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Everything posted by slate43

  1. Freak, If you could E-mail me the unit database I'd be eternally grateful. I tried to search for it also without luck. Thanks. Slate
  2. I haven't noticed any difference, so I hide em until I absolutely need them in the fray.
  3. Another one of Hitler's Secret Weapons Run Amok. Recently declassified captured SS genetic research documents reveal the nazis had successfully developed self cloning SS kubelwagen drivers. The secretive research and developement project was appropriatly dubbed "bugs". The research paper describes in detail the first and only prototype being created/cloned by combining the desirable genes from 1 standard issue SS kubelwagen trainee (for the crisp new uniform), 1 New York Cabbie (for offensive driving and firearms expertise), and one West Texas Jack Rabbit (strong reproductive instinct). Unfortunately for the nazis, and lucky for the free world, the war ended before this secret weapon could be used against the allies. Since there is no historic record of this weapon ever being used, the folks at BattleFront assure us these units will only randomly appear in fictional scenarios. Yeah right. Anyway, unlike many of Hitlers fantastical and bazaar secret weapons ideas, this one seems to push the reality envelope to absurdity. No one can really be expected to believe that such a program ever really existed! Yet I leave you with one question: Can you think of any other plausible reason why, the post war Germany automobile manufacturing company known as Volkswagon, decided to name two of their most successful products a Bug, and a Rabbit? :eek: [ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: slate43 ]
  4. ICM, Disregard my last. You got the message. Have fun!
  5. I agree with Fred. CM is actually very accomodating in giving a possible LOS from a proposed position. Hold the CTRL key down while left clicking on the map places you at a first person perspective at that position. Once there, hit the "1" key for a head level view in any direction. It isn't totally exact but it probably affords a better indication of LOS than what actually would in the real world. Still not satisfied? Send out a recon patrol. I think CM is already as realistic as one needs for the offset LOS guess.
  6. Me and a buddy played AH's Longest Day once. It turned out to be the "Longest Day" alright. Had a blast tho.
  7. I was in a sadistic mood the other day so I created a scenario that contained a battalion of germans and 6 AFVs in a rather small zone, in a hole (massive surrounding hills), with three buildings. I surrounded them with about 8 American 105mm VT spotters with a 100 rounds each and 4 240mm spotters with normal allotment. I know what you are thinking. Sick huh? Hey I just wanted to test US arty. No need to go into details on this one. It was as bad as you can imagine. Children, don't try this without parental guidance.
  8. So Blenheim, What would you aquire/do next time you anticipated going up against a swarm of Stus? You stated a "gamey" problem, what would you do to turn that situation around to solve it, without crying foul? How would you deal with it? 5 KTS?
  9. Timeout. First Wargame Experience: Checkers; turn based. Other wargames I have enjoyed: Turn based: Chinese checkers, chess, battleship, Risk, TacTicsII, Waterloo, Blitzkrieg, SL, ASL. Real Time Strategy: Silent Hunter, CLose Combat(all) Real Time Micro Manage: Red Alert, AOE FPS/Strategy: H&D FPS: Medal of Honor I I go You go, AI goes: CM of course. I love all these games, no particular favorite, just depends on the mood I'm in. Ok thanks for the timeout (see my point?). Resume.
  10. I sure hope this one is still in stock! If it is send me one at frebea@home.net. Good quality stuff. Mod on!
  11. Just spent about four hours creating a beautiful scenario. Staged the units. Saved the scenario. Went to play he scenario and around the third turn I noticed a terrain design error on the map that I wanted to correct. Quit the game (surrendered), went to the editor, loaded the scenario, clicked on map, and SURPRISE! The map is blank! Nothing to edit. Fiddled around with file extensions a bit and tried to get my newly created scenario back into the editor but with no luck. In fact all of my scenarios, once saved are not accessible for re-editing, all I get is a blank map. The original scenario maps can be brought in for editing. Anyone out there experience this and figured out how to get the completed map back up for re-editing? I could sure use some help. Thanks.
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