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Tanklover MD

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  1. You would think that this "Slapdragon" character would get the hint that he was not wanted on this thread and leave it alone. Maybe you guys are being too subtle? How about this: "Slapdragon, you are not wanted on Peng's happy thread" "In fact all of us here in the kingdom wish you were dead" You can add more lines as they come to you and eventually he will take the hint.
  2. I want to add a post script. Analist, if you want to live down that comment on the other thread (the net has a long memory) then you will probably either have to post an apology, or change your handle and pretend to be someone else. As you can see, you are not getting the slack that a regular newbie will because you offended so many veterans (including other newbie - lurkers like me)
  3. Mr. Analist posted what amounted to a flame on another thread, which rightfully ticked off the thinking population of this board. I am new, but I do not think newbies get the shaft (the worst shafting I have seen is of a guy with over 900 posts on another thread). Many of us are still waiting to find out what battalion / brigade he commands. So I would feel free to post and not be scared. This is a good bunch with a few notable exceptions. At least as lurker I have read some great posts.
  4. I have had people beg me at induction not to sign a paper which would in essence pass them over for service. They had no choice -- they could not serve. When I was in, the senior civilian military advisor Dick Cheney was well known for having quite openly gotten out of military service. He was still an effective military thinker despite never having served (and as someone else here said, essentially having "dodged the draft"). The commander and cheif of the military also dodged the draft by wrangling a national guard slot then not finishing, but the military, quite righly, serves him loyally as they did Bill Clinton, and does not grumble that he is a civilian and never served. I have never understood why people look down on people who did not serve when it is impossible, and not a good thing for everyone to do so.
  5. sorry, wrong button [This message has been edited by Tanklover MD (edited 01-23-2001).]
  6. As someone who mostly like to read these things in my limited spare time, I wish that BTS had a net etiquette FAQ that more people would adhere to. I enjoyed what Slapdragon was saying, but people were telling him to go to hell, that he was stupid, that he was elitest, all without trying to come up with some interesting counter arguments. He had good points about proof and making an argument, and it made people CRAZY like I have never seen before. (I would love it if someone had a reason). Then BTS came up and essentially said Slapdragon was on the mark all along, and I laughed my rear end off. So, maybe bystanders like I, or people who are not in the middle of the arguments, should do more to point out when net etiquette is being violated. It would have, in fact, benefited the side who did not like the 1.1 change, since their argument was hurt, as you sort of hinted at, by the people who started troll, and people like Phillistine and Vanir were shouted out by Shandorf and Heidman, to all of our losses because I was enjoying the more erudite arguments against Slapdragon et al immensely. [This message has been edited by Tanklover MD (edited 01-23-2001).]
  7. You think its funny, I think it is funny, and I am sure it was meant as a joke, but Mr. Shandorf, in my mostly silent reading of this thread, seems oddly torked off by it. I do not think he will react well to making fun of him, and then we will devolve right back down after some informative and some humorous posts that I have quite enjoyed. On another thread, a guy just said shut the hell up to everyone unless they were veterans, and killed a good conversation. I don't want all the good ones closed in one night!
  8. As a veteran, I am offended by your comments. Let me just ask, which battalion did you command and when, and what combat action did you see. If you did not command a battalion, why don't you shut the hell up. After all, it would seem only a battalion commander in combat would have the right to speak under your idiotic reasoning. You sir, have reacted in a childish manner. You demean your fellow veterans and reduce the productivity of this discussion. Perhaps you should say sorry for your rudeness.
  9. I think Slapdragon that feeding the trolls is a mistake, even though everyone recognizes you are making a joke, the troll probably wont. When ever I see a childish parthian shot that is not part of the argument I chalk it up to exactly that, a troll trying to degrade the discussion. But I also shiver when the troll is responded to, because usually that are capable of far worse. Bruno, your post is excellent.
  10. I am all for having counter battery in the game, but I wonder: how does it get played. I mean, something you cannot see shoots at something you cannot see.
  11. I think in most of these discussions there should be some sort of nettiquette going on to balance the heat and flames. Having read now 5 main topics, and a bunch more alluded to in the text of people's arguments, I can say that this whole issue really was blown up, and people who came to BTS defense were targeted for some pretty childish attacks. People seemed to take offense with Slapwagon because he wanted to deal with more concrete concepts, while BTS itself took a good amount of heat from people who were not willing themselve to come up with anything more powerful than a feeling they wont have fun. I started off not believing in a German constituency, now I am convinced. Mr. Heidman, I think you need to calm down. I am playing CM, and reading this forum, and even doing some back reading. I can say that sometimes you sound ok, but then you start calling people liars, and I really start wondering what exactly you are thinking. Your usenet post, which I have now read, was childish and served no purpose. I think if you took a deep breath, reread the posts of the people you are debating, and really did try and develop your arguments you would be a great addition to any discussion. As it is, I think you are out of line. I do have a suggestion for BTS -- they should post a more detailed net ettiquete FAQ. Things like how to argue a point, how to debate in a civilized manner, and the like. Believe it or not I think this issue would have been shown to be all blown out or proportion in one topic if it had not constantly devolved, and if people had made better cases instead of just attacked people who did not agree with them.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt.Tom: Tanklover MD, he he, good name, was Tanklover already taken? You can't believe everything you read on this board, most people are fine with the way the game is now and you can win as Axis or the Allies. Some people just have stronger feelings on that subject so they are the ones who post the most. Don't take what is in that thread to be the majority opinion on the subject. [This message has been edited by Pvt.Tom (edited 01-18-2001).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Nope, I am a Doctor. You all should read the other stuff. I just joined, and have read some of the stuff, and I got the impression that Allied tank guns cut through German tank guns like butter, that Shermans run circles around Panthers and Tigers, that German infantry is no good, and that the Germans never win. I have always liked the Germans, although the town I grew up in had a Walker Bulldog in it that I used to crawl all over (when I get a web page I am going to post some pictures -- if I have time) and I thought they were pretty good, but if you believe what is being said then playing Germans is like playing basket ball in lead shoes. Even Mr. Bates on this list wont play Tigers and Panthers because they are out gunned by allied tanks.
  13. In a different thread someone said tanks are big, dumb, and cannot see well. Maybe this is it?
  14. Wouldn't you want the biggest tanks you can get if you are playing Germans. I am knew to the game, but I was just reading a thread about quick battles, and half the people there think it is impossible to win as Germans anyway even with the big tanks. Seems like the majority position is that BTS has slanted the game against Germans and no one can fight it. So if the game is slanted against Germans so bad, why shouldn't the Germans get lots of big tanks to make up for things?
  15. I noticed that their are a lot of new people posting so I thought it was OK for me to ask some questions. First, if it impossible for the Germans to win, why doesn't BTS fix it. A couple of the same people who are posting on this thread said in another one that BTS was American lovers and I was wondering why would anyone buy the game? If it is impossible to win the game as Germans then how do you fix it? I have been playing a friend in Tampa for a month now an he won as the Germans, am I that bad of a player? Next, why are the same number of points between infantry and tanks not equal? Is is because Germans had such bad infantry? How would you fix that? Does BTS know how uneven the game is against the Germans, or do they just not care? Finally, why are people against making the Quick Battles as historical as possible? The reason why I liked the game before I found out it was set up to screw the Germans was I felt like I was taking a class in World War Two playing it, very educational. I would think anything that made the Quick Battles more historical would love it. BTW -- you are right about the armour setting, works find, and I am going to try to play armour versus an allied combined arms!
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