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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Panther131

  1. Gee...what if you use the armor itself as a comparison between the allied halftrack and axis halftrack? Clearly with the pt system in place the advantage shifts towards the allies. For instance...a Shermans armor is 3 times as thick as an axis halftrack.

    The main problem I have with the new points system in combined arms for armor is that now I am unable to buy a KTiger. In a 1000 point battle that is. I enjoyed it very much and enjoyed combining the rest of my forces around that Ktiger. Of course when somone buys a Ktiger in a 1000 point battle, that is the only tank they get. If the argument is that the axis halftracks out weigh the allied halftracks, why not lower the axis halftrack points in combined arms? This would make the most sense considering that it is the halftrack that is being argued unbalanced. I dont see how reducing tanks armor for axis helps this.

    The other problem is the argument presented above. My immpression was that the points system in CM's QB was historicaly based on a units point base and not on a points differential. ie: the 300 to 200 difference in armor. Being that the points were simply to keep the game played fair. With no historical reference in quick battles. And this would be up to the opponents to discuss prior to the game if they wanted it. Just a thought though. I guess mainly, I am upset that I am unable to buy my KT and revolve my unit purchase around that. ie: support the KT.

  2. Nope...Pvt Tom is correct. I just checked. It is odd that there is a points difference for a meeting engagement. I tried a 1000 points combined arms, meeting engagement, and axis as attacker. Same thing, Armor: 300 allies, 200 axis.

    I find this odd, and bewildering. (and hoping for it to be a mistake)

    I just hope it is evened out becouse now, since the new beta patch(s) 21 22 and 23, the allies seem to use the tungstan much more quickly and therefor decimating axis tanks much more quickly. I am finding that the allis armor and axis armor are on a much more level playing field then what may have been the case in real world historic WWII. Or at least what is the sterotype thought to allied and axis tanks. Also...I was wondering why in a combined arms force is armor points reduced significantly say in a 1000 pt combined battle it has gone from 400 in 1.05 to 300 in b21 and b22, to 200 for axis and 300 for allies in b23. I am slightly preplexed by this. Then of course with the point reduction given in armor selection in combined arms, the overall price on a regular heavy tank for axis (Tiger, KT, JagdT, Panther, JagdP) has gone up though slight, is significant. I guess what annoys me most is that I am used to the 1000 pt combined arms battle. I am used to the 400 pts you get for armor in that battle. I knew what I could get with a 1000 pt combined arms meeting engagment. Now I don't. Now, it becomes reduced to 300, ok not too bad, I can live with that, but then, it gets reduced to 200 pts. 200 pts is not much in a combined arms battle meeting engagment. I am sure the reason why must have some historical reason for it or something that is way beyond my insight, but 400 to 300 to 200 and then upping the allies back up to 300 from 200 and leaving the axis at 200 in armor selection seems unfair to me in this game.

    I just reread and checked the readme file for b23. No word of reduced points for axis armor in combined arms meeting engagement.

  3. Regardeless of what olle petersson said about AI improvements, It would be really nifty to see all of your squads units. I do agree with Olle though, on th AI. I have found on a number of occasions the yearning for a better AI. And yes, it is good. Its just that when your tank is aiming at a machine gun team and an enemy tank is to your right...I am thinking: hey you should be targeting that tank instead of that infantry mg. But oh well. Its not perfect. ; )

    I would like to see all individual units displayed though. I think it will make the game even more personable.

  4. Actually...

    If you have a linksys dsl/cable router you can host combat mission games and any other game for the internet.

    Its pretty simple...

    First...you will need to configure your router which I suspect you have already done. Basicaly what you need to do is access your router's control panel, which is accessable through your internet browser. This is very simple now; I will tell you how to do this:

    type in: in you web browser. Click the "advanced" tab on the upper right. Then click the "dmz host" tab. Ok now its gets a little tricky biggrin.gif find out what IP the router has assigned the computer you want to host CM on. This should be accessible by seeing your tcp/ip panel. It should look something like or somthing like that usually, so on. this just depends on how many computers are hooked up to your router. Anyway. Now once you know the IP THAT YOUR ROUTER HAS ASSIGNED YOU. THIS IS IMPORTANT. MAKE SURE IT IS. Then all you have to do is type in the last three digits of you IP...in the area to type it. It should look like this: 192.168.1. with a blank add the last three digits (100, 101, 102, 103...)

    Ok...now...what you have just done is you have eliminated the FIREWALL from the computer that you are now going to host CM games. This is not too big of a deal. It is just for the one computer and does not affect you other computers on the network.

