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Posts posted by Apache

  1. Blue 3 v. Yellow 3 are on turn 5 or 6 (or thereabouts). Will see if we can get some swift progress over weekend.

    I predicted at the outset we'd get fog and bloody rain. Why couldn't it be clear, even overcast, I WOULDN'T EVEN MIND RAIN! But both!!!

    I'm sure there is a 'scheming game' bug that always selects the worst weather for my units. Perhaps I'll post it to the 1.03 patch thread. Then again, has it selected the worst? We'll have to wait and see ;)

  2. I have read and re-read lots of posts about this and actually decided to take the plunge and try both recently.

    I have an Athlon 2100+ with a GeForce Ti 4200 128 M Video card. I found the 'tab' the turns these things on and off etc. but for the life of me I can't see much different. To some degree I'm not sure what I'm looking for??? I thought that it maybe something to do with the 'jagged' gun barrels you get when looking from certain angles but can see no difference there either. In fact, the only thing I did notice was two fine lines that seemed to run along each side of my targeting lines etc. Are there other settings that I need to activate to get the 'benefit' of having FSAA and/or AF on or is it a lot of 'hype' over something that doesn't make a jot of difference in most cases?

    [ March 08, 2003, 04:04 AM: Message edited by: Apache ]

  3. I know there is a way to do it somehow because for the last 4 months it hasn't done collapsed them, but I must have collapsed my CMBB sub folder to my inbox (which I now have to go through the chore of clicking to expand EVERY time I start the damned application). Up until recently it opened the way I'd left it, rather than how IT wanted to open up. Now it collapses the lot again.

    I've tried the Help and Search facilities in its own Help to no avail and as for the box of garbage they call MS Knowledge Base, well, say no more. Needles and haystacks spring to mind.

    Any ideas?

  4. I'm getting them too. This is by no means critical, all my troops will be modelling 'TF' designer gear this year :D , but can/should the white be a little more yellow/grey/dull. I'm not sure what material they used so have no idea how bright white they should be. Perhaps what VJ was referring to. I don't know whether such a change could be applied across the board easily or not?

    I have alll the quilted sets too. I like them but something in me just likes the white kit for troops in Winter. Too much 'Where Eagle's Dare' I suppose ;)

  5. I keep visiting this site:


    and when I attempt any of the 'rule' downloads I constantly get an error message saying that there is 'no download counter associated with this file'. I've tried clearing temp net files; turning off virus protection; setting security level to low and just about everything else. I wondered whether it was an XP thing, or Download Accelerator Plus or even an IE issue?

    Any ideas?

  6. Biltong/Others interested,

    I have nearly finished the first stab at converting BCR '42 (regular) to a Soviet version for those who prefer to play the Allied rather than Axis forces. I have not done '41 and personally at least will not (no time, inclination). I have a little more to do in terms of looking at units to use to make it interesting for players and would like an acquaintance of mine to look it over for accuracy.

    Once finalised I can send it to Biltong so he can have a look and then either mail it out to those that want to play it (to give feedback for adjustments) and then Biltong can see if SuperS will host it. It is perhaps a little unfair to send SuperS beta versions of this set too. If players are interested we can progress this through to a a final playable state (it is not far off now mind and players who want it can post here and I'll mail it out - just don't expect perfection yet) or we can bin it. Matter for you. Thoughts?

  7. I think any GeForce Ti card will eat it. I have a 4200 which would probably be mid-range now, 128M. Only thing you have to watch (IIRC) is Radeon's which do not do 'Fog' in CM. Might be worth having a look back at all posts in the tech support forum. These might be of use, I did the same as you recently:




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