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Posts posted by gunnergoz

  1. Started with Avalon Hill's Niuchess, then Tactics ][, and the wonderful games that followed like Stalingrad, Blitzkrieg, Afrika Korps, Waterloo, etc. Must have been 1963 or so in my high school days. Thanks for making me feel old, you young twerps...

    Actually it's never been better. CMBO is like a dream for me, I can't get enough of it as it embodies what I'd looked for over many years. Thank You BTS for real!

  2. An excellent overview of our favorite game's mod-ishness. And another trophy for BTS's growing "I love me" wall.

    Made me apprecieate anew how special this game and it's followers are. I'm seeing a real community here in these posts and web sites. Sort of makes a lie out of all the talk of computer geeks not being sociable. (Of course, the fact that I'd never want to meet any of you strange people in person is irrelevant!)<g>

  3. Geepers, as much as I'd love to see the darn M16 & M15, I'm getting the impression that we'll see the 11th Commandment added to the stone tablets before BTS would add more to CMBO. Sniff, sniff...sob.

    OK, life will go on somehow. I'll be allright, BTS, really.

    Now, where's the scotch?

  4. CavScout, you're right, they're only movies.

    With all due respect, however, I must offer the following observation: that the psyche sometimes blurs the destinction between real life and fantasy, and thus our movies have a way of becoming our reality. (Some say that we even elect actors into the presidency because we mistake movie heroes for the real article.) Thus, for some folks, the cinematic mages of hollywood have become the architects of reality. These people confuse entertainment with education, and the lesser movie directors do little to disabuse them of the notion.

    So, I for one resent the trivializing and disingenuous repackaging of history in this fashion.

    It needn't be this way. To cite a positive example: To Hell and Back, the Audie Murphy movie, would have been so much garbage if Audie hadn't been around to lend it credibility and keep it reasonably true to his experiences in the war. Fortunately, because it was made with Audie's help, we now have the film as legacy: a glimpse into the real man behind the MOH legend.

    Which is not to say that a film must be restricted to real people and events in order to keep a claim to credibility. In the hands of an honest and focused director, totally fictitious events and people can educate and pay tribute to history and it's participants. Spielberg's SPR is a perfect example of a generalized, anonymous fiction that was carefully crafted with integrity, focus and purpose. As a result, the film honored the men and the moment who lived in the event it depicted, even though it portrayed no identifiable individuals.

    Films produced without such resident BS detectors in either cast or direction(i.e. Battle of the Bulge) get filtered and spun and laundered so much in the hollywood production process that they tend to become...just movies.

    Thanks guys and girls, I feel better now that I pegged the rant meter. (Can some one help me climb off of this colossal soap box?)

  5. Yep, they CM graphics may be "dated" and behind the tech curve, but the game is EXCELLENT and addictive. I have a closet full of graphically gorgeous games that I've run once or twice and would now happily take 25 cents on the dollar for. CM is the first game that has led me to take Steel Panthers off of my HD. Personally, I love the graphics and I find the suspension of disbelief almost total once the tracers start flying. And it's very customizeable, as well.

    Too bad some people feel differently, but that's OK too as long as their opinions do not materially and negatively affect BTS's efforts to design and sell this series. Clearly a labor of love, this game is dearly defended by those enamored of it and remains an unsightly oddity to those who don't. They can go play something else, perhaps I can interest them in some used graphically gorgeous and hardly used software?

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