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Posts posted by Mlapanzer

  1. I seen an ad for another one of these shows called "Boot Camp". Do any of you types who have a problem with the "Combat Missions" show have a problem with that one?

    As for the 12 year olds watching. That is a parents responsibility not the Governments or T.V. producers.

    As for mercenaries. I for one am glad they were around in 1776.

  2. Give away secrets!! Come on guys there's no big secret to the tacics used by our SF types and anything the bad guys want to know they probably already bought it from Clinton. biggrin.gif

    You guys should know it's more the training than the tactics. Plus the element of suprise. There is nothing morally wrong about having a show like this. Its definately more moral than say Temptation Island.

    As for the Army of one thing. I also thought the same way until I heard from my friend in the Army that recruiting is way up. Remember the AD is to recruit 18-19 year old babies. It's not ment for guys already in or out of the Army. Bottom line is it's doing what it is supposed too.

  3. I aways thought the M-60 was based on the mg-42. Even when I was in the U.S. Army they said it was. I would like more info on this Please.:confussed: Just another myth?

    Also on another note. In the U.S. there is a manufacturer making Browning 30 cals in simi-auto only. No need for any special license either.They sell for around $1500 if memory serves me right. Can you imagine mounting that on top of your SUV and standing out the sunroof behind it. biggrin.gif

  4. Originally posted by Cleavis:

    I don't know about you guys, but i think that the russian front would suck, as i hate snowy maps, and the russian tanks annoy me... i hated cc3 but loved cc2...

    Ah if war could only be fought on the French Riviera and Carribian Islands Mon. smile.gif I might even join up. Funny though the largest selling Wargame ever in Europe is Talonsofts East Front 2.


    "I will make war so terrible they will never want to wage it again" W.T. Sherman

  5. by beaten zone I'm assuming you mean grazing fire. Don't know if it is modeled or not but after a few 100 meters the fire is more of a plunging fire. Mean old mister gravity you know. The farther away the greater the drop.

    BTW: I think it is really cool how they actually model this with Zooks in the movies.

  6. OOPs hit the submit Reply button by mistake redface.gif

    When you talk about the stereotypical aspects of the different nationalities not being able to be attributated to all the individuals of a countries forces. Thats the same thing I'm saying about ALL German soldiers being 1.5 times more effective than an Allied soldier. Blanket statements like that just sound very racist to me. Oh man I'm starting to sound like a liberal eek.gif

    I think the point about the German and Allied armies effectiveness peaking at different times in the war is very true.

    The German soldier in 1940 and 41 is far different the soldiers faced very late in the war. Now if maybe these so called effectiveness rating were broken down by time periods and situations I could stomach them more but as I have read and understood them in this thread they are just to general of a statement to hold any water to me.

    The idea that the only way the Allies won the war is because they out manufactured and could stand to loose more men than the Germans is just such an over simplification of history as to useless. No Allied leader planed on winning by saying we can afford to loose more men than the Germans. Well not the western ones anyway.

    One last question. Why is it that everytime the German Generals made mistakes it's either ALL Hitlers fault or it's because they didn't have the supllies to do the job?

    Not every German commander was a military genius and not every Allied one was a bumbling idiot.

    BTW: how about sending me some of those Cuba cigars you can get up in the Great White North biggrin.gif

  7. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    I think infantry should suffer some form of shock penalty for infantry from an overrun by armour (weighted to take timeframe, national characteristics, training etc. into account), but I suspect causing casualties by putting men under the tracks was fairly rare and uncommon,

    .....Overrunning infantry would be nice to see at some future point in time.

    Michael Nice name by the way. It has serve me well biggrin.gif

    I don't believe this was rare or uncommon but actually a tactic used by tanks when they knew the infantry had little or no anti armor weapons with them.

    Here are three excerpts from a book I am ready called "Seven roads to hell: A screaming eagle at Bastogne"

    " ,more than thirty German tanks slammed into the 502d PIR's lines. Some of the paratroopers were gassed in their holes by the exhaust from German tanks sqatting over their holes and gunning their engines. Others were crushed and ground into the frozen dirt under the tanks' tracks."


    "The fog, haze and smoke that shielded the enemy from us also hid us from them. Had it been clear, the enemy tanks would have seen our dark-suited bodies against the lighter snow and the tanks could have run their tracks over us, crushing out our lives. I have seen this done."


    "One of them, a Panther, headed straight for our foxhole. It's left track crunched over our hole. ... The tank's engine revved slightly and then it began to move slowly toward town. Our hole was open again... If its crew had sususpected we were in the hole the driver would have locked the track over us and churned around and around, grinding our foxhole and us into a mixture of dirt and human flesh.The day before a German tank had ground a paratrooper into the dirt, and there wasn't enough left of the poor man to leave for graves registration."

    There is also an instance when a Tiger backing up around a corner ran into a disabled 1/2 track and got hung up and abandoned it.

    I have stated in another thread that i think breakdowns of this kind, going through shell holes and other clutter should be modeled in CM. Maybe more abstractly like a small % when going through different terrain types.


    "who put orange juice in my orange juice" W.C. Feilds

  8. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    I would like to see (at some point down the road) squads split up realistically - a Brit squad in the game breaks down as 5 and 5, in real life they trained to break down as a 4 man Bren team and 6 man rifle team. When at full strength. I guess I'm saying I would like to see more detail at the squad level - and this would also reflect the "fighting in 2s and 3s" you mention above. Maybe give squad leaders, or even fireteam leaders the same comand advantages a platoon HQ does, in order to simulate individual aggressiveness?

    I doubt this is possible now given the complexity of the game as is - just something to consider when we all are running Pentium 1000s.

