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Posts posted by Pvt.Tom

  1. Well look at that, someone just did a Stug post, nevermind, lets stick with the first one.

    What is everyone's opinion on the Stug? I have had very little success with them except in a defensive position behind a good hill. The armor is weak but it seems much better than the Hetzer against infantry. I would like to hear other peoples experiences with it. Also the price is right, less than 100 points I think?

    Thanks Pvt.Tom

    [This message has been edited by Pvt.Tom (edited 01-05-2001).]

  2. I tried to do this to General Petrovsky once but he kicked my ass so fast I didn't have time to quit. smile.gif I have to say this has only happened to me once but it does suck, you spend 15 - 20 days playing a game, you are about to get the upper hand and boom, they stop sending turns back. What's up? Now days I tend to play the same people so it doesn't happen anymore.


  3. Tnaks, I will try some of these ideas out but the man is a rock, he always keeps a unit or 2 hidden so right when I think I have him he opens up with something new. Just the other day I was about to kill his last Sherman when BAM, a recoiless Rifle takes out 3 tanks in 1 turn, what he &*^%$^&, that thing fires way too fast, he seems to have the best luck.

    Thanks Pvt.Tom

  4. Wow, thanks for all the hints, here is another problem, I sent my infantry out first to clear the way for the tanks, but since they are out front his tanks are able to bring them under fire from behind trees and buildings that block my tanks direct fire at him. I tried 150mm Spotters but they only managed to knock out the gun on one of his tank.

    Thanks Again Pvt.Tom

  5. When I play my Dad in CM we usually play QBs, he is the Americans on the Defense and I am the Axis. He always gets Shermans with 76mm guns, never 75mm. What should I do with my Armor points? Get a couple Panthers or a bunch of Mark IVs? The last game I played the 76 Shermans had no trouble killing my Panthers so I thought maybe it would have been better to get Mark IVs since I can get more of them. Any advice anyone can give me would be great.

    Thanks Pvt.Tom

    P.S. I just want to give BTS a big thanks for making this game, since my Dad and I started playing CM together we have been talking more than we have for a long time. So Merry Christmans to BTS.

    [This message has been edited by Pvt.Tom (edited 12-24-2000).]

  6. I have to agree with Walter, if I am a Schreck gunner and I see Infantry the last thing I am going to do is fire at them, maybe I can kill 1 guy but then the other 11 are going to come over and kick my butt. I would either take of for the rear or wait for them to pass. Maybe BTS can set it up so only tanks can trigger an ambush for Schrecks and Zooks?


    [This message has been edited by Pvt.Tom (edited 12-22-2000).]

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