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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. BF provide an email and a pm service on this forum. Click on jonp's name in his message header
  2. PbemHelper remembers the password so my guesses are: a] you did not actually type it into Helper just for the game [i have done that myself] b] You did type it in but either Vista or Windows 7 is fussy and preventing it loading
  3. There are a lot of good scenarios with combined points of 13000plus. Mind you I know of some complete dogs with 10000 plus also. The point to bear in mind is that an infantyr strong 5000 is a nightmare but in tanky terms it could be great. After all elite tanks - even the humble Churchill 95mm can be 350 points so ten of them and some infantry is 5000. If you go for wooded then look forward to moving 3 battalions of infantry - absolute nightmare. Infantry is badly modelled in the CM series in comparison to the tanks so why anyone plays to the weaker arm has always been a mystery to me. There is aparticulalry good example of this called Gates of Hell.
  4. Not in the book I have. But then I have no record for any of the devices specifically killing anyone but I work on the basis that to continue building them and expanding the arsenal suggests that most of the devices were worth the effort. : ) I put that down to coal and steel on a big scale - I cannot see much joy for any country prior to the later 1800's. As for 5 centuries perhaps we shall see what the world looks like in 2300AD and who is the butch power then.!! And just in case you wondered: Decimal system 14thC BC A place for Zero 4thC BC Pacal's triangle - 1100 AD Watertight compartments in ships - 2nd century AD Land sailing 550AD Use of thyroid hormones 7thC AD Block printing - 8thC AD and much more : )
  5. JonS I wonder why people invented the term guided missile? : ) The link from JK is very interesting and forms a useful addition to the information I have. Grenades? Li Tseng-Po in1257 was lamenting the production of iron bomb-shells and writes then when he was in Chingchow they used to produce one or two thousand a month , and ship them at ten or twenty thousand a time to Hsiang-yang and Ying-chou. Stalin Organs Wheelbarrow mounted fire-arrows could reach to about 340yards maximum. Normal range 200. They were tested for the ability to penetrate thin planks of wood. In later times as many as 320 could be fired at once. The sea skimming dragon. Bamboo 5 ft long with 4 rockets pointing down and back giving it a flying height of 3-4ft. When it is about to run out of puff it explodes and fire arows are launched to destry what is arround. Multiple warheads! Flamethrower About 905AD. The firelance was essentially a big roman candle that would be fired at the enemy for upto 5 minutes - and racks of them could be parked next to a defender on a wall. Apparently something similar is last recorded as being used at the siege of Bristol in 1643. This evolved to firing at short range like a shotgun. Gun By the mid1200's they had the 3 ft firelance which made in high grade bronze fired an arrow 200-300paces and would pierce the heart or belly of any man or horse and could even transfix several persons at once.. Variations included one that fired three lead balls simultaneously. Further developments gave multiple firing guns in a variety of forms. In the 1400's a chinese battalion was recorded as having 40 cannon batteries, 3600 "thunderbolt shells", 160 "wine-cupmuzzle general cannon", 200 large and 328 small "continuous bullet" cannons firing grape shot, 624 handguns.300 small grenades. Together with 7 tons of gunpowder and 1,051,600 0.8 ounce bullets. Amazing to think how much mediavel Europe copied from the Chinese.
  6. Oh I forgot this http://industry.bnet.com/pharma/10002084/docs-say-merck-placed-their-names-on-ghostwritten-vioxx-articles/?tag=content;selector-perfector And fancy inventing a medical journal to pump your product - how ethical is that.
  7. Correct. It was a two stage missile with a range of about 1 mile.
  8. Fritz X. Nope not that. Its recorded earlier than WW2, any others wish to hazard a guess?
  9. I was wondering who would hazard a guess as to the first one [and I do mean rocket not rocks from a catapult]
  10. The US seems to have a strange view on crime: The entire story is here: http://www.naturalnews.com/027750_Greg_Caton_FDA.html Now what may seem strange: 1. apart from violating Ecuadorean legalities 2. is the cheapening of Interpol Now the really rally strange part is that if you are a white collar criminal in a major drugs house and lie about the dangers of a widely used drug nothing nasty happens to you. http://politicolnews.com/pfizer-drugs-fined-billions/ Wyeth Drug Company is in trouble for lying about breast cancer risks on Prempro and Hormone Replacement Drugs. Wyeth is also being investigated for hiring ghost writers to falsify reports from professional endorsements from retired professors and doctors. Wyeth dictated to these endorsers what to say and how to describe the drug’s effectiveness which was all false information. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601103&sid=aqJRir.wj8Qo I only added the remainders of the drug co.'s positions as the effort for going after a single man compared to what goes on in the "regular" industry is laughable. I do also think that the cheapening of the Interpol A list is extremely dangerous in that it will become overwhelmed and useless unless it is responsibly used. The FDA are going to look very stupid over allowing a probation jumper to beplaced on the list. It will do the US no favours whatsoever.
  11. I am a bit surprised as all the info is available on the "Enter" button when on the tanks concerned. Looking at penetration on one compared to the armour on another could not be simpler. If the penetration figure is higher than the armour then you have a chance. That is the rough calculation, whether you hit or not is in the laps of the Gods. And even hitting guarantees nothing : ) Play a few games and you will get the experience you need. My suggestion in all these things is to play a lot of tank heavy games quickly so that you get the knowledge via experience. If you want to be boring set up little demo battles where you restrict your tanks to lanes - however I always find that seems to give artificial results as the tanks tend always to be head-on in contrived circumstances. So knock up a few quick battles and be the General for both sides. Rotate through a few common tanks and you will be able to extrapolate a bit to tanks in general.
