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Posts posted by imported_Wildman

  1. Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by OGSF:

    noo bae tellin' mae aboot tha broon stained marsh-mallow tea bagged Sassanach Thomas bleedin' Atkins bastaarrrds wha' die lak span'l poots o'er a candle-lit birrrthdee cake!


    See, I got everything except this part. I was actually, through copious amounts of toil and sweat and screwing my face into all sorts of contortions while my tongue hung limply over my lower lip, able to understand the gist of the diatribe. (I minored in haverin' in college, you see.)

    But this...he's either upset that some small dog relieved itself on top of his birthday cake or it's a coded message for help.</font>

  2. Dammit Mace becare when you pass out. Found this story and immediately thought of ewe.

    Sheep Sleep

    It in the year 2001 titled Sleep Sheep

    Here is the text

    Sheep Sleep

    2001 Darwin Award Nominee

    Confirmed True by Darwin

    (9 March 2001, Cairo) Police were baffled to discover a 20-year-old Bedouin shepherd shot dead in the middle of the desert. No one else was around, and no footprints led to or from the scene of the crime.

    Investigators from Sidi Barrani sifted through the meager clues surrounding Mochtar's death, and soon fingered the culprit.

    The Egyptian man had fallen asleep amid his sheep without securing his rifle. One moment of neglect, one wooly misstep on the trigger, and a speeding slug sentenced the sleeping shepherd to his final slumber.

    The unregistered weapon was confiscated from the flock.

    So you be careful out there, the sheep you have today may take its whoolly revenge.

    "The murderous sheep has been sentenced to ewethanasia."

  3. Alas it is true. You lot of foul-mouthed, German-loving weenies have activated the DoD smartfilter, you nogs!

    So I sneak home at lunch while the spousal unit is away with the kidlets to post my hatred for you all.

    LeeO has shown his complete gameyiness, but skulking around on a large map in the dark. Of course he could be in the corner, fondling his "Artillery Piece" for all I know.

    Goanna, the Gecko and I have launched a three battle OP of The Evil One's. In a gamey use of smoke I am over the first set of bridges, of course the lizard is probably no where near my troops, but that doesn't diminish my obvious abilities.

    Elvis has at last succumbed to my obvious superiority. Although he brought a 14" arty spotter, a M10, a 76 sherman, 2 Priests, and a battalion of Iowa farmboys in a 1500 point attack. (Yes, your a cheatin' bastard). The Panthers of DOOM have struck him down. Although not without cost. I post the following picture, not to gloat, but to revel in the Die-A-Lot that was administered to both sides....it was glorious!


  4. Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

    When the moment arrives in your life that you fathom what a Phillies fan truly is, then you are something other than subhuman. That moment has not arrived just yet.

    Would those be the fans that harassed and boo'd the best pitcher they've had since, since, well ever.

    Arizona thanks you and the city of "Hey Brother, let me stick this knife in your back"

    [ March 04, 2002, 11:08 PM: Message edited by: Wildman ]

  5. Originally posted by Leeo:

    Jeez, you try to perform a public service with a brain-dead mis-inspiration, and look at the thanks ya get!

    Besides, don't we all remember (well, at least have had folks tell us about the time) when our parents didn't specifically say no to something, we knew they meant yes?

    My one regret is that Wildman (bolded because, gosh darn it, it's how it ought to be done) didn't get his panties in more of a bunch.

    Besides, Seldge59 said I could![/QB]

    Well Leeo (bolded because he's right, just like a broken clock is right twice a day), I try not to make too much fun of the the fact that you've obviously taken the short, yellow bus to school. Its way to easy and not near as much fun as providing you with a fade-and-dodge taunt that leaves you reeling.

    I know your a git, the Pool knows your a git, and the irritated Mad, Bald One knows your a git. Perhaps, just perhaps, if the title had a little creativity, a little, Panache, it would have been alright. But its not, and we're stuck here with a mild pre-fab thread housing. Its like going to Chili's for good food and beer. Its there, but is it really good?

    The next incarnation cannot come soon enough, where are the UBB deamons when you need them.

  6. Leeo (not bolded because your a git) you sodding pillock.

    I follow the time honored tradition of getting the next title approved by his baldness, and here you jump the gun like some 18-years old virgin being "Touched for the very first time".

    Coupled with the fact that I've seen celery with more snap than this title, it pathetic I tell you

    Justicar, OHHH Justicar bring out the rack, this fellow needs it badly.

