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Posts posted by Clubfoot

  1. Phil,

    The "authenticity" issue has been touched on by Mike T and myself previously. To clear things up, however, I'll give it a whirl again.

    There are indeed aspects of the game which we are powerless to change (as I think we'll all agree is NOT a bad thing). Hardcoded text, vehicle specs., particle effects and tracers. These game components are out of our reach and should be (if anyone here was involved with the I'76 community, you'll know what I mean)or your PBEM games would soon fill with sinister, chuckling preteens crashing about in hacked, supersonic King Tigers with Pratt&Whitney jet turbines and a bow mounted BFG.

    To this end, if one is to enjoy Desert Fox-Desert Rats, you'll have to exercise a jot of willful ignorance. Textures will try to approximate a different version of armor or different type of terrain, but the facts the game relates to you will not always exactly correspond to what you see. Palms are still "forest" in your interface window. Vehicle variants will not always be historically accurate. And so on ad nauseum.

    However, we did not see this as a good enough reason not to do the mod. I'm sure some people will enjoy it. I'm sure some won't. We will try to make it as accurate as possible, but there will have to be concessions weighing in on the side of "fun".

    Nijis: We'd love to see your photos. email them to MikeT or myself.


    [This message has been edited by Clubfoot (edited 01-13-2001).]

  2. Commissar,

    The sand tiles simply replace open ground. Their effect on movement will, like before, depend upon the ground moisture settings used by a particular scenario's designer.

    Keep in mind, we can change nothing hard-coded (and wouldn't even try). i.e., when located in palms ar scattered palms, the interface display wil still read "located in: forest (or scattered trees)."

    If you want to hamper off-road vehicular movement, ground conditions would just be set to damp, wet, or what have you. This would give the desired effects of occasional bogs and immobility, alas the interface will still reflect the fact that the ground is "damp".

    I think most will find these discrepancies easy to ignore, though. MikeT and I hope so, anyway. smile.gif


  3. Thanx for all the interest fellas,

    The graphics end of things are really moving at quite a clip at this point, and it seems most of the vehicles are complete as well.

    Italian units are planned for inclusion, but whether they are released initially will depend upon their stage of completion, I imagine.

    An added note to MikeT's comments on historical accuracy: It's true that there will be glaring flaws in the availability of vehicles that even a middling grog will be able to drive his deuce & 1/2 through. But trudge on through the anachronisms, and we think you'll see its merits regardless.

    Rolling on Sidi bou Zid with Hans von Luck's 21st panzer recon, or buzzing that Jerry supply column with Sterling's Elite LRDG units in MG jeeps, we hope it'll be fun for all.


  4. Manx,

    I think the link they are referring to would be: http://www.combatmissions.co.uk/cmnews/desert.htm

    I think however, that Manx's intention is for you to use the main page link in his signature, namely: http://www.combatmissions.co.uk

    and from there, you can explore the site. It's got great content and is quite aesthetically pleasing, if I do say so myself.


    [This message has been edited by Clubfoot (edited 01-09-2001).]

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