  12. As CMBO is so completely different from the two later games I would think other than as a good story early AAR's are not useful for playing purposes. Unless of course you only play CMBO. ...
  13. Well done all concerned : ) All happiness and health to you and your family
  14. You could almost cry! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1229995/Leaked-Army-files-Iraq-reveal-appalling-failures-equip-soldiers.html
  15. You will be pleased to know in the UK it was allowed to become a widespread habit before it was legislated against in 2003. That was to introduce hands-free as the legal way - regardless of the fact that the actual conversation and the minutes afterwards reduce peoples performances to those of a drunk driver. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-491290/Minister-hypocrisy-MP-fought-tougher-laws-caught-driving-mobile.html but better than that http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2009/nov/20/harman-mobile-phone-driving Texting whilst driving and talking on the phone both make drivers more dangerous .... who could have possibly foreseen the problems? And I understand that the GPS screen fitted to some cars can also show DVD's ....... so no problem there then.
  16. Bad Science! http://www.badscience.net/ I even have the book! : ) I think the study was as it is laid out was very simple, it would be hard to imagine any skullduggery with such a simple experiment. And with all tests reported in a respectable journal they would be examined for flaws. I really don't see that the state is kicking back at violence given the growth in violence in the media over the last few decades. Of course there are exceptions like the Nordic countries but in WASP land business sets the agenda and only eventually will the Govt think perhaps there is a problem to be addressed. iPod - no decibel control mobile phones - not proscribed from car use huge sound systems in car - lack of planning on strategic services like power -
  17. Costard - I enjoyed your rant. I think the breakdown as you sketch it is true. The ethos of good works and honesty has been corrupted badly to the extent it is fading away as less and less people believe. I do wonder if white collar crime is perhaps the most insidious and least well-punished which is framing the popular state of mind and leading to a wider degeneration of standards. As for the better reasons to be in Afghanistan - yes I would like it to be more up-front and honest in what can reasonably be achieved. If we wish to change their society that is a very slushy sort of objective. Unless that is one gets really tough and go for concentration camps [pre-WW2 type], kill the menfolk takeover all the women and land has a pretty good success rate, pick up the population and transplant can also work ... I believe the US and Australia have some pretty grim land that would be suitable. Other than those methods changing a society from tribal religious to Western views I am sure is meaured in the multiple decades. As for women in the 'Stan I agree with the search concept but do you need to employ armed female soldiers, nurses, Afghani women ..... there are other possibilities.
  18. Are you using View 6 to accurately position your men in buildings?
  19. Nice but does one see the word violent anywhere? I back a 3500 survey of the media influences in general against a few ambivalent surveys which are ambivalent AS IT CANNOT BE proved. The tobacco defence. TERO Without seeing the survey I cannot say conclusively however if the study was not to be laughed out of court it had to be properly constructed. I would imagine that in fact the two groups were swopped on different days so there behaviour was logged against each other. But I am guessing. However you can imagine on a steady diet of violence as a solution then it may well become more and more ingrained. As for moderation by parents - rather depends if they are first or second generation exposed to violent media themselves. Desensitisation generationally has to be considered also.
  20. So much has happened since I last past this way! The innate belief that bringing Western "morality" is justifiable even if it creates uncertainty and death seems deep in some people. Costard
  21. Thanks Tero - and then there is this:
  22. Bull. The idea that Western women fight is an insult to Afghani men I would think. The idea that the West knows best is not one universally admired and given recent history is quite laughable. As for reaching first world status - what does first world economy mean is the first question. Secondly is it laudable? Thirdly is it desirable? It seems to me that there are plenty of happy communities where the happiness is the result of reasonable equality between the classes and that people are secure in THEIR social system. Imposing Western ideas of equality may increase GDP but so what if it creates confusion and unhappiness. Another series of questions derives from the assumption that having Western views on women working will actually give a country a first world economy. I always thought natural resources, trading opportunites etc were required to advance a country. One can think of many countries who will never become first world economies regardless of how western they try to be. Deserts, famine, climate etc can be much more powerful on an economy than female police and female doctors etc. Enforcing Western [current] views on another society I find repugnant. Also whilst no doubt someone will raise the benefits of female doctors etc etc no body gives the benefits of strippers, prostitutes etc as another example of superior Western culture enfranchising women.
  23. But one where I would back the Russians 9 times out of ten. Terrain can be important but if you play on small maps there is not a lot of terrain to play with. In 1500 point size battlemaps I think "unfair" maps would crop up about a third of the time, slightly favouring one side would take it to about two thirds. Of course unfair is relative to the year , weather, and a bad choice of units can make a map "unfair". Early war tanks can get quite close to each other without it being curtains - late war - distances become less important.
  24. Curiously I thought we had dealt with your gripe quite swiftly in the first page of the thread. That you remain unhappy with "balance" in CMBB is up to you. There are so many things to be unhappy with in the game - "balance" rates quite low on my list. I gave various ways to make the games more playable for my purposes - what you choose to do is up to you - but with 100+ friendly games against a large number of opponents in CMBB I think my solutions tried and tested. However if you still want to play small games may I recommend 400 point games to you. As a canny German you can have a Marder III plus a Stummel plus three IG 75mm and in my brief test the T34 died in the first minute taking the Marder with it. Left the Stummel king of the battlefield and with the 75IG's I think my infantry platoon was reasonably happy they could walk to the flag.
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