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Posts posted by Windopaene

  1. Originally posted by wwb_99:

    As I have always said, there is one rule when I play a QB versus an unknown opponent: Computer Buys.


    but what about "cheating"? It was mentioned in another thread that if your opponent hosts, and computer buy is selected, they can look at what you got before they send you the file. Not to mention the fact that there's no way to make sure the host didn't choose computer buy for you and human buy for themselves. although in the latter case, it would probably become apparent as the battle wore on...

  2. Well I haven't heard any other reports of anyone's being able to hack the files, but I suppose it's possible. but so is the possibility that

    1) The churchill wasn't immoble, just bogged, and became unbogged.

    2) The "three squads" had been hiding in the vicinity and moved in.

    The squad that you said "disappeared" maybe to mortar or routing...Where did they go. Were there eliminated units nearby?

    And what about the Autosave file? What you are describing doesn't sound quite right. Even if the game crashed shouldn't you be able to see the movie of what just happened?

    Anyway, I'll be interested to see others responses, as I haven't played enough IP games to know what I'm talking about...

  3. So in keeping with the other thread...

    How does one defend against artillery? Specifically, if on the defensive side in an assult mission, in a town. You can have nice defensive positions, but once the arty starts falling, you're toast.

    I'm playing in a couple of PBEM's where I'm defending, and I have a feeling I'm going to be seeing LOTS of arty. In one case a mirror game type situation where I used it very effectively on the attack, and I just know my opponent will be bringing it!

    I guess the town part isn't that imperative actually. In any case where the big shells start falling, when defending, you pretty much have to abandon the position or die. So should I bug out quick and hope to move back in once it stops?

    TIA for any ideas.

  4. Well, in one of the games I'm playing, my opponent sent an MG Jeep along each map edge. Of course, since all you have to do is spit in their direction to get them to abandon, it didn't bother me too much. Did my opponent gain some recon? Maybe. Most of my back troops were hidden, so I doubt that jeep saw too much...

  5. Originally posted by Darstand:

    I somewhat disapointed by the lack of turn out at CMHQ chat and the Tournament House. I rarly see more than 10 people at either the site and never more than 20. Come on people, come out of your hiding place and face some real people. It is FAR more satisfing to defeat a person than the AI.

    Well how many people do you need? One is all that it takes. I played last night with someone from CMHQ. Rotten bastard kicked my butt, but still...

  6. Saw a post on usenet about "The Ardennes Offensive" new free version. Downloaded it.

    Saw a post about Steel Panthers World at War, new free version. Downloaded it. Played it a lot.

    Subscribed to comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical.

    Saw a refence there to the upcoming "Combat Mission". Came here. Lurked until my computer died and I could get a new one with the horsepower to run CM. Downloaded Demo. Waited until CM was back in stock.

    Now kicking butt in France...

  7. I think a lot of this can be done in CM, regardless of the fact that it's turn based. Things such as smoke, hiding and splitting squads at a distance can contribute. Get the opponent thinking you are doing something, when in fact you are doing something else. Use smoke to obscure the battlefield, thus giving the opponent uncertainty. Use the terrain to "hide" a unit that was seen going north, then turn it south. Split squads early, so the opponent thinks you have a whole lot more inf on the left flank than you actually do, while sneaking the bulk of your inf on the right flank, etc.

    If the opponent takes the bait and reacts to what they "see" you doing, then you are going to be able to mess them up and be responding "faster" to the actual battlefield circumstance than they can.

  8. I'm sorry Arien but I don't understand the last part of your message...

    "so i don't need one click to attach a file to my e-mail. and besides i don't have to load another program to play or send files.. that keep the OS from expending system resources so i don't have any problem playing the game.."

    Are you saying you've written your own "background" program to do this, or do you mean something else?

  9. So in keeping with the "file naming" thread, I thought I would add this thread about how everyone sets up their directories for PBEM.

    Here's mine:

    Within the PBEM directory, I create a subdirectory for each person I'm playing against. Any incoming files I get get saved to this directory. I use the sequential numbering scheme, so everything in this dir will end up being either even or odd...




    thus it's pretty easy to tell which file to open, and the files I'm going to send don't get mixed up as files I'm going to send end up in the main PBEM directory. Which brings up a thought: can you specify a full path name in the "Save" dialog box that comes up? I hadn't ever really thought about it, but I would think you could.

    I'd like to hear what others are doing, as I'm writing yet another CM utility do get/send files in the background, so that when you're in the middle of 5 or 6 PBEMs and you're cranking out turns, you don't have to bother going to your email program, getting the files, copying them where they go, etc. You just hit load, and go...

    Also do you prefer getting files zipped or as plain text files?

    I actually prefer plain text, as it eliminates a step, and with DSL, transmission time is negligable. Unless I'm getting the files through yahoo, which embeds the damn things...

  10. Yeah, I made a test battle last night to check out those bad boys...

    They are.

    Peacefull French town full of Germans...


    At least the town may have been full of Germans. Now it's just a pile of rubble. No bodies though...hmmm...

    "Sorry to report sir, but we can confirm no casualties from the naval barrages"

    "Any buildings left up there Seargant?"

    "Yes, sir, several large structures still standing."

    "Get another spotter up there on the double..."

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