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Posts posted by imported_Wildman

  1. Actually,

    When CMBB is pulling the same kind of numbers as Heros and Starfleet command, believe me that made some corporate suit look up the game and the market.

    Imagine that MBA grad, pointing out that with greater distribution, that 2.9% translates into a profit making level. I'm sure that at least one of the major development companies has looked at battlefront and perhaps even contacted them.

    Of course I would love to have heard the BFC answer of NO THANKS YOU SUIT WEARING FREAK OF NATURE!

  2. Originally posted by rune:

    I hace surrender to the code hacking scum sucking lawyer, formerly known as Marlow. However, I consider this a moral victory, since I had at one point 2 of 3 victory flags, against armor with no at assets and a wide open map. I fought on until my little troopers were aiming their weapons at me, threatening to frag their leader.

    A gamey bastidge is Marlow , even if he is an ex-Squire. However, for his reward, I will be sending him a scenario to use against one of you pillocks, to uphold the fine Tradition of House Rune .


    Army of the Porcupine

    Marlow you quiche eating fairy. How could you NOT mention my heritage as your squire into House Rune. Why that makes Rune a grandpappy kaniggit.

    Send that file to me, I'm already testing several of your, that is if the Air Farce would actually stop expecting me to work and I need something to spank my former liege with!

    As for the rest of you...BaH!

  3. Originally posted by BlackVoid:

    Tigers in CMBO: In 150+ games I have seen them only a few times. If I bought them, they were quickly waxed by Shermans.

    About my tone: First is the language barrier, the other thing is that I got a bit angry over the QB I just played (6 T34s waxed by 3 Stugs). Should not have posted today, but instead tomorrow.

    Sorry, did not mean to offend anyone.

    I see several CMBO items in your arguement, is this about CMBO or CMBB?

    Assuming CMBB, your last QB of 6 T-34s to 3 Stugs. Several things come to mind.

    1. Your infantry support. The Stugs are less that stellar here, and if your T-34s support the infantry you could still win.

    2. Did you attempt to smoke the Stugs and move into the flanks, or did you try and take them on head on?

    3. I assume this is early war and your fighting the no radio problem in T-34s.

    Let's face it, the T-34 has a sort of "tank that won the war" mystic about it. Much like the Panther and Tiger had on the Western Front. I remember the screams of protest over the ability of the Allies to kill these tanks.

    Look at history, Stugs were built with one purpose in mind, kill other armor. The T-34 is designed to attack armor as well as support the infantry. This dual purpose and greater OVERALL capability is what make the T-34 worth more.

    Just like in CMBO, when your opponent bought Hetzers and killed your armor. It was a non factor the rest of the game. The same applies to the StugIIIF.

  4. The crewman watches a section of the "clock" around the tank, and not a particular piece of terrain.

    The driver watches the front 90 degrees. The gunner watcher 90 degrees from the gun. (This is the area simulated by covered arcs). The loader watches from 10 o'clock to 6 o'clock. The TC watches from 10 o'clock around the right side to 5 o'clock.

    Platoons rotate their guns in different directions when they move to cover different arcs. Search for an army site that will have the Field Manual about this.

    So given the covered arcs basis in doctrine and theory, I believe that it is correct.

  5. Tankboy,

    As always BTS is open to new information. I can guarantee that the best way to get the option in is to show historical examples, of those kind of "unbogging" using another tank and tow lines happened in the 30 - 60 minute combat setting a Quick battle or scenario calls for.

    If you can show proof, either in doctrine or actual day-to-day use, BTS may very well incorporate that correction.

  6. Really, Panzer Ninny try not to get your panties all in a wad. Just take care of the infidel and not bother us.

    As for that gamey Bastige, Speedy, I'll have you know that lightning strikes by light armor is all the Allies have.

    Of course, your the only one backing an uberPanther away from said Stuart. I'm really quite suprised that you knew there was a reverse command. Quite stunning, actually ol' boy.

  7. As you are new, I shall be gentle.

    You are not the first, and I doubt the last to assume that the Mother Beautiful Thread is responsible for the slowing of the forum, the crisis in the Middle East, and the spread of hoof and mouth disease.

    Ok, maybe the disease thing given Mace's proclivity with sheep.

    However, we keep the thread at ~300 post max to eliminate this very thing. You see, the original thread was roughly 124 pages and 2,000 posts or so. THAT broke the old board, hence, we police the thread sizes.

    Besides, as long-winded as Seanachi is, he has nothing on Rexford going on about armor slopes, and penetration models.

    Besides, Steve and Charles like us.....TTTTWWPHHH!!

  8. Bah! and Feh! The turns are returned and you all have got to be the most gamey bunch of code-hacking bastiges in the world. Except for The Bard who's Canuks are being killed in such horrific numbers, even my harded SS troops weep with horror.

    Mr Spkr is busy running the entire Panzer Peiper group over my 2 MPs. He will win, but wont have any infantry for the follow up battle. I just love 155m and 105mm artillery. The boomies are really cool.

    The forces of Scaliness and I have started our CMBB operation. He's losing already, I can feeling. Of course, I'm still bleeding from the shelacking that I'm getting in our CMBO operation from one Berli who enjoys giving the Germans Panthers and the Ami 75mm Shermans...Oh ya, play balance indeed. We now have proof that he has Goanna's soul.

    Speedy and I are busy flanking each other in CMBO, and by the way...don't think I didn't notice that gamey CREW rush of the flag In mid-game! Gamey Bastige!

    As for the rest, your obviously just not important enough for me to actually remember that I'm killing you slowly, with great enjoyment.

  9. {Caution, spoiler info}








    I'm just playing a Rune Scenario, tateneskey Something. Where the Germans are trying to take back an airfield.

    The problem is Rune had some tanks padlocked in Setup and dugin. Since the briefing said there were some tanks out of gas, these tanks must be those. However, I was able un-dig in these tanks during the player setup and now I'm able to move them during the game.

    Question: Is this the way it is supposed to be, or should the padlock have "locked" in the dug-in setting?

    Like I said, not a bug necessarily, but I would think that when a designers padlocks a dug-in unit, it should stay dug-in. I also picked "Stick to Scenario default" placement.

    Just an observation.

    Edited to note that this scenario is against Joe Shaw so if this is gamey, it is not only O.K., but encouraged!

    [ October 07, 2002, 11:14 PM: Message edited by: Wildman ]

  10. I agree, any company/service/goverment that blocks my connection to the MTB should be voted roight out!

    As for my opponents, (notice I quite obviously left out the esteemed0 your turns will process Monday.

    In said email you will also recieve a CMBB battle, Yes, even you Aussie types that don't have the damn game yet, you will soon you whiners!.

    Just try to have all three synopes firing that day and send both battles back, labels correctly and NUMBERED in hounor of Elvis.

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