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Posts posted by GenSplatton

  1. I just started a QB with a fella. We are early in the game. I noticed though that the game is showing Turn 3 of 0. He said his shows the same thing. Anyone seen this? What is going to happen? I'm afraid the game will just end whenever. Hopefully it will just run forever and we can pick an arbitrary end point. But wondering if anyone has seen this and knows what we can expect.

  2. No. However, the Panzer did not have LOS when it was KO'd. That was a movie phase however. I will also mentiont that BOTH tanks were buttoned.

    Besides windows you also have to take into account that some of the buildings are damaged and can have big holes in the walls.

    But I would then assume that the building would have to be damaged, no? At least light damage to have a hole in the building. This building was not damaged, at least not to the point of showing light damage with that option turned on.
  3. I've just began playing CMBB. In my first 4 games, I've had two tanks KO'd that were behind buildings and out of LOS of their destroyer. I am just wondering if this is intentional to simulate some god-like intervention where my tank just "happened" to be perfectly aligned through a series of windows? Or it this some sort of bug? The pic below is one of the two. Note, the building is two story. The tanks are set to actual size. Their position is exactly as it was when the KV destoryed the Pz-III. Love to hear from some of the designers and experienced folks.


  4. Glad to hear that. In a QB ME I just started, I bought two motorized companies so have four of those bad boys. I know in CM:BO everyone hated them because they couldn't have an HQ target for them. But in BB you can so I placed them with an HQ unit. This is only my 5th PBEM game in progress so I was wondering if these would be wasted purchase points. Sounds like that isn't the case.

  5. Man, disregard this thread from my end. In the last 3 turns or so, I have seen so many bone-headed maneuvers by the AI that I have no come to the conclussion that I had either forgotten or just never realized how truly pathetic the AI is in CM:BO. It is horrible! If real commanders made the moves that the AI has over-riding my orders, the court martial dockets would be filled for months. I can only pray that it's better in CM:BB. Because the AI in CM:BO is akin to manning your armor with mentally handicapped Peruvian Tree Monkeys.

  6. Ron, funny you should mention 300m. I was under 300 meters when the Cromwell nailed the Hetzer with the inefectual HE. The range is exactly WHY I was surprised it didn't fire a © round. I believe it was 287m to be exact. But all this was totally overshadowed by the phantom movement of the Cromwell that died. As I said, movement plotted to a stop. No enemy with LOS to it. Then it bolts off on it's own for no reason. Still very, very odd.

  7. This is a series of two posts I had put up in the CM:BO forum.

    I am playing a CM:BO PBEM game with an opponent at the Blitz. So far, my Cromwell VIIIs have managed to kill a Heavy AC and put hits on a JPz-IV(70) and a Hetzer. The IV(70) and the Hetzer still live. I think this is in large part due to the fact that so far, the Cromwells have only fired HE shells at them! Now, I'm thinking if I were facing these last two behemoths, I would want to use ammo that gave me the best chance at a penetration. Instead, they insist on firing HE. They are scoring hits because I maneuvered for shots at less than 300 meters. But is there a reason they won't fire the © ammo? Is it because the computation says it can't score a knock-out with it and is therefore "saving it" for the sure kill that may never come? Or is my game messed up?

    And now more from the WTF front. The same Cromwell that refused to fire AP ammo was successfully moved out of LOS of the Hetzer. It then came to a complete halt as ordered in a nice, safe, hull down position. And stayed there for about 15 seconds. Then, inexpliciably, without being targetted or threatened in any way, without even being in LOS of another enemy unit, it began to drive around in circles right in plain view of the Hetzer! Needless to say it is now dead. Thank God CM:BB is on the way.

    Please, please tell me the AI is better than CM:BO. I had forgotten about total and utter buffoonery like this. How frustrating to maneuver a unit around for 2/3rds of a game only to have it lost in such a stupid, irrational manor as this. A frustration I hope is lessened by better AI in the newer CM game?!?!?

  8. And now more from the WTF front. The same Cromwell that refused to fire AP ammo was successfully moved out of LOS of the Hetzer. It then came to a complete halt as ordered in a nice, safe, hull down position. And stayed there for about 15 seconds. Then, inexpliciably, without being targetted or threatened in any way, without even being in LOS of another enemy unit, it began to drive around in circles right in plain view of the Hetzer! Needless to say it is now dead. Thank God CM:BB is on the way.

  9. I am playing a CM:BO PBEM game with an opponent at the Blitz. So far, my Cromwell VIIIs have managed to kill a Heavy AC and put hits on a JPz-IV(70) and a Hetzer. The IV(70) and the Hetzer still live. I think this is in large part due to the fact that so far, the Cromwells have only fired HE shells at them! Now, I'm thinking if I were facing these last two behemoths, I would want to use ammo that gave me the best chance at a penetration. Instead, they insist on firing HE. They are scoring hits because I maneuvered for shots at less than 300 meters. But is there a reason they won't fire the © ammo? Is it because the computation says it can't score a knock-out with it and is therefore "saving it" for the sure kill that may never come? Or is my game messed up?

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