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  • Location
    Ottawa Canada
  • Interests
    war stuff
  • Occupation
    ego maniac

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  1. Has anyone solved the mac problem of swapping bmps. I searched and seached for an answer, but can't find a solid solution. I've read that it's a resource problem. If it is what can i do to fix it. (mac users may know this problem, tank treads on the sides of building etc...
  2. So would anybody kindly explain how to get rid of this. I've got lots of books on WWII and I cant find a picture where an M4 sherman has tank treads instead of green armour. Thats pretty gamey.
  3. mac baby. I love microsofts new operating system "whisper" Its a full copy of Mac OS X Gee how creative, oops PC are not for creative people
  4. I've got a big thick Reader Digest encyclopedia about Canada in WW2. Its got lots of stuff. By the way if you guys want mods done (not in a hurry) I'll be glad to do it. I've been using photoshop for 4 years
  5. I think maybe we are on to something. I'm very interested in what you are doing. I think the Canadians had the hardest fight in Normandy and don't get much credit for it. I am a Can/Normandy junkie. I'm still waiting for my copy of Grenadiers by Kurt Meyer so I don't have all the details to some of these battles. If you have maps I'd like copies of them. I can send you anything I have. uh oh...boss is coming
  6. Exactly what the subject read. When will it be released for consumption?
  7. I spend my free time looking for aerial photographs of Normandy (mostly) Although a lot of people have created maps of June 7 1944, these do not add up when I read all the material available and then look at there maps. I'm not putting any map makers down because I've played all of these and had lots of fun playing both sides of the coin. I'm starting several operations which link into each other. All done with topographical maps and aerial photographs new and old. The first is being made as we speak. 2 hours here 2 hours there. I enjoy map making more than playing the game. (rambling) The first scenario is the first day of battle for the Canadians. From Ocean to the outskirts of Buron. The next scenario will be the 2nd of fighting and so on.... I'm going to skip some days though but the maps will take the user all the way to Caen. Although I'm going to pay alot of attention to detail when it comes to map making, I also want to make these operations fun and quick loading. If anyone is interested drop me a line and tell me what you'd like to see.
  8. Use the Mac Mod manager from aikidorat (I think thats how you spell it) Go go CMHQ
  9. Thank you everybody for making me laugh. This thread is pure entertainment. I love you guys.
  10. Now that is a nice change. Now I can "pretend" to do blitzkrieg tactics using tanks that look similar to 1940. If I wasn't at work I could send you my Panzer IV mod. Mr . Dorosh has seen it. Its based on the hi-res tiger mod from Kwazy-dog
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