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Dave H

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Posts posted by Dave H

  1. How can anyone think in terms of "right and wrong" when it comes to the deaths of children? Can we really be that cold-blooded?

    Warfare's end product is always dead children. That's the single permanent result. Rulers and forms of government and economic status and national boundaries change. Only the dead stay the same forever.

    I'm sure this is a subject wargamers are not going to flock to - it might spoil the <font size=6>FUN</font size> factor of the games.

  2. Originally posted by Abbott:

    two cans of tomatoe sauce


    Wow, Abbott's a graduate of the Dan Quayle Skool o' Fancy Spellin'. Or maybe Abbott IS Dan Quayle. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

    I dug out my old CDs and reloaded and played some Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri. It's not much fun any more either. I didn't even bother loading the sequel Alien Crossfire. Guess I didn't suffer from CM burnout, it's gaming burnout. :eek: :eek:

    Probably having a copy of this motivational poster on my desk is an indicator. There are just way too many more important things to me. :D:D:D:D

  3. Originally posted by OES95:

    What in the?---???

    A faint sign of intelligent life in the <font size=1>penguin</font size>verse after only 91 posts? This has got to be an alltime record. :eek: :eek:

    I did like the use of the word <font size=4>HUMBLE</font size> in all caps in the title. God knows <font size=1>penguins</font size> have a lot to be humble about already, and more every day. :D:D

    Did Seanachai and Dorosh ultimately manage to bore each other into comas?

  4. Originally posted by Cuirassier:


    So thanks again everyone for the replies. I am willing to further discuss the causes of war, but now I think I am primarly interested in finding evidence that proves the state, and thus nationalism and economics, is at the heart of conflict.

    Ummm, don't you think it's a little premature to settle on your thesis and limit your research to only that evidence which supports your thesis? Can you explain to us exactly what level of organization qualifies as your theoretical "state"? Do tribes qualify? Confederations? What about different religious and/or economic and/or political segments of the population of a single state?

    My point is that nationalism is a fairly recent phenomenon, while war is not. I'm interested in hearing your explanation of the causes of the War of the Roses or the English Civil War in terms of nationalism.

  5. Originally posted by Mace:

    Oh sorry!

    **then throws a soiled DIAPER at DaveH**

    Happy now, granddad?

    ;) :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Ecstatic. I hope all of you had a Happy Easter and in the most sacred traditions of Christianity stuffed yourselves with delicious chocolate Easter bunnies and those horrible Peeps. :D:D

    Can you believe the utterly charming and entirely perfect Abigail Grace will be having her first birthday in just two weeks? It seems like only yesterday she was a helplessly tiny babe in her crib and now she's happily climbing the stairs and creating havoc. What a girl! :D:D

  6. Originally posted by Mace:

    **then throws a soiled nappy at DaveH**

    Since Ozzie English is not my first language I'll need someone to tell me if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I'm visualizing Mace throwing a used Depends but where would he find one of those? I didn't think the Aussies bothered with anything having to do with personal hygeine. I believe I read somewhere they assumed either the Vegemite or the excess alcohol in their blood would kill any germs. Have I been misinformed? tongue.giftongue.gif
  7. Originally posted by _Axe_:

    Stop infecting my beloved thread you pus-filled sacks of rat droppings!! ARGGAR GRAGRAG RAGRGARGAGRGR GARGAGRGAR GARGARGAGRAGRAR!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    It brings a tear to the eye, it does. Actually it brings a lot of tears to both eyes to see what's become of the man who once wrote a glorious fiction of the day the Cheery Waffles came to Barrie. Now he writes like a certain ant/mold/vomit-encrusted little man from New Hampshire who will remain nameless. :(:(
  8. Dear Emma,

    I was right with you until I spotted this glaring mistake in your post:

    *Chucks a cold beer to Mace*
    Now it's clear to all that this is a typo and you actually meant to say "Chucks a cold beer AT Mace". Or maybe a meat cleaver or hand grenade or an open bottle of sulphuric acid. They all work. :D:D:D

    A word to the uninitiated, it goes, "<font size=6><font color=red>GRARGHRARGHRARRGRAARHRGHARG!!!!"</font size></font color> :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Axe, who turned you loose again? How many days until we can call you Dadooo?

