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Posts posted by Panther131

  1. Yes agreed. I just wanted to illustrate both points, one, the Jumbo is very comparable to a Tiger II. And two, if there is consideration of hisorical accuracy in quantity, the Jumbo was produced at half of the Tiger II.

    The Jumbo (76) is 60 to 75 points less then a Tiger II yet both tanks are very comparable. Give or take a few differences, I think they add up.

    I have also thought that tungsten rounds should be taken in to consideration with price points for allied tanks. As we all know, A tungsten round will kill just about anything. From long distance too.

  2. I just did a little research on the quantity of Sherman Jumbos vs Tiger II's were made during WWII. It turns out that 254 Sherman Jumbo (75 and 76) were ever made. Making this one of the least produced allied tanks made in WWII. (I may be wrong, did light research)

    On the other hand 489 Tiger II's were made. Making it a low produced tank for the axis.

    Regular Vet Jumbo (76) at: 226 276

    Jumbo (75) 187 237

    Tiger II 286 352

    Panther 195 240

    I have though about this quite a while: speculation leads me to believe the Tiger II is over priced when compared to the sherman Jumbo (76). Say half of the Jumbo's were 76's making the total at 125 and that is likely a high estimate. The Sherman Jumbo is a very formadable opponent. with its152mm@78d of armor wraping itself around its turret. With 178mm at the mantlet...When you add the tungsten in this beast is bad ass.

    For instance...I have had Panthers Tigers and Tiger II's ricochet constantly off the Jumbos frontal armor, while the Jumbo will easily penetrate those tanks head on.

    I know what I am giving here is not very formal in a report, but I believe that some of the axis armor is overpriced, or some of the allied armor is underpriced.

    reg vet

    Tiger II 489 made 286 352

    Jumbo(76) 125 made? 226 276

    why a 60 point difference here? and a 76 pt difference a vet crew?

    I am just trying to figure this out, and make sense of it all.

    Thanks for any input.

  3. I don't think I was clear in my post about arty and mortars. I played a tcp/ip game the other night, and in the beginning I got swamped with what I thought was 105 mm arty right off the bat (it didnt do much, mainly becouse I had my main force on the opposite side of the map) However, I got swamped with arty or mortars right off the bat. First time I have seen it. And I do think it was a great move on my opponents part. Didnt do much, but kept me nervous. Then as the game proceded, I got swamped. I had positioned men to defend in small and large buildings, just opposite of his force and the flag (ME). This was not a good move becouse, a) he had a TD sitting right in front of me with a priest and it just walloped my men and B) I got creamed with either a arty spotter, and or the 81 mm mortars.This leads me to my question, my question is this: is it gamey to buy five 81 mm mortars, and use them in an 800 point ME? As I tried to say before, I got destroyed by great tactics, really superior to my lousy beer and pretzel tactics, but I just wanted to know if buying five 81 mm mortors is gamey in a 800 point ME. What wound up happening in this game is I got swamped by my opponents arty and mortars, plus his TD's (2) before I had any decent LOS. Basically I got creamed by superior tactics. Really juicy stuff. It was really done beautifuly by my opponent. I was very impressed. But again, even though it was a great defeat for me, I still wonder if this is a realistic tactic? Or rather, was using 5 mortars at once in a small engagment practiced by the U.S. military? In other words is this gamey?

    This of course takes nothing away from my opponent. My hat goes off to him.

    [This message has been edited by Panther131 (edited 01-05-2001).]

  4. I have a different gamey tactic question. I learned full well of what precise use of artillary can do to my force. A very interesting lesson indeed. But my Question is this: Is it gamey to have and use five 81mm mortars bunched together targeting one target? I found that, to my surprise, that is alot of firepower. This was in an 800 point ME. The firepower was amazing, and won the battle for my opponent before I even had a decent LOS of him.

    Is this gamey?

  5. Just a word of notice; not all tcp/ip droppers or drops are done on purpose. I have had so many problems keeping a connection with tcp/ip, I cannot count them. Last night, I had set up a game three times with somone and the connection dropped. It may not be your opponent either, it could be yourconnection as well, although that may be unlikely.

    What I am saying is there are a lot of different circumstances as to why a person has dropped or seemingly dropped. Remember its hard to know exactly what is happening on your opponents end. He could be 12. He could be 15. His parents might have just caught him on the computer when he should'nt have been on it and it was turned off ubrubtly. It could be a bad modem or connection. It could be that your opponent had an emergeny to take care of, and shut off the computer ubruptly. Anyway, there are a lot of reasons why a game has lost its connection.

  6. Hi.

    I have played and enjoyed the Tigers Bocage scenario a few times now. I always enjoy trying to get Michael Wittmann's tiger to survive to the end, and blowing up as much allied stuff as possible.

    The problem I have dicovered in this scenario, is the target selection of the elite tiger is somewhat baffleing at times. I suppose I should have searched this topic, as I am sure it has been covered before. Maybe this is just my frustration showing through. Sometimes when I command my elite tiger to hunt in a certain direction, in pursue of an enemy tank I wind up watching in horror as my elite commander turns his turret 180 degrees facing his backside to chew off some conscript halftrack crews while he is approaching enemy tank units. This is painful to watch, when I am aware of enemy tanks in front of my tank. I start yelling out "no no no...turn turn turn." But it is to late. I then get wacked. I do not know much about the specifics of german armor, but logic tells me that the backside turret is weaker then the frontside.

    Elite units are the "best of the best" and are rare. This has lead me to think an elite unit would not make this mistake while pursueing an enemy tank

    I would like to have an "ignore this target" order for when you want to directly attack a unit.

    What do you think?

    [This message has been edited by Panther131 (edited 12-31-2000).]

  7. I say Das Boot. It is incredible.

    Maximus: I'll have to check out Winter War. I just bought Stalingrad and fell alseep through it. (only becouse I put it on so late and it was christmas night; I was stuffed out of my mind with food)

    So far, and I havent seen that many war films, Das Boot is my favorite.

    SPR is, although seemingly very authentic and so very real, especially the first 30 minutes, dissapoints me. After the beach landing, Its just "The Allies" hollywood menatality. Especially at the end with Tom Hanks being our hero. A touching although fictional story though.

    Dont get me wrong, I still think its a classic.

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