never had a situation when all my troops ran out of ammo completely and to be honest, I was under the impression that like in CMx1, troops would never run out of ammo but just get to a point that their ROF was drastically reduced at very low ammo levels.

    IMO that's all BF needs to do is to implement similar code to simulate very low ammo levels and then a circumstance like this would never occur. The troops would continue to reload and fire until one unit was defeated.

  13. Glad to see the change log is out and it seems she is very close to delivery.

    Now that the end is near, can some of you beta guys comment on some of these changes?

    Specifically I'm interest in the frame rate change and its effect on units in buildings? Is this change minor or should we see a noticeable change in the defensive protection afforded by buildings?

    If we have to wait to find these answers for ourselves then I'm voting that we induce labor on this mother immediately ....

  14. I recall an old veteran saying he knew an army pal who was able to write his initials in a wall using his Thompson SMG. Thompson was notoriously difficult to control due to muzzle climb. I imagine there's special incentive to learn how to properly use your weapon when the alternative is a sudden gruesome death.

    Perhaps but some would also do it merely for the notoriety ....

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