  9. Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

    Becket, couldn't you just have shortened that answer to 'Because BFC roXXors!!' and spent more time insulting Dave?

    Just a suggestion to make your future posts more entertaining, maggot. :mad: :mad:

    Mike_the_wino you maggot (but I repeat myself) have you noticed that Becket is or says he was an attorney? Can you even imagine for an instant any attorney using one word when there are hundreds available? I believe that's lesson #1 in law school: thou shalt never give a short response to anything.

    I think I'll hold out for a BFC - Sid Meier sequel to Alpha Centauri. Or maybe a new version of Mah-Jong. Maybe Solitaire or Minesweeper.

    Seanachai, sorry to report the Ohio River is now ice-free and the boating traffic will be picking up soon. If you care to match your kayak against some of the craft on the river I'd get a major kick out of watching their wakes swamping you.

  10. Originally posted by Prinz Eugen_2:

    The very first occasion of being close to ban, that's quite an accomplishment. Which one of you weasels has had the same ? :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Don't get so carried away with your uber-wickedness. With the fine examples set by Seanachai and Kitty I am sure any of us could manage to get banned with a single post. It's really not that complicated. If you want to impress everyone with your mad skilz, start a new thread with a bannable title. The Battlefront guys will catch that in no time.
  11. Originally posted by Becket:

    Just when I thought this couldn't get any worse, DaveH, wino, and pseudopod show up.

    Sure enough, Becket showed up and it got worse. Becket, my old "friend", you mean to say you're still among the living? I had high hopes that some thoughtful jury of your peers had put you away permanently years ago. It's good to see that some of the sober Cheery Waffles are alive and kicking. :D:D:D

    So, who is ready to whip out the plastic to buy CM/SF? For me the whole make-believe modern thing just doesn't have anywhere near the immersion of the historical combat between the Allies and the Axis during WW2. Maybe it's just too much like watching Fox evening news - full of the sterile hardware without any of the real-life consequences. For Battlefront's sake I hope it sells up a storm, but I can't imagine wanting to try it.

  12. Originally posted by mike_the_wino2:

    And did Dave H finally expire? Or does it always smell like that in here?

    My son, I'm with you always. Keeping a safe distance from you, of course, but I'm around.

    I wondered if anyone from Battlefront was paying attention to this thread. Our newspaper boy really stunk it up. On the brighter side we know he has already figured out how to use large type and bold letters. Well done, young man. I'm sure your whole family must be terribly proud.

  13. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Oh, please. If anyone is going to nail his own sister and get her with child, it's going to be a Cheery Waffler. You fecking people are the poster children for a bias against incest, given that your combination of annoying anarchism, out-spoken stupidity and dedication to spewing down your own fronts makes the 'Madness of King George' look less like a cautionary story about in-breeding than it does an explanation of where Goodalers come from.

    Our goddamn founders are still here, and actively posting. Yours? You couldn't tell us. You don't know. But I imagine that a short search of the Federal prison system could probably get you the last known address of your Founder, as well as an 8x10 glossy of his most recent colonoscopy.

    Just once could you be correct about a single fact? That Grizzly Adams wannabe Abbott was the originator of the Cheery Waffle Thread. I believe he's been known to spend time right here, which is a pretty close approximation of the federal prison system - of the ninth century. :D:D:D

    Since your drones here follow your lead, please do try to keep up. :D:D:D

  14. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    I now own a fleet of kayaks.

    Well, at least two. And I can get both of them into the trunk of my car.

    When I come to visit you all, there will be boats for everyone.

    I hope that you all have rivers and/or lakes near by. Just, you know, in case we want to go indulge in God's sport...

