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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. I did not know that. A good example indeed. I think certainty under the law is a lot easier on society than explaining about special cases/pleading etc. The treatment of rich junkies compared to poor springs to mind. And as for wealthy corporate rip-off merchants compared to a shoplifter ..! The difference in many western countries is not that its morally wrong but what can I get away with compared to the penalty possibilities - and this is very true of white-collar crime.
  2. I seem to sense a certain amount of assumption that "the West" has got it right on law and order and that. I dont' think the general population of Western countries has much say as it is pressure groups and "enlightened politicos" who control what actually happens in most countries.
  3. Unfortunately shareholders have little real power. Furthermore the people who took the decisions may have been senior enough to be retired or have moved upwards to other companies. The state needs to punish the decision makers. They do in Japan : ) PS - was in the Corvair that was known to be dangerous and the manufacturer decided to keep building and pay for any deaths.? No it was the Ford Pinto!
  4. I understood that Vista is funny about how it separates program files and simple files. I just wonder if the drive name is the same for both set-ups , - not that I have Vista I downgraded it to XP to avoid problems : )
  5. http://www.niehs.nih.gov/news/events/pastmtg/2007/cehr/docs/metabolicsyndromelustig.pdf
  6. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/8234386.stm And to compound the problem eating at unusual times may also have effects. Logically I would imagine humans ate during daylight for most of history with only the advent of cheap light allowing snacking/eating at any time. And of course cheap food. And especially cheap snackable pre-prepared food.
  7. From the links you supplied Yoss.! I see the words fat , disease, and fructose altogther and I reckon "bad fat" just about conveys the message : )
  8. It s interesting to see the corruption in payments to providers - http://www.NaturalNews.com/026963_Pfizer_Bextra_health.html http://www.usdoj.gov/opa/pr/2009/September/09-aag-900.html It does seem to me that there should also be criminal charges against the executives of the company. To fine a company seems to miss the point that it is individuals who make the decisions. This judgement seems to confirm that people who commision fraudulent or illegal actions by a company are immune from personal liability/punishment.
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sabur%C5%8D_Sakai Absolutely astonishing story in the Wiki. The Film was Zero Pilot.
  10. Drug production banned under the Taliban heroin crop production 185 tons, current production 4000+, but read what a US network said in 2001 May. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3071809/ Paying the Taliban for infrastucture would have been something. However pre-the September 2001 attack on the US homeland there was this interesting March 2001 article on a planned invasion of Afghanistan. http://www.janes.com/security/international_security/news/jir/jir010315_1_n.shtml Supporting your favourite warlord against the effective government - that is stirring it somewhat. You wonder how individual countries around the world would feel about having insurgents aided by outside powers ....
  11. Wings On My Sleeve Capt. Eric 'Winkle' Brown Apparently he flew 500 different aircraft!
  12. With the Afghanis being very tribal and prone to feuding it is hard to see what could be done - the concept of democracy is obviously screwy in that kind of arena anyway. Possibly suggesting they all ran their own tribal areas and with plenty of fun being had as they discussed why their neighbours land was their land ..... Divide and rule would seem to be beneficial with 50% of the tribes benefitting .... better than just one mob with US connections pissing off the majority under the cloak of democracy. As for trying to change the social structure - as per women - that can keep another 50 years.
  13. I am all in favour of imbalance : ) If you look at the random maps generated currently as exhibited by Brit in his example they all seem to have roughly the same distance to the next land. So after a few games you will know on a normal map how soon land will be found. This does not tie in with history - or world geography. If however some fudge was required why not show various cities within a certain distance but not the detail of the the surrounding terrain/shape of land. This could be explained by gossip that came along the trade routes.
  14. About geo-thermal power for houses : ) Something to alter the power/cost equation. http://www.csemag.com/article/328151-Hybrid_HVAC_system_uses_improved_ground_source_heat_pumps.php?nid=2459&rid=7231091 For the actual company site: http://www.geoenergyusa.com/
  15. Soup, casseroles - a good way to get lots of fibre and goodness without utilising produced food. The Rogh Guide to Food - new this year - is very interesting on what happens - strawberry named products without any stawberry etc. Use of mechanically recovered meat is still legal from pigs and turkeys despite the banning for beef due to BSE. And that meat slurry/paste is used in cheap meat products as a filler at the supermarket. Its a minefield. And the profit god is not concerned with what crap it sells. The example of Sunny Delight shows how devious companies are prepared to be to amke money. Even the current natural product would seem to be a very bad idea for kids and adults.
  16. Are you asking if people use this forum? And if so which game?
  17. Free lectures on many interesting subjects - and even some stand-up. http://www.ted.com/themes However the jewel might be Mr Rosling and I link at the bottom to his first talk http://www.gapminder.org/ or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Rosling who makes statistics sing. What chance someone will do obesity to sugar consumption using his software? Or use the Google version. Another really worthwhile watcher I hope you like it: http://www.ted.com/talks/hans_rosling_shows_the_best_stats_you_ve_ever_seen.html
  18. I am glad this had been a help - do I take it the doctor did not give you a reason for your illness? Exercise seems to be in there as it sems to do more than muscle toning! Not buying processed/frozen/chilled food would seem to be the most certain way to control what goes into what you eat. Vegetables seem pretty safe : ) and good quality meat not too often. I see porridge making a comeback to my diet. On the plus side fat is no longer the devil. I always found it curious that Ireland one of the most diary rich eating countries did not suffer from the diseases the US would stop by going on a low fat diet. I think we have a better answer now.!
  19. Costard - you seem to suggest that an enlarged or more efficient liver would have been the evolutionary answer. The fact that we do not have one suggests that most of the time it was not rquired so the body had one of adequate size. Tero has nailed one of the reasons why it has not evolved. Gluttony I suspect was only a sin affordable to the very rich - and gout was also an upper class preserve. Rather seems you are supporting Dr L. : ) As for anorexia nervosa and the use of leptin I cannot see why - anorexia is a mental problem.
  20. I thought the doc did mention fruit. The point is that the fibre you eat in fruit makes the fructose less dangerous. I cannot remember if the fibre triggers the fullness message or it is simply the fibres aid the digestion - in any event fruit was an accepatable product : ) In fact here is the whole transcript from the ABC programme in 2007
  21. I looked at the maps and whilst pleased to see the diversity my initial reaction is that they look unreal. I fully understand the reasons one might arrange maps to be "fair" however given the use of real world units the highly unlikely continental maps seem a backwards step. It is perhaps dangerous that when resources are also seeded on the map that players realise that within x squares they can expect to come across land or a resource. Obviously one could design maps but that does rather take away from the excitement of the unknown which made Empire so addictive. Is it possible for you to put in a potentially unfair map generator for those who want the more mysterious realistic option?
  22. Great poem. I have suspicions about Whiskas for the last 20 years and my cats never get near the stuff. On my own health I have never drunk soda/pops as I do not like the taste. And having had some nasty reactions after drinking pure juice a decade or so ago I very rarely have it and if so only in small amounts whilst eating something substantial to mop it up in the stomach. So apparently by chance I have avoided two of the problem areas.
  23. Snuck in to add a transcript of Lustig from 2007 http://www.abc.net.au/rn/healthreport/stories/2007/1969924.htm Allows more consideration of the claims but lacks the graphs. and so you can compare sciences http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fructose SO the upshot would seem to be that overall sugar is being taken in excess but fructose is worse than sucrose in any event.
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