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Posts posted by Speedbump

  1. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    For how long? Until such time as the Squire fufills the quest set by his liege, that's how long. In this case I set Papa Khann's quest in the time-honored tradition of The Shavian House as completing FIVE (5) CessPool games at which point I shall proudly submit his name to the CessPool as a Knight of the CessPool.


    Joe, has he played Jabos! yet?


  2. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Don't forget the paper lad, you wouldn't like it if you showed up tomorrow without it ... you REALLY wouldn't like it. Ask Lars or Speedbump or Harv ... don't bother asking Agua Perdido though ... he was the perfect Squire.


    Argghhh...always with the "Perfect Squire" thing...kicks a rock...hits a passed out Iskander in the head...I would have been his favorite if I could've got an extra 5 pages out of "Jabos!, the most sinister scenario ever?"


  3. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    ***BOOT*** Papa Khann ***BOOT*** We of The Shavian House ***BOOT*** are proud members of said House ***BOOT*** and do NOT ***BOOT*** MAKE ***BOOT*** FUN ***BOOT*** OF ***BOOT*** THE ***BOOT*** NAME! ***BOOT***

    I do so hope that our little discussion of this matter has ameliorated any questions you may have harbored regarding your sig line.

    Your Lord, Liege and Master,


    Joe, since Papa doesn't appreciate what he has, can I have his Stenographer?


  4. Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedbump:

    One of the great traditions of the pool is the Inquisition also known as a trial!


    Inquisition and trial are two different things.

    Trial... run by Joe Shaw, Justicar. Includes stenographers.

    Inquisition... run by Meeks Grand Inquisitor. Includes varoius body parts scattered about, hamsters and, of course, the Brick</font>

  5. Originally posted by Geier:

    Bring on the Inquisition and let's start some bonfires.

    Your friend,


    Oh boy...oh boy...oh boy...

    ATTENTION: SSNs, here follows a lesson of the MBT! One of the great traditions of the pool is the Inquisition also known as a trial!

    I nominate MrSpnkr to bring charges as prosecutor against Gaylord Focker. Seanachai to represent the defendent. Both will argue before the right honorable Sir Joe Shaw.

    And most important.....I got first choice of the Stenographers!!!!!


    edited to get the names correct in the court papers...

    [ August 15, 2002, 03:48 PM: Message edited by: Speedbump ]

  6. Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Croda:

    Who the hell stole my CessPool?

    Croda!! You are a drippy chancre sore on my sense of reality. I had hoped you retired from this mortal coil, yet you slink back in with your tail between your legs and have not sent me a turn since the Bard was a street corner mime. </font>
  7. Originally posted by Goanna:

    I can provide the following list of most requested items from Australia :

    Tim Tams

    Picnic Bars

    Sepoderm (which is ideal for washing sepos)

    Lux (usually the yellow but sometimes the white)

    Items from Australian Geographic

    Tapes of original ABC shows

    International Roast (if you have to drink instant, ours seems to be preferred)

    6 packs of REAL Australian beer like Boags, Cascade, Carlton Draft,etc, which are not typically allowed for export lest we run out.

    Okay, I am sorry I ever brought it up. Please stop. Or as Hiram would say: "SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!"

    I can't take anymore of your inance ramblings about consumer products not found outside of your horrid little (metaphorically not geographically) country...So please Seanachi, as much as I hate to say this, another sing-song please. Anything to drown out these damned Aussies...


    [ August 08, 2002, 11:23 AM: Message edited by: Speedbump ]

  8. Originally posted by AussieJeff:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

    Minties , Caramello Koalas , Cherry Ripes , Twisties , Freckles , Frogs alive , Chicos , and of course Furry Friends .

    Very good, Squire Simon, your education is progressing nicely.

    Of course there are also wagon wheels, tim tams, jaffas.....


  9. Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Roxy:

    Personal apologies will be sent to the following members of the MBT within 24 hours:

    Apology recieved and accepted. Your deception makes perfect sense to me Roxy, and as far as I'm concerned, the folks you are e-mailing are the only ones who need know the details</font>
  10. Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedbump:

    Do we have a saying that will lift hearts and put fear into the hearts of our enemies?

    Yeah, but it's something like, "Our liege is a fumbling twit who can't recall what side he's playing in a pbem, doesn't send you a fecking turn for weeks and weeks, then finally (after much prodding and abuse) sends you back the same goddam file you sent him weeks and weeks ago, but only after first whining that he had already sent said incorrect file, when in fact he had merely confused his in-box with his out-box (down, Bauhaus!)," except in Latin or somefink.

    Agua Perdido

    PS: Joe, send me the right feckin' turn, already! You, too, jdmorse. I see you skulking back there.</font>

  11. Boo Radley makes an excellent point. Can anyone name anything of value coming out of the former Penal {down Bauhaus [by the way, I haven't seen too many Bauhaus references here lately, oh for the good old days], that is not what Penal means...} colony. Let me start the list:

    1) Crocodile Dundee

    2) The Wiggles

    3) The Crocodile Hunter

    4) The toilet bowl effect (you know, goes the wrong way around)

    5) Mel Gibson...strike that, he was born in the U.S.

    6) .......any others?


  12. Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

    Anybody here know of any good support groups, because I sincerely think I'm in need of one.

    Oh, sorry. You probably want a little back story first.

    I was upstairs working on a 34mm piece of citrine I'm cutting and got up to go downstairs to replenish my wine glass.

    (and no, this is not about a drinking problem. I don't happen to have a drinking problem. I drink. I get drunk. I fall down. No problem. Anyhoo...)

    As I'm going down the stairs I hear this obnoxiously chipper voice go...I don't even know if I can repeat it...OK, here goes (gulp)... <big>"CRIKEY!"</BIG> Oh God, that hurt.

    Yes, my wife, the lovely and charming, She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed™ was watching The Crocodile Hunter! AND SHE WASN'T MAKING FUN OF IT, EITHER! I think she may actually have a thing for that gap-toothed, coulotte wearing, John Denver look-a-like, winking wanker. Oh the shame!

    But I knew I could tell you all because I know what thoughtful, caring, nurturing tender souls you are.

    So is there any kind of support group for this kind of thing, or do you think we can stage an intervention? Maybe get her into EST or somefink.

    I'm just so confused...

    I have a solution. I will mail you all of my kid's Wiggles tapes and kill two birds with one stone.

    First, she will be entranced by Ozzielands other finest export, while I will have the prime colored simpletons out of my house!


  13. Originally posted by PondScum:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by mon petite general:

    Is that a veiled request for more versilocution on my part?

    I do not fear your "songs", my liege. For I know that were I to take the earplugs out during a "performance", my head would instantly implode from the sheer, naked, and abrupt awfulness of your versilocution. </font>
  14. Originally posted by dalem:

    Oh, and the end of the last thread seemed to involve a lot of yamemring about something called a "girl". What the heck is a "girl", anyway?

    My dear dalem, a girl is one of the most precious gifts a man can be given. Only those who work in network development or build plastic models, or huff paint from their $300 airbrush system would not know this...uh, dalem it just struck me...you work for a telecom and...ahem. Sorry, no more to see here, move along, nothing to see....


  15. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


    BUT I will not have the honor and reputation of our fine Ladies of the CessPool denigrated and make mock of by an imposter! Let us see some proof say I, let us see some evidence of good intent before we clasp a viper to our bosom!


    Brilliant, my former liege. What beautiful prose. Course when you are as old as that, talking like an Englishman with lace at his neck and goat hair piled high atop his head must come naturally.


    Ps Don't one of you reprobates start a new thread around #300?

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