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Posts posted by Clubfoot

  1. I find it legible, however it is incredibly small. I can see why this is causing problems for some, depending on their screen resolution, monitor, and eyesight.

    However, your site is smashing, nonetheless. Great content, and aesthetically pleasing. A larger point size on your type may help.


  2. Manx,

    Ahh, the "1 wood" of the German armored force.

    I'll have to throw my hat in with Von Lucke, keep that Tiger as far removed from Allied armor and cruchies as possible and plink away. As you remove yourself further and further from the enemy, slow turret rotation becomes less of a factor (less arc needed to cover the entire engagement area).

    A pair functions even better. If you can keep them seperated laterally by several hundred meters, you can use pauses and have them alternately roll out of cover, take a shot, and roll back in. One of my friend's calls this the "whack-a-mole" tactic referrring to that silly old arcade favorite.


    [This message has been edited by Clubfoot (edited 01-04-2001).]

  3. BTS folks or anyone in the know,

    MikeT and I are well on the way to completion of an Afrikacorps conversion entitled Desert Fox-Desert Rats.

    My question here regards the compatibility of current missions with the eventual 1.1 final release.

    For compatibility's sake, should we be creating scenarios in v1.05, 1.24b (is that what it is up to?), or simply wait for the final patch.

    I believe that v1.05 missions won't work with the multiplayer beta patch. Is this an issue that will carry over to the v1.1?

    Thanx in advance for any advice.


  4. Enfors,

    Commando actions are possible in CM, but it's difficult to do it on an intimate, man to man basis.

    My Commando Skorzeny missions (thanx for the nod, 420) focus on a platoon level commando unit. They commonly function in enviroments where they are outnumbered by at least 3:1 and usually more.

    This number of elite troopers CAN be snuck about with relative ease, once your comfortable with their use. They seldom operate in LOS friendly weather. And they can and do hold their water while hiding and in command of an HQ unit.

    If your interested, I can e-mail you the zip file containing all five Skorzeny scenarios.

    They can also be found at: http://combatmissions.co.uk/scenarios.htm

    Or CHMQ:Scenario Depot, although I think it's currently down (thanx TGN).


  5. Insta-infantry?...?...what?

    Tankers fled ground combat so they could fight on at another time...in a tank.

    I demand forthwith the inclusion of miniature atomic backpack demolitions for all tankers immediately. If there tank happens to be bogged and immobile, they can charge the Siegfried line on foot, and immolate themselves and everyone within a quarter of a mile.

    I am no fool!


  6. Yes, mods are altered graphics files including but not limited to terrain, vehicles, uniforms, game interface, buildings, small arms and so on.

    Until recently an individual would indeed have to replace the actual .bmp's to see results in game. However a PC mod manager has recently been released that sorts and keeps track of mods present on your machine, allowing you to swap them ad infinitum with a coupla clicks. So yes, new graphics with a click paired with the ability to restore the defaults at will.

    Play by e-mail works wonderfully, TCIP is still up in the air a little as a number of people are reporting problems (works fine for me however).

    About the third question, I have no idea.

    Hope that helped a little.


  7. Sorry to return to the topic, but,

    boyrecon, you'll find that most of the dirty tricks employed by first the OSS and it's later incarnation, the CIA, were learned from ex-SS expatriates as well.

    There were former SS instructors at the CIA's School of the Americas up through the early 80's.

    It should also be noted that most of the ex-SS types employed by our government were indeed war criminals. They were actively sought and recruited prior to any appearance before the War Crimes Tribunal and granted full immunity without prejudice or further recrimination for their cooperation.


  8. dunc,

    Actually, the game does model close combat between two opposing forces unlucky enough to exist in the same space at the same time. It is somewhat abstracted in that it compares the combat effectiveness of the units facing off, takes into account their leadership, firearms, grenades, and even melee assets, and then -poof-, instant digital casualties.

    It is not so precise as to determine that PFC Johnson perforated Hauptmann Heider's spleen with his M1's fixed bayonet, but it's also not so abstract as to detract from realism.

    (There are mods out there that will give your snappy, little grunts the appearance of having fixed bayonets on their small arms, however. Check out CMHQ.)


  9. Mike,

    Thought you might be trolling here so I thought I'd mention that the first batch of files (about 100 bmp's) should be in your in-box. This batch represents the interface conversion.

    Drop me a line when you've checked 'em out.

    -edit- got your e-mail! thanx for the hasty response.


    [This message has been edited by Clubfoot (edited 12-30-2000).]

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