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Posts posted by Windopaene

  1. OK, well that contradicts was was said by the other poster. Here's the deal.I'm playing Drive To Mortain PBEM as Americans. I have a bunch of units, but not more than I have had in some other scenarios, (though I haven't played with this much armor in a PBEM before). The movie files for the first few turns, where there was no firing going on, only movement, were in the 900K range which was larger than any other file I'd ever seen, including those with lots of firing, arty, etc. This seemed odd to me...

  2. Ahh that this takes me back...

    To the Demo days, when I was playing Chance Encounter as the Germans. Had several squads in the woods on the American side of the road, the hill on the americans right. Several of the Shermans were camping out up in there. Moved the squads to the attack. Watched as a little black ball floated from a squad towards the Sherman...

    Boom! - Knocked out.

    So it could be done in the Demo...

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

    lcm1947, I don't know if you were around during the beta demo release but a bunch of us played the same 3 scenarios over and over and over and over (I think you get the idea). Because of that I found nothing is more thrilling than the tension of not knowing what is coming at you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Well I hate to spoil the fun, but what about chess? Is it boring and non-versitile because you always know the layout of the opponents units? I think part of what can make a game, (or scenario), great is that the opponents forces and/or positions ARE known. Thus the problems protrayed by the scenario are known and different "solutions" can be tried.

    As far as my experience, I've only played two PBEM scenarios, Vossenack a 2nd job and Hamminkelm - We Start Here. Both were lader games on the Rugged Defense ladder. In the Hamminkelm, I asked my opponent about this pre-game, and he didn't reply. I checked out his starting units but not his reinforcements. He eventually bailed when he was about to lose. The second, I don't recall whether or not we discussed it pregame, but early in the game, he mentioned that "I seem to recall you're going to be getting a Panther soon" or something to that effect, showing that he had checked out my forces.

  4. I think it depends on the situation. If my opponent surrenders on Turn 5, (never happened to me yet), I'm going to be a bit pissed off, as setup is the one difficult, cumbersome task of the game. But if it has been a hard fought battle, and you're at turn 15-23 then I'm not going to have a problem with it. Battle was joined, asses were kicked, my tactics were superior, you lose, good game.

    I've surrendered in 4 PBEMs so far out of about 30 I've played, (though some of those are in progress so it may still happen in those), and one of those was an auto-surrender, but I digress. In the other 3 cases, I had lost. there was no doubt. I had devised a plan, botched its execution, and with all my armor gone, the infantry battered and mostly gone, and arty starting to fall, and all my MG ammo out, there comes a time for surrender.

    Interesting to note that none of these were meeting engagements but were attack (1), probe attack(1), assult defend(1).

    BUT, that being noted, let me add that I would much rather an opponent surrender than simply disappear. Have the cojones to accept your defeat, surrender and send it back for me to look at.

  5. Well it would depend on the size of the file, but Notepad is a poor choice. try using Wordpad instead, or Word, Works, whatever word processor you've got. Just make sure you save the file as a text file and not a Word for windows file.

    but getting your opponent to zip the file is the way to go if you are using hot or yahoo mail...

  6. Well I'd say I've played around 20 - 25 PBEM games since getting CM in February. Of those, only two people have stopped responding. I will play neither again. In both cases, they were losing, and we were down to the last turn or two, which really pissed me off. One was even a Rugged Defense ladder game. It was the persons first ladder game, and I was seriously kicking their ass, but still it sucks. Luckily, Cyberfox said, "go ahead and claim the victory!", so now I have 1 win on the ladder.

    But I digress. I would guess that the PBEM CM community has less drop-outs than others. Though I would think you'll find more of this in onine play, as a new identity is just a login away...

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Not exactly what "cheats" you are describing. However, it is the problem withPlayer 1 starting up, selecting random forces, then restarting to get better ones...the only way to fix this is with an extra fileswap. I don't think we are going to be able to do that for CM2. However, when Rarity is on (either Fixed or Variable) this problem will be greatly diminished. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Well more specifically what I was referring to was the fact that Player 1 picks forces, then opens the save file, adds an opponents password, and checks it out. Player 1 now knows what player 2 has got coming. An extra fileswap if "Computer Chooses" would do the trick. Go for it.

    No one ever plays "computer chooses" in ladder environments because of this, leading to cherry picking, etc. which I know you have said rarity will solve, but as long as this situation exists, it will remain an insecure and glaring flaw in an otherwise great system.

    Thanks for all of the other info!

  8. Hamminkeln is an interesting one no doubt. Green germans with some serious armor reinforcements versus Ami paratroopers. Playing a PBEM of it right now as the Allies, and have got it pretty much wrapped up.

    [spoiler STUFF]
















    And this without getting any of the CAS that was supposed to come on turn 12!

    However, as a test of this scenario, I took the Americans and had them camp out and wait. A few turns before the end, I performed the "mother of all flag rushes". Got the victory. Now not sure how that would play out with a real opponent, but it was an interesting test.

    [ 06-06-2001: Message edited by: Windopaene ]

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