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Posts posted by gunnergoz

  1. I'm working on shrubbery/brush terrain but it's tough to come up with one that I really like from all angles. After all, it's 3D terrain and all we have to model it is a flat tile. I've tried many variants and am still working for the right combination of color, pattern and blending. Below are a couple recent attempts, which also reflect my latest efforts at marsh terrain that might better serve to model streams, which some have requested. In any event, your feedback is very much wanted so I can find a mod that meets the most needs.




  2. Is the Pope Polish?

    OK, now that you know where I stand, I must confess that I didn't care much for the CM demo. Once I downloaded it, I messed with it for 10 minutes and deleted it...whatta dope! I finally succumbed to all the rave reviews and bought the full version thinking that I'd missed something in the demo. Did I ever! This is a teriffic game, give it a try and you likely won't regret it. What's more, if you don't like it, wait until it goes out of print, come back to this forum and unload it for more than you paid for it. That's how much it is sought.

  3. Originally posted by Mikey D:

    As examples, they could supply placeable polygons for:

    telephone poles

    lengths of fencing

    civilian cars & trucks (abandoned)

    street lamps

    street signs


    This would add zero to the game but it would help in the quest for 'virtual reality'.

    WOW! Truer words were never said. I'd go nuts if we had some customizeable sprite graphic placeholders that could be dotted about the landscape. BTS, are you listening? The possibilities would be mind-boggling for us mod nuts. Admittedly I'm already mind-boggled... biggrin.gif

  4. Weeelll...I guess you can't please them all of the time!

    Lord General, is this what you're looking for? If it is, check The Last Defense over the next couple of days. I call it "winter". "Fall" is less severe with green and autn colors intermixed. Hope this helps.


    Tris: The marsh is the first photo, by the stream; the brush is in the second. BTW I've already tuned the brush up a bit as a result of feedback, here it is:


    [This message has been edited by gunnergoz (edited 02-28-2001).]

  5. Scene: Korea, 1951

    Two US Marines and two British Royal Marines share a foxhole in territory deep in Chinese Communist lines. With enemies all around, bullets are flying and the four men must crouch at the bottom of the foxhole for safety. There, crowded together, the four begin a vigorous and highly contested game of one-upmanship, bragging about how the US Marines are better, no the Royal Marines are tops, etc. Finally tiring of the game, one US Marine forgets where he is for a moment and sticks his head up to look around. Just then, a Chinese bullet at the end of it's trajectory bounces on the ground, pops into the Marine's mouth, knocking him silly on the foxhole floor. Fearing the worst the other 3 men look on incredulously as the groggy US Marine shakes his head and spits out 3 bloody teeth and a bullet. "Coor, Blimey, 'e caught the bleedin' bullet with 'is teeth!" says one awed Royal Marine to his mate. The other US Marine makes a mocking face and says, "You a__hole, if you'd rolled with that like they taught us in Boot Camp, you'd have never lost the f__'n teeth!"

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