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Posts posted by Clubfoot

  1. Wolfpack,

    The Mod Manager for PC at CMHQ is indeed the one to which I refer. Thanks for the reply and check your in-box. Please e-mail me a response with suggestions and criticisms when you've had time to evaluate the scenario and mod. Thanx!


    Thanks for the heads up on the faux Allied armor. What limited research I've done for "Sheep's Clothing" and the other Commando Skorzeny missions has mostly been the reading of Skorzeny's memoirs:"Otto Skorzeny: My Commando Operations", a '95 Schiffer republish of the 1975 release (w/ pics and other goodies). I mainly based the mod and scenario on some of the great photos and the chapter on Operation Griffin. The passage resulting in the Panther to Sherman references was thus:

    "The high command promised me twenty Sherman tanks for this new Trojan Horse called Greif. I received two, one of which was in working order. As an interim measure we modified twelve of our Panthers to look like Shermans, so that we might perhaps be able to fool the young enemy soldiers from a distance and in conditions of poor visibility."

    I'm sure your correct as well, however. I imagine the intent of the Greif commandos was to foster the appearance of 'something Allied'. As in "I'm not sure fellas, but I think it's one of ours!".


  2. You forum gents(and ladies),

    To test-run the SSM (Scenario Specific Mod) ideas we've had for Desert Fox-Desert Rats, I've put together a new Commando Skorzeny mission with it's own SSM.

    'Sheep's Clothing' involves Otto's commandos as well as elements of his 150th Pz. Brigade in the first action of 'Operation Greif'. Wearing captured American uniforms and accompanied by hastily whitewashed Panther G's mocked up to resemble a "Shermann" from a distance, Skorzeny's men infiltrated Allied rear areas to wreak havoc.

    The SSM will appropriately outfit your Waffen SS commandos in the requisite American uniforms as well mock up your winter Panther G's as disguised, white-washed "Shermann's".

    The mod is meant to be used in conjunction with TwoShed's CM Mod Manager, but could be utilized the old fashioned way as well.

    I'm looking for playtesters, preferably those who use the Mod Manager (I want to know if it translated correctly and functions appropriately).

    Answer here if your interested, include your e-mail address, and I'll send you the .zip.

    (It weighs in at about 1-1/2 meg.)


    [This message has been edited by Clubfoot (edited 02-12-2001).]

  3. You forum gents(and ladies),

    To test-run the SSM (Scenario Specific Mod) ideas we've had for Desert Fox-Desert Rats, I've put together a new Commando Skorzeny mission with it's own SSM.

    'Sheep's Clothing' involves Otto's commandos as well as elements of his 150th Pz. Brigade in the first action of 'Operation Greif'. Wearing captured American uniforms and accompanied by hastily whitewashed Panther G's mocked up to resemble a "Shermann" from a distance, Skorzeny's men infiltrated Allied rear areas to wreak havoc.

    The SSM will appropriately outfit your Waffen SS commandos in the requisite American uniforms as well mock up your winter Panther G's as disguised, white-washed "Shermann's".

    The mod is meant to be used in conjunction with TwoShed's CM Mod Manager, but could be utilized the old fashioned way as well.

    I'm looking for playtesters, preferably those who use the Mod Manager (I want to know if it translated correctly and functions appropriately).

    Answer here if your interested, include your e-mail address, and I'll send you the .zip.

    (It weighs in at about 1-1/2 meg.)


    [This message has been edited by Clubfoot (edited 02-12-2001).]

    [This message has been edited by Clubfoot (edited 02-12-2001).]

  4. Fred,

    The reputation of Hasbro on this forum and in the gaming industry in general is a well-earned one. To say it politely, they can be anything but pleasant. It would therefore probably be wise to proceed as Michael Dorosh has advised. People desiring to make or share maps that are conversions of ??? scenarios should simply not mention their trademarked ???.


    [This message has been edited by Clubfoot (edited 02-08-2001).]

  5. Fellas,

    The gentleman who cited copyright problems is most likely correct. After requesting permission from MMP to use ASL scenarios in our upcoming DFDR mod, MikeT received a curtly worded e-mail from MMP. Although no one stands to profit from the mod in any way, their advice was to cease the use of any mention of ASL IMMEDIATELY. We've since done so, but they seem to be on somewhat of a witchhunt. We were said to be on "shaky legal ground". It's possible that they told Col. Klotz the same thing.


  6. Actually, I've seen regular stormtroopers spot mines after a few turns at distances much greater than 100m. After remaining still and hidden for 3 turns, a split Sturmgruppe squad picked out a field of AP mines that the LOS tool gauged at 430m distant. It was midday with good weather and no cloud cover in v1.1. Although I was happy about it at the time, it does now seem a little excessive.


    [This message has been edited by Clubfoot (edited 02-07-2001).]

  7. Marco,

    You're correct about the LRDG jeeps, of course, and they should also be bristling like little porcupines with 4 machineguns, as well. I think Mike is probably looking for people to help with these things.

    I was planning to take care of as many of these issues as possible before the mods' release. Already started on those rat patrol jeeps, in fact. But there is no way everything will be finished. I've maintained a frantic level of activity for the last month and a half working on the mod, but unless we get a few more willing graphics gurus, all the vehicles won't be complete at initial release.

    Consider this an open call to any and all mod-makers who'd like to see their favorite vehicle represented in the mod. If you have time, and would like to see it in DFDR, skin it and ship it to MikeT at: desertcmt@home.com

    or me at:


    Anyone contributing will of course get full credit for their work.


  8. A note to let those interested know that the DFDR mod is almost finished. With the exception of a few large buildings I've yet to complete, the graphics and interface changes are all but finished. Audace has, I believe, completed work on Italian force conversions.

    MikeT and I are now in the process of working up scenarios to be included with the mod. There are some other minor issues to hammer out, but the goods should be in your hands very soon (3-4 weeks, I'd guess).

    I've sent Manx and Col. Klotz a couple of new screens showcasing my third DFDR scenario, Halfaya Pass redux. I know the shots are up at the good Colonel's ASL 4 CM site, but haven't checked in with combatmissions.co.uk yet.

    I've also sent Manx a letterbox style screen showcasing some of the various terrain and buildings. The pictured openground tiles will be used primarily in Libya and Egypt, with a darker, more earthy ground scheme for Tunisia.

    It's been a lot of work but was truly a labor of love. If anyone else is interested in working up some Africa campaign scenarios, try shooting MikeT an e-mail. Although I can't speak for him, he may be inclined to release the terrain tiles I've already completed to a few dedicated scenario designers.

    Feel free to e-mail me as well. Thanx in advance for any takers.


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