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Posts posted by Shatter

  1. LOL

    I don't know how many times I have seen this while playing an opponent over the net.

    Some may disagree, but as a tip never put a Shrek team in a building. As for squads with faust ya on occasion this hard to prevent, but I try to have AT assest take care of armor before they make it to my forward squads. Which sounds great in theory, but does not always works.

    Oh ya welcome to the board

    [ September 03, 2002, 08:07 PM: Message edited by: Shatter ]

  2. Dude I think you better put the bottle down, and now.

    Here is my info:

    Member Number: 4394

    Registered: December 28, 2000

    This is after I changed names from Shatter50 to Shatter. This was before we even had member numbers, and was a completely different board. So I should be like 1500 to 2000.

    So there tongue.gif

    Here is yours:

    Member Number: 7229

    Registered: November 03, 2001

    So how exactly could you of been under 3000?

    Not trying to start no crap but I think your wrong.

  3. Ok I was gonna stay of this thread due to the fact that you called CM a RTS game, but I was a newbie once to. Ya CMBO to some might be an RTS but yet it is different as you stated, and thats what we all like. You might getting a little flaming for this, but I'll over look this since your a noob.

    I am assuming you have the double cd which was released in Europe?

    While I am not sure how the mods on the 2nd cd are set up, I have heard a little about it and am assuming there are in BITMAP or BMP format.

    If this is the case all you have to do is go to your folder that contains the graphic add-ons or mods on the CD or where ever they are located.

    Then select them and drag them to your BMP folder in your CMBO folder located on your hard drive.

    BMP folder for CMBO is located in C: Drive>Program Folders>CMBO>BPM FOLDER.

    This is the default install location for CMBO folder. If you installed to alternate location, then go there.

    Normally you would of had loads of help, but the CMBB demo was released this weekend and the CMBO forum is a little slow.

    Hope this helps.

    Welcome to the board

    [ September 03, 2002, 08:09 PM: Message edited by: Shatter ]

  4. Well I don't about you guys, but if I had a hunk of shrapnel in me or a leg or arm blown off, I think it would take me quit some time to make it out of a hatch that is just big enough for your a$$ to fit through. :D

    Not to mention the fact that if I hear MG or rifle rounds pinging of my tank, I might take a sec and think about whether I should get out or not.

    Plus smoke in your tank might cause a problem as well as the fact after your tank is hit your probably dazed if your still alive.

    [ September 03, 2002, 05:59 PM: Message edited by: Shatter ]

  5. Originally posted by Tiger:

    It should work, I've tested it.



    Still can get link to work.

    I get a page cannot be displayed, I've tried to refresh, and have tried the link since last night always get the same "no page to display ,Internet Explorer was unable to link to the Web page you requested. The page might be temporarily unavailable."

    I got the T34 to work with no probs but not the KV1.

    Could you possibly e-mail?

  6. I got a coupe turns yesterday, but I told them "sorry I am of to the east battling Ruskies".

    I did get back them today, in my slow time at work. There is nothing like a job that gives you at least 10 to 15 hours a week to play CMBO & and now CMBB.

    Man my job is great.

    [ September 03, 2002, 05:27 PM: Message edited by: Shatter ]

  7. Amen Brother

    I can't believe there are that many people who liked the shockwaves in CMBO. CMBB now seems more realistic. Also wants the big deal about the tracers, they seem fine to me, but I guess when you get old your eyes go bad for some. ;)

    Although I think most who are replying are in there hearts trying to give more of suggestions to BTS rather than complain and rant.

    But IMO in some cases it could be done a little more tastefully, and show BTS the respect that they deserve.

    BTS you got my vote I know the real deal will be great.

    [ September 03, 2002, 01:56 AM: Message edited by: Shatter ]

  8. Originally posted by ParaBellum:

    And remember: you can use the 'covered arc' command also for your tanks.

    You can now set a sector for the tank to observe while moving. Lets say you want to move your tank right forward but you also want it to give some attention to a patch of woods at 9 o'clock to provide some flank cover for the rest of your tanks. Simply draw a covered arc around that position and they will concentrate on that sector (and move the turret in that direction). Great for overwatch on the move.

    Or you know there's tank right behind that slope in front of you and you really don't want your tank to engage the panicked, half-dead HMG right behind you when the enemy tank reappears? Just use the covered arc.

    No more tanks advancing towards the enemy with their turrets pointing back...

    Thats freakin awesome, I used it with armor just as you suggested. This is so damn cool, now my Armor will engage at only the direction I want. None of that crap like blasting away at a depleted squad when enemy armor is targeting me on my flank.


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