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Jussi Köhler

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Posts posted by Jussi Köhler

  1. Originally posted by Agentorange:

    Very , very disappointed to be honest - at the least the game should have been sold with the warning that all that spiel about huge numbers of different vehicles wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

    You have the bloody vehicles!!!

    They just share one 3D-model, who cares!!! All vehicles have different charasteristics, isnt that a lot more important than eye-candy???

    Do you honestly go zooming around in every battle looking at exploding stuff, or do you mostly check it from view 4 or 5 like the most of us I think???


  2. Both my grandfathers served in the Winter and Continuation Wars here in Finland.

    The one from my moms side was a driver for in a Vickers tank(Tank Brigade, 5th Company, 1st platoon lead tank), he was seriously injured on the 19th of June, 1944, when his tank was the last to leave in a Russian offensive at Pappilanniemi near Vyborg. He was shot by one of our own 75mm AT-guns who thought there were no more Finns coming through. The gunner in his tank was killed when the projectile shot cleanly through both walls of the tank. They had expended all their ammunition so the tank did not explode when hit. Later when his injuries had healed he received training for the PzIV but did not see any action in it before the war ended.

    My grandfather on my fathers side served as a doctor in Borderjaegerbattalion 5 (Rajajääkäripataljoona 5). He was a long time on the front and wrote a book about it together with 3 other soldiers who fought for the unit(Rajajääkäripataljoona 5, ISBN:952-90-2777-X). Great read, highly recommend it to fellows Finns, I dont think it has been translated.

    I can only say that I am extremely proud to be of the same family as my grandfathers who really are extraordinary men.

  3. Both my grandfathers served in the Winter and Continuation Wars here in Finland.

    The one from my moms side was a driver for in a Vickers tank(Tank Brigade, 5th Company, 1st platoon lead tank), he was seriously injured on the 19th of June, 1944, when his tank was the last to leave in a Russian offensive at Pappilanniemi near Vyborg. He was shot by one of our own 75mm AT-guns who thought there were no more Finns coming through. The gunner in his tank was killed when the projectile shot cleanly through both walls of the tank. They had expended all their ammunition so the tank did not explode when hit. Later when his injuries had healed he received training for the PzIV but did not see any action in it before the war ended.

    My grandfather on my fathers side served as a doctor in Borderjaegerbattalion 5 (Rajajääkäripataljoona 5). He was a long time on the front and wrote a book about it together with 3 other soldiers who fought for the unit(Rajajääkäripataljoona 5, ISBN:952-90-2777-X). Great read, highly recommend it to fellows Finns, I dont think it has been translated.

    I can only say that I am extremely proud to be of the same family as my grandfathers who really are extraordinary men.

  4. Both my grandfathers served in the Winter and Continuation Wars here in Finland.

    The one from my moms side was a driver for in a Vickers tank(Tank Brigade, 5th Company, 1st platoon lead tank), he was seriously injured on the 19th of June, 1944, when his tank was the last to leave in a Russian offensive at Pappilanniemi near Vyborg. He was shot by one of our own 75mm AT-guns who thought there were no more Finns coming through. The gunner in his tank was killed when the projectile shot cleanly through both walls of the tank. They had expended all their ammunition so the tank did not explode when hit. Later when his injuries had healed he received training for the PzIV but did not see any action in it before the war ended.

    My grandfather on my fathers side served as a doctor in Borderjaegerbattalion 5 (Rajajääkäripataljoona 5). He was a long time on the front and wrote a book about it together with 3 other soldiers who fought for the unit(Rajajääkäripataljoona 5, ISBN:952-90-2777-X). Great read, highly recommend it to fellows Finns, I dont think it has been translated.

    I can only say that I am extremely proud to be of the same family as my grandfathers who really are extraordinary men.

  5. Hi,

    Im a total n00b on this laptop of mine. Just installed CMAK on it so that I have something to play on the road and wish to update the drivers on my graphics-card.

    Its a S3 Graphics Inc. Savage, ith following info I got from WinS3ID;

    Chip Name: Savage/IX w/ MV (294)

    What drivers should I try out? Ive been all NVidia until now so have no idea.

    Edited to add:

    I run the desktop at 1024x768 and get only the option of running CMAK in 800x600. This causes the screen onyl use that area, it doesnt stretch to the end of the screen-edges. Same thing happens when I change the desktop resolution to 800x600. How can this be fixed? Theres no option (that I can find) like on normal monitors to adjust screensize, position etc...

    This is an old 700MHz machine so the drivers dont need to be super-new as the bottleneck is elsewhere I guess...

    Could anybody tip me in the right direction please?



    [ December 07, 2003, 05:32 AM: Message edited by: Jussi Köhler ]

  6. Originally posted by MeatEtr:

    Hehe, was thinking the same thing Lou. Gail also sent me an the email confirmation.

    Now if only i can get the game. Mail hasn't come yet today(fingers crossed).

    Hey hey, I KNOW Gail only has he hots for me, so dont you guy stry to snatch her from me!!! She sent me a special e-mail...
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