    Ok...last step...and this is easy too... when hosting a game anygame on the ineternet with your router, you need to supply your opponent with your IP so he or she can join you...what you need to do is give him or her your real IP not the one from your router. So use this to determine your real IP and give this to your opponent for them to use to connect yo your cpu :


    Remember: DO NOT USE 192.168.1.xxx as your IP. Even though its may say this in your cpu's control panel. Use the one at the link.

    Ahhh...Do I get a Medal for this???

  5. Ray...sorry to hear the bad news : (

    I just bought a 3dfx voodoo 5 for my mac and I am very happy. The fsaa is unbelievable. Its truly impossible to go back after 4xfsaa. My voodoo 5 really soups up my system.

    I am sorry to hear the bad news of 3dfx. I hope all is well for you and your peers at 3dfx. Good luck to you where ever you go.

    One point of mention...as for drivers...is there or will there be any type of fix for taking screenshots in CM? I know it was said by you that it is a hard thing to do and it would be difficult trying to make it happen but I am hopeful. Weather it be in fsaa or not in fsaa, I really hope there is a way to do it somehow.

    I guess this is mainly wishful thinking on my part, but I really am hoping that by some miracle this will happen.

    Anyway...good luck to you.


  6. Yep. I caught the last hour. I was'nt sure if it was a super pershing or pershing, in that one urban tank footage with the tiger geting knocked out and brewed up heavily. Great clear footage. Best clarity in war film I have seen to date. (though I dont think I have seen all that much, just the history channel's "blunders" amd "suicide missions" mostly) But the clarity of some the normandy footage was unbelievable. I thought it was DVD.

  7. You might find that the voodoo 5 3dfx card does not do very well compared to other cards on the market at similar price points. However, it is from my experience that after a few games with fsaa on, you see why 3dfx is still in business. They make great looking 3d results. Not to say other companies dont make great 3d cards becouse that is simply untrue. Other card manufacturers make great cards and make cards that out perform the voodoo 5 certainly. However, with fsaa, I have seen the difference the card can make. I run Driver the video game on 266 biege G3 mac. I have the voodoo 5 installed run it in 4xfsaa and WOW!! it looks fabulous. I really have been impressed with the fsaa technology by 3dfx. By toggling the fsaa on and off during the game you can really see the difference.

    Anyway. I just wanted to wiegh in on the 3d card thing. I know some people dont like the 3dfx voodoo 5 card all that much because it has its limitations. ie: it cant run Quake III at 150 fps. But oh well. I personaly dont think youll need that type of performance but I guess you never know. The voodoo 5 also has to feed off of external cpu power. The great thing about the voodoo 5 is its fsaa and its 64 mb of ram. The ram really helps if you like to install lots of mods and high res mods at that. I hope that helps.

  8. Rygar (arcade)

    Pole Position (arcade)

    Commando (arcade)

    Punchout (arcade)

    Operation Wolf (arcade)

    Bruce Lee (datasoft apple IIe)

    Minor 2049er (apple IIe)

    Microleague Baseball (apple IIe)

    One-on-One: larry Bird vs Dr. J (apple IIe)

    F-15 Strike Eagle (apple IIe)

    Karateka (apple IIe)

    Lode Runner (apple IIe)

    Castle Wolfenstien (apple IIe)

    Wings of Fury (apple IIe)

    The Oregon Trail (apple IIe)

    Defender Of the Crown (apple IIgs)

    Space Quest (apple IIgs)

    Liesure Suit Larry I (apple IIgs)

    TV Sports Football (amiga)

    TV Sports Basketball (amiga)

    OmniSports Basketball (amiga)

    One-On-One Larry Bird vs Dr. J (amiga) (amazing grphics for its time...better then anything ever done on a PC at the time)

    One-On-One Larry Bird vs Micheal Jordan (pc)

    F-16 Fighting Falcon (mac plus)

    Airborne! (original mac black and white)

    Acient Art of War (mac)

    MS Flight Simulator (mac)

    NFL X and O game for (mac)

    Mac Attack (old mac tank game)

    PGA Tour Golf (mac II)

    Panzer General (mac)

    Myth I,II (mac)

    CMBO (mac)

    Phantasy Star (Sega Master System)

    Gangster Town (Sega Master System) One of the greatest light gun games ever made period.

  9. Is "When Trumpets Fade" available on DVD or VHS? I prefer DVD though.

    Yes...from above the mention of the 3 pak DVD doc "russia" "Battle of Brittian" and "Battle for the Beach" is bad and not worth your money. It is US/allied based film and actually quite boring. I couldnt even finish the second DVD let alon get to the third one...which I still havent gotten to. Dont waste your money on this. I sell you mine for pennies.

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