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Stalin's Organ

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Posts posted by Stalin's Organ

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus:

    Actually Mr. Penis my name is after the band, who named themselves after the movement. That and they thought it sounded cool.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Ahh.....so you name yourself after those who never had to talent to write songs themselves...prefering instead to make dark, moody copies of others fine efforts.

    An excellent allegory!

    Do you have any more talent or imagination than your namesakes??

  2. Ah, unter or uber....whichever....now I see why the puss filled worms of the pool ignore you! But I don't have to worry about that problem, 'cos I'm just a flat-head 'roach with a drug problem & don't have to follow the leader like all the other poor excuses for evolution in here!

    What you lack in actual abilty you make up for in quantity...I guess it does have a quality all of it's own....its brown, sticks and it smells, so we can thank god you don't have any fan's.

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gyrene:

    Stalin, now we're reaching into Philosophical territory here ;)

    "The soldiers didn't kill anyone, their bullets did"


    No, but hte FO is not firing the weapons that are causing the casualties..

    HQ's that are directing on-board artillery do not get credit for kills by the artillery, so why should FO's get credit for directing off-board artillery?

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John Kettler:


    Also, please come up with procedures allowing sustained fire for water cooled MGs, including the Russian Maxim which was frequently used in multiple mounts for AA

    work. I firmly believe this area needs work and has for some time, particularly since Ian Hogg cites a four gun Vickers group during WWI denying all movement through an area for 48 hours, with only a handful of stoppages. The guns fired continuously, while being steadily replenished with ammo and water. I feel that the current modeling of water cooled MGs takes much of the oomph out of the Allied MG arsenal.


    Maybe on defence, but then only if there's a river and an ammo dump handy!! smile.gif

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bauhaus:

    I don't assault newbies......I have no idea where they've been and I really don't want to catch anything.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Quite true - I certainly don't feel assaulted, or even insulted.....presuming that I'm a newbie.

    Rather I feel as if I've been tickled all over with a feather duster........highly appropriate from one who has chosen to name himself after a dusty and cob-web laiden relic of the Weimar Republic - a boxy, unimaginitive style which symbolses all that is putrid about peng.

  6. Olle Wrote in response to my comment that you're only getting ammo when you buy a mortar FO:


    You get not only ammo, but availability (FFE where you need it when you need it) and ROF as well. With more FOs you'd get way to much availability and potential ROF. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    To take your last point first - the ROF for a German 81mm mortar FO is about 40 rounds per minute (sampled over a 3 turn barrage in a game last night!! smile.gif) - that's about the same as 2 mortars.

    This is NOT an excessive ROF IMO - it's just 1 section of mortars firing under the FO's guidance! Typically a mortar platoon has 3 such sections.

    Just wait to CM 2 comes out and russian Rifle Bn's can have 3 platoons of 3 mortars each in most cases!! smile.gif Unfortunately I don't think this will be modeled all that well - it was their main, virtually only on-call arty.

    as for availability, well that's a little more complicated. The concepts of direct and genral support come to mind - the mortars of an infantry battalion would be in direct support of all teh companies ofthat Bn, and would fire for them if not being used elsewhere.

    It would be quiet reasonable for a Bn to have 2 companies "in line" and hte otehrs in reserve, so 3 sections might cover only 2 companies, and having 2 mortar FO's is surely by far and away the simplest means of simulating this.

    Sure they can gang-up on a target - but if the player thinks it worthwhile to fire 2 FO's at 1 target then I'd suggest that a "real life" commander would do the same - he'd probably throw in the 3rd section as well!

  7. Ah...it is good to see the introspection bought on by a bit of mild slagging.

    See pengsters, newbies can actually be useful, inviting you to think about your pathetic existance, the lack of worth of your raison d'etre, and why it is that you are unable to fulfill the needs of your ancient, wrinkled and incompetant membership.

    Nothing is more indicative of the demise of Pengdom than the Kebab's articulate response to Mensch, Peng et al -




    Is thsi the articulate side of Pengdom expressing itself? It's too much for me I must admit - the cunning satire, the biting wit, the barely expressed undertones of contempt for fellow pengsters are all so well expressed by spitted meat in just 3 letters! Such articulation is rarely seen in the outside world.

    So, Kebab...when are you going to send in the setup for game 3 of our little series....a ME is called for for the final bout is it not?

  8. So, Philly, let's see if I've got this right?

    Kay-nig-it's don't teach their squires anything....and squires can be as cheeky as they like to kay-nig-its when they get challenged.

    did I miss anything?

    Gosh it's a regular little cess pit of actual game related info her tonight.

    Why were y'all posting all that crap earlier on then?

    Shouldn't you be playing CM if you've got spare time on your hands?????

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

    Stalin you annoying pissant.

    Leeo is a registered Squire of the 'pool and a damn fine one at that..<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Let your standards down then have you?


    You on the other hand are nothing, you are less than nothing.

    May the sound of 'ignore' pervade your future postings.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I look forward to it!

    Alas, however, I fear that there is insufficient wit and intelligence here for that happy event to come to pass!

  10. Hey fake scots git - do you pee on small dogs often? And if you're having trouble understanding SOD OFF then by all means ask someone who's ben here a bit longer than me to explain it to you.

    Leo - Stalin could certainly find his organ - it's 132mm in diameter and 2.5 meters long.

    Clearly you're well experienced in removing annoying vermin from your own to know so much about the process......so how come you're still such an annoying mindless twerp??

    At least we all know now why the Peng thread can't breed! Thank god!

  11. Ah ya stupid pretend Scot's git yankee twit- what sort of scotsman would use a garand instead of a real rifle?

    The only reason you talk about your wee doggie so badly is that he's not in the room with you to tear your bollocks off!!

    A poodle scares the haggis out of your sort if it so much as looks in your window, so why don't you SOD OFF and come back when you've got a backbone!

    And of course we all know that a long title is just a piss poor excuse for a short dick - so let's modify that to come back when you've got any bone at all!

    [ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo:

    Our interest in your parents is purely scientific. I, for one, just want to ascertain the kind of assumed-human it takes to birth a brain-dead scum-sucking newbie who has managed to feign some sort of simulacrum with neuro-motor skills of such complexity that they can be mistaken for the random banging upon a keyboard that is nearly equivalent to the manipulations demonstrated by a rather dim-witted starfish.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Well that's obvious to anyone with at least a modicum of intelligence, such as me - parents like yours have that particular problem.

    Let's face it, you're a non-entity here. You didn't manage to make the list of old-timers, and you're being spat on by a newbie like me, so you really should be re-examining whether or not you'er fit for the cess pool!!

    you're are a bit of a sad case and no amount of bawling your eyes out is going to make you look any better!

    Perhaps you should go and have a cup of hot chocolate and curl up with a good book or something??

    You poor sad deluded fool!

    Why don't you just SOD OFF?

    [ 05-30-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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