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    New Windsor Md. carroll county
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  1. The faces look great, very detailed. Is it possible to add any detail to their hands. With the faces, weopons, and the uniforms looking so hi res crisp, the stock hand graphics end up looking like pink mittens
  2. Thanks that got it. Was so busy worrying about all the big things it could be that I never even thought of checking that
  3. Went to play CMBO today and there is no sound. I have not changed any of the setings on my computer since I got it in November and it had been playing fine (except for fog effects). When you click on the CMBO icon the drums and the intro movie have sound but the selection menu and the game do not?. CMBB still plays fine with sound.Any ideas would be sincerely appreciated. thanx P.S. forgot to mention the computer is a pIV 2.4G Alienware with Sound Baster live card. [ January 20, 2003, 02:37 PM: Message edited by: ramor ]
  4. Along with other modifications the ausf F was to receive an improved gearbox and transmission (type AK 7-400)and mechanical brakes identical to the Tiger II. The hull top armor would be doubled to 25mm and the ball mount was modified to accept the mg 42. The Panzerturm Schmal was much smaller than the original turret in order to accomplish several objectives, namely reduce weight, simplify production, reduce the frontal area, eliminate the originals shot trap problems, and enable a larger gun to be fitted. It was developed as an independent project by Daimler-Benz underneith the direction of Dr. Wunderlich and assisted by Col Henrici, a gunnery expert from Waffenprufamt 6, while Kniepkampf was in overall charge of both the Panther II and Tiger II projects. It was to have a built in stereoscopic range finder and gyrosabilizer for both the sight and the gun based on the ones fitted on American tanks ( experiments were carried out with a captured gyrostabilizer mounted on a Panther G doubling its accuracy and firepower). It was also designed to allow instant conversion of any vehicle to a command tank roll by having radio mounting brackets and aerial on every vehicle allowing a unit commander to plug in his ultra shortwave radio to any vehicle should his become incapacitated. The new turret proved a very succesful design which took the same ring diameter of the old turret but would have taken 30% less time to make while providing up to 30% more armor protection. To adapt the main gun to fit in the Saukopf mantlet the recuperater and buffer cylinder were re-situated below the gun. The compresser for the barrel blowout apparatus was eliminated and compressed air was obtained instead from an additional cylinder which was kept charged by the guns recoil. All of these changes allowed the wide welded cradle in the original Panther to be dispensed with and also allowed for the elimination of a need for a muzzle brake even though the recoil forces had been increased from 12 to 18 tons. An L-100 version of the 75 was proposed( but may have pushed beyond the metalurgy capabilities of the time)as well as the possibility of mounting the King Tiger's 88. Infrared night vision was also a desired option. Ideas for improving the engines compression ratio and fuel injection were also toyed with as well as the possibility for adding a supercharger( along with the addition of a second cooling pump and modified coolant distribution. All in all it could have proved a formidible fighting vehicle ( and my favorite choice for a what if vehicle to be included in CMBB over others choices of the Maus or Sturm Tiger). Facing these vehicles with Shermans at range would have been a daunting task and it was lucky for the Allies that they never went beyond the prototype stage.
  5. Late model Tiger 1's and some late war Panthers shared the same all steel running gear sported by the King Tiger. These wheels were were precipitated by rubber shortages and were staggered 2 wheels to a row to allow easier changes of damaged inside wheels (the earlier wheel staggering pattern required the removal of several wheels in order to change one inside wheel). The appearance of this running gear on all 3 late war vehicles was almost identical
  6. Just in time for the 58th anniversary. Beginning with elements of 21st Panzer's counterattack on the afternoon of the 6th and the subsequent arrival that night and the following morning of 12th SS panzer, and ending on the morning of the 9th. WARNING...WARNING... Not for the faint of heart or computer. Blut Und Ehre is a huge scenario using all 256 units allowed by the CM engine. It spans 11 battles of 20 turns each and is played on a huge map (each battle is 2000m by 2000m). Best played as 2 player or Axis vs. AI. Get it at the Scenario Depot.
  7. Just to add a couple of things. Browning initially demonstrated the weopon to the U.S. army at the same time as his demonstration of the 1917 machine gun hoping to fill a percieved need for a light machine gun. The army adopted it as an over the top assault weopon to provide walking supression fire during advances across no mans land( the operators were trained to fire one round from the hip every time their left foot touched the ground). This concept was short lived and with the addition of a bipod the gun was moved into a light machine gun squad support role and was used by many other nations as well in the interwar period. Although the gun was reliable it was never perfectly suited to this role because of a lack of a quick change barrel and only a 20 round magazine capacity( always wondered why they did not extend the bipod and create a 30 round banana clip for the weopon much the same as the soviet RPK). Since it was pretty much an interim weopon there were few tactical adherents for its use in the theoretical field but G.I.'s swore by the BAR and wanted more than could be made. F.N. also produced variants in many calibers before the war which ended up in the hands of soldiers around the world even as far away as China. U.S. BAR's were also supplied to Allied nations including the British home guard in WW II and the ARVN (pictures make the gun look massive in the hands of small statured Vietmanese soldiers). Hope this helps to answer some of your questions. [ April 17, 2002, 08:51 PM: Message edited by: ramor ]
  8. Wow Tom, that looks fantastic. The roads certainly fit the bill and looking forward to the other city mods as well. Can't wait to use this one with my Gotterdammerung scenario. Thanks for the great work. P.S. do you have a ballpark ETA on this one?
  9. After loading Tom's great BOTB mod I noticed while playing non winter scenarios that the straight paved road sections had been replaced by bridge top. I had puds paved roads installed(which really weren't my cup of tea and are also temporarily not offered at present) and foolishly had not backed up the original file. I was just wondering if anyone would take it upon themselves to make a nice paved road mod as this is a fairly common terrain feature on maps and one which I have not seen modded. Thanks in advance.
  10. Sounds great Admiral. Figured you would cover both but wanted to be sure. Keep up the good work. Your website is greatly apreciated by all.
  11. Just wondering if the scenario depot will be supporting CMBB at its current web address and if authors who design scenarios for both games will have them listed together there?
  12. At the scenario Depot is a BOTB scenario called "Greif" which the author has just reworked to be compatible with Toms mod. It depicts Skorzeny,s commandos disguised as Americans attacking Malmedy during the bulge offensive.
  13. Not sure but I beleive if there are uncommitted reinforcements the game will not allow a surrender. Thus if you had a even just one squad of reinforcements set to show up on the last turn the game would go on till the end.
  14. The roof on the marder was quite possibly a post war conversion. Many nations divided up Germaniy's AFV's after the war and some of these were converted or upgraded. The most unbelievable part of the movie for me was that after the initial landing hundreds of bodies littered Omaha beach and it was still under fire for days. Yet somehow private Ryans death was imediatly reported, that information traveled across the atlantic, was noticed at the war department,delivered, kicked up to general Marshalls office,debated,decided upon, and sent back across the atlantic all in two days time.This process would likely have taken weeks if not months(I assume dogtags were collected and sent home by ship).
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