    Not only is this not possible but would change the scope of the game. I look at it that a squad is actually fighting in smaller groups. You are just giving them the command of the area you want them to be in.

    As for portraying national characteristics. How can you prevent a guy playing the British from using his infantry and armor together when the British doctrine was to separate the 2?

    On another note I never said it was U.S. doctrine to put men from the same area together. But that there were many instances where they were.

    and I still say you can't make blanket statements like the German soldier was 1.5 times more effective overall than the Allied soldiers.

    (I.E. English,Scots,Welsh,Gurka,Pole, Free French,South African,New Zealand, Australian, Canadian, American and also African American. Hope I didn't leave anyone out frown.gif )

  9. What experiances has anyone had using VT rounds against armor that is not buttoned and open topped armor and 1/2 tracks. Seem to me it should be very effective against killing the tank commander before he buttons up. Im asking this because in a PBEM I have going. I have spotted his Tiger with his commander up and have order 25lb VT down on him. Am I waisting my time and ammo?


    "I'm going to make war so terrible they will never want to wage it again" W.T. Sherman

  10. MG -34/42 heavy or light?

    Found a very good artical on this MG at www.techpubs.wwiionline.com Some great photo's also. It explains the differance betweem the light and heavy roles performed by this MG.

    Did you know that the U.S. M60 MG is based on the MG 42. I don't think a German soldier from WW2 would have any problem operating it.

    As for punching power against armor and buildings that should depends more on the caliber of bullet than rate of fire.For that the .50 cal is awesome.

    I've had the pleasure of firing both the

    M-60 and a .50 cal on a tripod. Man you want to fell like Rambo get behind a .50 cal it is totally awesome. biggrin.gif


    "Who put orange juice in my orange juice" W.C.Fields

  11. Big Ron I hope your right about that Challanger I have 2 of them going up against a Tiger in a pbem right now. eek.gif

    Haven't played the Brits much but for the Americans I like the Hellcats and Chaffee's when available. The Tiger is great in a defensive roll but on the offense I think your better with the value you get from the PZ 4's and of course the Panthers if you have the points.

    The big drawback of the Hellcat and other open top TD's is there succeptability to Arty fire. You have to keep them spaced out and on the move.



    "Who put orange juice in my orange juice" W.C. Fields

  12. Bravo AACOOPER I agree with everything you say. Very well written. I think Kitty was trying to say the same thing when she said the Guy was a twit. smile.gif (Which by the way is an actual word in the English dictonary. Not just name calling)

    To say that the German soldier was %50 more effective man for man over all the forces is just plain ludicrous or Neo-Nazi propaganda.

    One other point to counter to some extent.

    The statement that U.S. units were just a hodge podge of guys just thrown together from all over the country. Don't tell that to all the National Guard units that fought thoughout history including WW2. Plus it wasn't uncommon for all the Conscript from an area to be put together to form units. If you look through the musters of Divisions before they went into combat you find many men from the same areas together. Of course when the units were replenished after loses the integrity of these units did suffer. A question is which would be worse. Whole units of green troops or mixing in green troops with the veterans?

    As for the statements about the man in the German Army being trained as a leader and knowing the battle plans. That thinking was and still is part of the U.S. Army. I wish I could find the book "Panzer Commander:The memoirs of Col. Hans Von Luck" to quote from. Von Luck who fought on every front of the war against every nationality and when asked which was the toughest to fight against he said the U.S. Army because of there resorcefullness and the ability of the soldiers to fight on even when their leaders were killed.

  13. First off I would like to know who went around and decided if a man was killed by ground fire, aircraft, mortor, Arty, EtEl.

    I have never seen actual substantiated numbers broken out this way.

    The myth of the super German soldier is just that, a myth.

    The Numbers I found on the US Army web site are. In the west 265,000 Germans 135,576

    Americans and 60,00 Allied deaths. (May God rest all there souls.)These are deaths directly attributed to battle. That does not add up. Does it matter how a man is killed? I think not.

    And how about the number of Germans who surrendered? 275,000 alone in North Africa.

    Super soldier I think not. If you want to call any men who fought in WW2 super soldiers it would be the Allied Paratroopers.

    The Red Devils, Screaming Eagles and the rest. How many Divisions was it that couldn't take Bastone? Hum! I beleive it was 9Div. that couldn't defeat an under strenght airborne Div. with some armor support.Thats without the Allied Airforce that was grounded for most of the battle and only the Div. own Arty for support.

    As in the words of Gen. McAuliffe "NUTS"


    If my numbers are slightly off or I missed a few units at Bastone I apologize but I think you get the gist of this post.

  14. Tell her FINE then. Since CM is as good or better than sex and you can't have your fix.

    Either A) wear her out or B) if she enjoys that to much tell her you need to get it from somewhere else it's getting to be all the same with JUST her. wink.gif But be carefull this has known to backfire if the Mrs in on the kinky side. biggrin.gif

    Or you could buy another copy and never let it out of your sight. Tell her you have to work late and stay at the office and get your fix.


    "Who put orange juice in my orange juice" W.C. Fields

  15. I agree Rommel No more Allied pic's but pleeeeeease don't stop the AMERICAN ones.

    And it's Yankee doodle smile.gif

    FWI even that term was given to us by the Dutch not the Brits.

    First we (meaning Americans) had to let the French take Paris then we had to let the Soviets take Berlin and both of them road into town using Chevy and Ford motors.


    "Who put orange juice in my orange juice" W.C. Fields

  16. Yes the French tanks we're not that bad in many respects better than the German tanks at the time. Not only am I looking forward to playing with some of that commie stuff in CM but I would also enjoy playing with some of the early war French armor. Is there any chance of that happening soon?

    It was a joke and with a name like Michael LaPlante (You can't get a much more French name than that) smile.gif

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