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Stalin's Organ

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Posts posted by Stalin's Organ

  1. What a load of hokey!!

    The reason it's good is that it's good - forget the mods, the eye-candy - the game'd be just as good without it.

    It's the most detailed game of WW2 tactical combat in exitance (not that it's perfect, but hey...)

    For miniatures gamers like me it's finally beginning to fulfill what comuters have promised to do for so long - do the complex physics that is involved in combat so "all" I have to do is issue the orders.

    It's good because it's (at least believably) realistic, complex and accurate.

    It's a historical game, so it has to match history - these guys can't go out and invent a universrse and make it fit their concepts - instead their concepts have to fit the existing universe. Everyone pretty much knows what happens in "real life", so there's little or no opportunity for the writers to pull the wool over our eyes.

    It just has to be good to be sellable!

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar:

    Finally, a shot of a Soviet tank!


    We've waited so long...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Good grief - well you'll just have to wait a bit longer you dolt!!

    No wonder you're a Commissar and not somethign useful - that's not a tank - it's a bloody self-propelled GUN you moron!!

    Off to Lubiyanka with you this instant - you'd make a perfect instructor for the NKVD's stupidity classes!!!


  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Adam Lloyd:

    The answer is not simply "Artillery solves AT Guns", I wish it did. smile.gif You have to get through an infantry screen, backed by enemy DF and Indirect support without AFV support yourself. Then, and only then does "artillery solve AT guns". In the meantime, you must find them and hence deal with the combined arms element.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Er...well if your AT guns ain't shooting sure - I can't find them......but then they aren't protecting anythign either....so that's fine by me too!

    And hte artillery does NOT have to go THROUGH anything at all - it goes over!!

    . <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Well I'll wait and see what Murray's take on it is. I know what mine is.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    You're allowed to be wrong all on your own y'know!! lol

    Anyway - if you like to prove it then send me a setup!! Either side, I presume you'll want to use AT guns to prove your point, so I'd suggest you either defend of we have a ME. No gamey **** :D

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rexford:

    A couple of well camouflaged Marders and Firefly is toast.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Oh gosh - well how about a couple of well-camoflaged 50-57mm AT guns to KO any tank in WW2??


    Oh..one other question - did any German guns have shatter gaps vs allied armour?? redface.gif

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark-who-can't-count:

    Durn fine example. What we Amis brought to the party, was cutting the hole in the floor.


    And of course you brag about it.

    What a shining example of what happens when you discover 'Merka - you also get too much sewerage for the ol' midden!

    No-one NEEDED indoor plumbing before 'Merka - thanks a lot you dork!

  6. In my other games....well Bryce (real name forgotten) jsut launched the US version of July 1 1916 (that's the Somme for you ignoramus's) with about 3 platoons against my VL castle (large heavy building) that had 1 platoon in it, and another scarrered around it, and a 75mm IG fiting up one side, and a Lynx up another - the few Ami survivors have retreated!

    Life would be better but the one hit I got on his 1 (so far) Stuart penetrated & did no damage (75mm HEAT), while a goddamned bazooka brewed a lynx at 160 metres while being shot at by 2 tanks! (It's a recon game)

    Have just started another recon game with Scott (again real name forgotten) as allies, at night (random everything except weather - am waiting for his first orders turn), and selected forces against Tom (a 3rd Recon game) as Germans.

    So it's all happening.

    I think I wanna play one of these as 5000 pts Tank heavy-armour - anyone game??!! :D

    Edited 'cos I jsut read the rules and Treeburst won't let me do that!! :(

    [ 06-15-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KiwiJoe:

    Tough??? hell I'm uncrackable smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Oh..hell, I didn't realise it was a NUTCRACKER tourney...damn!! tongue.gif


    Bring on the next bitch ;)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Oi......no dogs here thank you, just overpaid underworked civil servants - call me a bastard if you wish, but leave my mother alone!

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

    Obviouslym the Allied player can choose airborne to bring things a little closer to even, but at the price of having ZERO armored units. Not very sporting, I would say.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    It's worse than that, cos if the Brit Airborne are attacking or in a ME they can't even bring on-table guns - no trucks y'see!!

    So their AT support = PIATs and off-table artillery - 4.2 max IIRC!

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by patboivin:

    Maybe the HQ units could be 1 level worse than when they are commanding their own units.

    e.g. stealth 2 would become stealth 1.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Err...so company commanders would be 1 level worse when commanding squads?? No thanks.

    Company and battalion commanders would be wel known to their men most of the time, and quiet capable of leading them competently (except that my ones always seem to cmoe with NO modifiers at all!! :()

    Even within a company the platoon comanders would probably be known to most of the troops adn they'd be able to transfer around a bit without too much bother.

    [ 06-15-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Simon Fox:

    In fact even with 6pdrs they seemed to do Ok vs Tigers. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Except that everyone else was talling about Tiger 2's - Konigs Tigers, Pzkpfwgn VIB, etc., NOT the Tiger 1 that was used in Africa.....


    In CM you seldom see AT guns in the numbers they were employed by the British. Some brit inf Bn had up to 12 AT guns in the desert, add to that the AT regiments at divisional level and you have a fair bit of AT defence. In CM it may be gun vs tank but in reality it was guns.


    Cough, splutter....in CM I regularly see 3-4 AT guns to a company of infantry, and it's hte AT guns that I watch out for - 'cos they're harder to see until it's too late!

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Comparing the Firefly and the Tiger is apples and oranges. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Exactly - a point lost on smoe people!

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Anyway why would a Firefly be pinging away at a MkIV you only need a Stuart or Daimler for that :D<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    For the same reason the Tiger is pinging the Firefly - it's a free shot!! :D

  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Blenheim:

    OK, let´s solve this dispute in a Steel Beasts Shell fest !!!


    Good grief - who bought this moron along??!! redface.giftongue.gif

    this is a CM forum!!

    But if ayone wants to then fine - Fireflys vs Tiger 2's - bags I the Fireflies and lots of forests and hills :D

    Or, alternatively, 17 pdrs vs 88mm PAK's, since that's what the original question was about.....

    [ 06-14-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

  12. My spologies to the two (maybe more) souls who read my last post before it got smilied!! It was always intended to be y'know!! :D

    anyway - Pz 1 makes no good points at all of course - apparently there's no such thing as a good medium tank, because the M1A1 will destroy them all at 5 km without any chance of a return shot....... tongue.gif

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