    If you hurry I can almost guarantee the total absence of water skiers and Jet Skis on the Ohio River. On the flip side there are plenty of large chunks of ice and the constant barge traffic. Oh, and the Falls of the Ohio, too. I'll take pictures from shore so the forum will have a record of the doomed last voyage of Seanachai. :D:D
  15. Originally posted by _Axe_:

    Dave H is indeed the cause of all the world's ills. :mad: :mad: :mad:

    The world isn't ill, Grasshopper, just you carbon units infesting it. I'll give you credit, I'm seeing improvement everywhere. :D:D

    I feel like Mastergoodale - I'm finishing my basement. Fireplace went in today.
    Axe, I served with MasterGoodale (the maggot), I knew MasterGoodale (the maggot), MasterGoodale (the maggot) was a friend of mine. Axe, you're no MasterGoodale (the maggot).

    Sorry, but finishing a basement doesn't make you certifiable. tongue.gif:D

  16. Originally posted by John Kettler:


    It's rather like that scene in THE DIRTY DOZEN where the new CO is trying to find tough fighters for wet work, and invites prospects to come at him with a knife. The ones who charge in for an overhead stabbing attack don't worry him at all, and they wind up flipped and disarmed in seconds.

    The one that worries him is the one who comes in low, keeps the knife tucked up near the body and slashes with it viciously in lightning quick upward strikes. Your approach would be analogous to the overhead stab method, and I'd love it.


    John, not to nitpick, but in The Dirty Dozen the hero Major Reisman (Lee Marvin) uses the improbably named giant Posey (Clint Walker) to demonstrate fighting a man armed with a knife. If you recall, Reisman starts shoving Posey and taunting him to stick the knife in him, finally enraging Posey enough to make the clumsy attack you mention. I don't recall any of the others attacking Reisman with a knife and using the tactics you mention. I do remember Franko (John Cassavetes) offering to stick a knife in Reisman to "help the war effort". Certainly none of the Germans used a knife. Was this a Dirty Dozen sequel you were thinking of? :confused: :confused:
  17. Originally posted by _Axe_:

    Member # 8694

    posted November 18, 2003 08:18 PM


    I'm number one! I'm number one!

    Ho boy, CMAK can't get here soon enough. I think we're all a little loopy.

    CMBB kept this thread going for a year. CMAK should give it another year. CMX2? The sky's the limit.

    [ November 18, 2003, 05:19 PM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]


    Let's make a fast plan

    watch it burn to the ground


    I was just looking through some old Cheery Waffle threads hunting e-mail addresses for a New Years note to old friends. This was from the last Waffle thread in the CMBB forum. Notice the date when Axe posted and edited it. Is it any wonder people have gotten tired of waiting for the next big thing? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

    After perusing a few of the old threads I'm saddened by the people we've lost from the community. You just can't replace guys like MasterGoodale and Jim Boggs and Teddy Windsor and Soddball and Snarker and Keke and Becket and Stalin's Organ. Sure, you ask, "Why would anybody want to?" Well, I can't really think of any good reasons, but I still miss them all.

    <font size=4>Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

    And never brought to mind?

    Should auld acquaintance be forgot,

    And auld lang syne? </type size>

    <font size=6><font color=yellow>Happy 2007 to everyone!! :D:D:D </font size=6></font color=yellow>

  18. <font size=6><font color=green>Good <font color=red>Evening,</font color><font color=green> Maggots!!!</font color></font size>

    <font size=5><font color=white>Welcome to winter.</font color></font size></font size> It's a frigid 53 degrees here. I think our grass needs cutting. Maybe after the rain stops.

    Kitty, good to see you're running around loose again. Too bad you've lost your mind - I read some comment you made about Australian men being the only real men. It's always so sad to see the evidence of someone who has killed off too many neurons. :(

    SPOILER ALERT!!! Axe, not to give away the ending of your new books, but the Soviets win in about 1945. tongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif

    Not much else to say. About a year ago I gave away my CMBB and CMAK CDs; then after a few months bought new copies; and now I'm about ready to pitch them again. I couldn't recapture the old magic of playing Combat Mission. I'm spending my web time on other forums like The Comics Curmudgeon and the always hilarious Wonkette .

    <font size=5>Happy/Merry _______________________</font size> (fill in with whatever you're celebrating) <font size=5>to all!! :D:D:D </font size>

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