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Posts posted by GenSplatton

  1. Why's that? Someone had to use the 200, why not the folks here? I've only ever used them once myself, and that was in an all armor match where the fella I was playing was known for TD rushes. So I had two as flank guards. He didn't seem to find them to gamey. It isn't like they were going to knock out his Sherman Jumbos or anything. I suppose my other option was to watch him run rings around my slow turreted Axis tanks, which would have been reduced to burning hulks. Yea, that would have been a good plan.

    Like I said, flak trucks are modeled poorly, so I never use them. But these other weapons in the gamey threads can all be destroyed, so I just don't see the problem. Just chant to yourself, "It's only a game, it's only a game, chicks WON'T dig me if I win."

  2. The summary table is an excellent idea. I can accomplish that fairly easily. As for the weapons list, yes it could be done. The reason I didn't have that already is that the tables over at the Dogs of War already supply that info. However, I can see how it would be useful. I'll look at adding it in if I think I can do so with making the table unwieldy. The one thing I do strive to do is make sure folks won't have to scroll sideways to view info. I personally like to be able to see the entire platoon in one glance, without having to hit a scrollbar left or right. Much thanks for the feedback.

  3. I have developed some firepower tables, msotly for myself and the members of the Band of Brothers Ladder. Basically, they lay out firepower based on range and cost at the platoon level, which is the basic unit that can be bought in CM. It allows a quick comparison of the different infantry platoons for the Axis and the Allies, allowing you to see the bang for the buck you get with each platoon type. I'm thinking of expanding the table but, before I do so, I'd like to get a wider range of folks to look at them to see if you all think these tables actually provide useful information, or if they are just a waste of time. These things were allot of work and I don't want to spend time doing more with them if they serve no purpose. So, if you are bored and are looking to waste a few minutes of your time, hop on over and check out the firepower tables on my page and give me your HONEST opinion. All will be gladly accepted, even if they are bad reviews! Also, Peter's artillery spreadsheet and Chris Hare's tables can be found there if you want them.

    GenSplatton's Page

    Thanks in advance...

  4. I agree with Snake. If you told me flame vehicles were banned, I simply wouldn't play you. In fact, I'd probably suspect you of setting me up for some gamey tactic that a Wasp might defeat. Realize, in my experience (a whopping 30 games or so), I've bought exactly ONE Wasp ever. And it died fairly quickly. So I'm not a big Wasp fan. But to just start banning every weapon you consider gamey is wrong. Fact is, you shouldn't ban them, you should just be sure to refrain from ever playing that PARTICULAR fellow again because HE is gamey. Don't blame the game, blame the player.

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Your response indicates that you found my example of the means of communicating limitations offensive <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Not at all Agua. And I didn't mean to make my reply sound as if I did. Once again, the written word, without the ability to add vocal inflection or facial expression, bites me in the arse. Actually, what I was trying to convey was, it's a shame that we've come to the point where we feel the need to convey such limitations at all. Admittedly, I tend to think that way when playing ladder matches though I rarely communicate it. As such, I have swore off accepting ladder matches for a month or two until the game becomes fun again due to the very competitiveness of which I spoke. Apparently though, re-reading your post, you have run in to some really odd unit purchases that I haven't had the displeasure of seeing! I guess that's good for me/bad for you. Had I been playing as long as you, and (my guess) been on ladders as long as you, I would probably have had experienced allot more gameyness thatn what I have and therefore been more inclined to ask for restrictions. Fortunately, I haven't. I guess I should be thankful.

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>After all, how much fun would it be if you ran the same 1500 point force ad infinitum? Sure, you'd get good at it, but does that make you a good CM commander?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Two different questions, but, the answer is, it may be a helluva lot of fun to some people. I'm not one of them, I'm relatively new to the game, but I don't intend to try to tell anyone what is or isn't fun for them. To some people, maybe perfecting a set of tactics with one force compisition is exactly their idea of fun. I have a few choices in this case: a) not play them or B) use my knowledge of their unit choices to counter it and blast them in to smithereens. As for being a good CM commander, who cares? Folks would do well to remember it is a game, and as such, it's all about fun. Like I said, if using the same units over and over is fun for someone, more power to them. It's a game, they paid for it, they can play it however they want. Yes, me and you would find it boring, but that's just us.

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Personally, if I choose to play a limited game, I can throw out the limitations that matter to me pretty easily: "Panther/76 - No pillboxes, air strikes, or arty over 150, all Guns (if ME or opponent is attacker) must have transport, no mixing of forces, no more than 3 of any single armoured vehicle per 1,000 points. Those rules, each being fairly well known, will pretty much eliminate gamey purchases.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Well, it throws out YOUR definition of gamey forces. To me, if I have to set that many rules just to play a stinkin' game, then maybe I need to remember why I'm playing, and remember the fact that I AM playing. It isn't real life, it isn't a real war, men aren't really dying. It's just a game. Besides, it still doesn't stop them from doing gamey things, like attracting a tanks attention with a 2" mortar team while his tank crests the hill from the other side of the map. Or running a jeep through the entire enemy lines to get recon.

    I think someone hit the nail on the head earlier. No one cares until you attach a record or a rank to a game. Then all the sudden it's gamey this and gamey that. I believe if there was no such thing as a ladder, and if people just played for the fun of it, 90% of the threads on this board that relate to "gaminess" wouldn't ever have appeared. It's a shame really. Take a good game, attach a competitve edge to it, and suddenly people lose the ability to enjoy it.

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>yes you can, but make sure you get milk with that cookie or it will be gamey. everyone knows that its unfair to have a cookie without milk!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    But can I pour the milk near the refrigerator, or do I need to transport it to the table before pouring so as not to gain an unfair advantage over others that may also want milk?

  8. I tried an experiment once using armor and the hide command. I posted a thread here much like yours, only after the fact. All the armor DIED without firing a shot. The ONLY thing hide does with armor is REDUCE your spotting ability, ensuring the enemy will get off the first shot and you will end up dead. DO NOT HIDE ARMOR.

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