    Expect your demise in your festering, pox-ridden inbox shortly, you malformed little dwarf.

  7. Originally posted by Goanna:

    Oh, you will surely smoke a turd in hell for that one mister, and make no mistake. Since the erstwhile scots have not risen to the challenge, as it happens I do, in fact, have space on my dance card, and Wildman is also indeed included on the list of Things to Kill and Eat. I am acquainted with your future landlord personally, and I am sure that the Rauchenfuher himself will be willing to set up a match to hasten your delivery to his fold. If not, we can select a map from the Depot and have a setup prepared by another like croda who has recently proven himself (amazingly) to both read and reply in English to electronic communication and who is also aware that the CM engine has more than two buttons with which to screw with.

    I do so like it when the Geckos of the world overcome their desire for self-preservation and leap madly into the trap baited with but a single tidbit of food.

    Have whomever will return your email dig the hole in which I will bury you in. If I require a second for this battle I hope that Seanachai will de-funky himself long enough to fulfill that most glorious of positons. (Enough Donkey, we all know what your thinking. Didn't the temp agency find you that job in Tejuana yet?) As a member of the "Great White Frozen Tundra" he understands my pain. My pain of seeing clear blue skies and yet the temperature is below zero. The pain of walking into a building and taking five minutes just to remove the first layer of clothing required to live in this area. So "Sabot UP....On the Way" BARD your services are needed to defend our desire to see curling develop into the international sport it deserves to be.

  8. Actually, I think the biggest mistake (CMBO-wise) that most make is not leading with artillery. I always find myself trying to lay the artillery on after I've found the enemy, and by the time it lands, I've either won that firefight or the enemy has moved.

    Having no actual experience in laying down an artillery fireplan, I can say that the times I've planned for artillery to land in a space and had my infantry arrive as the last shells fall are the times I've succeded the most.

    Maybe that is how I need to approach the battle.

    1. Where does my arty need to fall to prepare the path.

    2. How long will it take my troops to reach the impact area.

    3. Based on 2 when should my arty start.

    Now that I've actually written this down it makes sense. Damn, now where is a game to try this on.

  9. I still haven't received any files from Joe, Elvis and espically from that layabout Speedy, who is holding onto the last turn of a 40-turn battle in which I beat him like he was a girl in my stable.

    As I sit here waiting for battle, my hunger has increased. Visions of Lizard-on-a-stick are becoming more and more appealing. Yes, that's right GoAnna, you Gecko, I'm talking to you. Your posturing in the last few weeks has annoyed me. Like most slow, dumb lizards you sit and hiss at the nearest rock before you slowly move your waddling mass to the nearest sunbeam, hoping against hope that someone will come along and pet your scaly underbelly.

    Oh, how I remember the times we used to catch Gila Monsters, put them in a box and then poke at them with sticks. Watching them hiss and bite at the stick, all the while too stupid to look up and bite the fleshy appendage that was holding the stick. I will enjoy placing you in the CM box and then pokeing at you will 'spoldy things, and sharp bayonets. The tire of life is approaching, GoAnna, just lie down in the road and take it like the Gecko you are.

  10. Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    Somethings never change... they still suck at CAS. Part of the reason that Marine CAS doctrine works is that is the primary purpose of the Marine Air Wings, and they constantly train at it. Also, the FAC (Forward Air Control) officer is an active pilot out with the grunts telling the planes where to hit. I spent about 6 months on a FAC team and you wouldn't believe how close we considered safe. That kind of accuracy and trust can only be developed by constant training. During the Korean war, the Air Force actively campaigned to get control of the Marine air assets... and thankfully failed

    As much as it forms a knot of bile in my throat to agree with his Darkness, the Mudpuppies are better at CAS that my brethern in blue. Why you might ask?

    Doctrine, my good Berli, doctrine. The Air Force perceptive always has been one of interdiction and key points of pressure. Reading John Warden, Col (Ret) book "Air Campaign" will show you the basics. CAS requires a focus and weapons disciple that two services cannot perform adequately. The Air Force is most effective providing Air Superiority and Inderdiction roles. In essense, without the Air Force providing Local Air Superiority, at a minimum, Marine CAS would be untenable. Proper CAS runs are virtually impossible against a viable enemy air threat and true air superiory is not something the Marines can provide and give good CAS support at the same time.

    Like most things in the military now, the services are very intertwinted, espically where air power is concerned. Of course, your only glorified bulletstoppers at heart anyway.

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