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Everything posted by markshot

  1. So, how do I paste in a collection of links such that they are clickable, since HTML is not enabled? Thanks. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by russellmz: bumpity bump...hey markshot, gonna give us a corrected version or what :Þ<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  2. I am fighting a meeting engagement as the Axis against the AI. The VL's are primarily on the AI's side of the map along with good defensible terrain. I have a combined arms force of: infantry, a couple of tanks, a couple of TDs, a couple of armored cars, and a couple of half tracks. Now, my question is kind of general as it applies to many meeting engagements. Prior to making contact: On one hand, I want to advance as quickly as possible, since I want to allow the maximum clock time available for the actual battle and I want to minimize the amount of territory that I need to fight for as casualities would seem proportional the amount of contested ground through which I must advance. On the other hand, I want to advance slow and cautiously so as not loose too much of my force in a blundering ambush. So, how I can I reconcile these two seemingly inconsistant goals? Is there a way to advance rapidly to contact in a relatively cautious manner? My thoughts: I realize that infantry should lead my armor to guard against zook attacks and serve as spotters for TD, tanks, and gun emplacements. If so, does that mean that my armor can advance no faster than a walking pace? I also understand the concept of bounding overwatch, but if apply this to my armored units, then I risk loosing the leading element upon initial enemy contact. Thus,I am risking loosing a high valued asset. Is this the way to move? Should infantry ride the vehicles so that they are ready to deploy and establish a zook free perimeter as soon as contact is made? Another possibly strategy would be to use a low valued mechanized asset such as an armored car to scout ahead. With this approach, I am hoping that it may either spot the enemy or be sacrificed; in either case, indicating the safest point forward to advance to. Is this the correct approach? --- Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! [ 09-05-2001: Message edited by: markshot ]
  3. I am playing as the Axis against the AI. I am advancing up a road with my armored column of a couple of tanks and such. The road is flanked on both sides with woods. At a bend up ahead, the allies have a strong point on the far side of the bend. I've done fairly, well and have advanced my infantry up to the near side of the bend. My armor has neutralized a tank and a couple of tank destroyers which were around the bend. So, I thought I would be able to pound the defenders on the far side of the bend with my tanks to reduce their numbers, supress them, and demoralize them. Then, I would bring my infantry across the road while covered by my tanks. The AI put a crimp in my plans by dropping smoke on my tanks. Thus, they went blind. I advanced beyond the smoke and the AI just moved the smoke to match my tanks. Of course, I could keep moving my tanks up, but this would put me in range of bazookas hiding in the tree line. So, how can I counter this smoke tactic? Due to the woods on both sides, I am unable to maneuver to other positions which might give me a LOS around the smoke. My infantry forces are not strong enough on their own to storm the enemy defenses. I realize that if I found the mortar team or FO that I might be able to put an end to the smoke, but I don't have any idea where they are. What to do? Thanks.
  4. Last night I played a mission. After the mission, the AAR said that I had 15 Axis kills. I then stepped through all my Allied units adding up kills to arrive at 10 Axis kills. Should these two numbers match? Where did the other 5 kills go? Were they the result of Axis friendly fire? Thanks.
  5. 11/06/03 Unfortunately, forum maintenance has resulted in the links to these old threads no longer working. Well, it was good while it lasted. Since I had made that collection in mid 2001 after having purchased CMBO, perhaps it is time for a new anthology of wisdom which includes CMBO/CMBB/CMAK. Just a thought. Good hunting, all! [ November 06, 2003, 02:02 PM: Message edited by: markshot ]
  6. I was looking for some tips on a particular mission. I have tried searching this forum a few times, but I never get any results back from the search engine. I was wondering if this forum can be searched? If so, what do I need to do. Thanks.
  7. Can engineers blow up buildings? If so, how? Thanks.
  8. WARNING: THIS MESSAGE REPRESENTS A POSSIBLE SPOILER FOR THE AACHEN SCENARIO ON THE CD. What is the best way to employ my panzerschrek teams? There are four of them in this scenario which takes place in an urban setting. I need to take out a tank and a self-propelled gun. I have tried the following approaches (note, I have used sharpshooters to button the enemy armor units): PLAN: Attempt to deploy them far forward and hide them. RESULT: Generally, enemy rifle squads come across my panzerschrek teams and take them out before they have any kind of shot. They catch them either sneaking forward or after they have hid. PLAN: Hold my panzerschrek teams back close to the VL objective area which I am defending. The idea is that the extended fire fight will have so decimated and disorganized the attacking rifle squads that they will no longer be so vigilant protecting the armor. In the meantime, the armor will be forced to deploy more forward in order to gain LOS for the final assault on the VL objective area. RESULT: Either the armor does not come forward enough to present my panzerschrek teams with a good shot opportunity. My teams have no way to get closer as they would need to cross open ground which would expose them. PLAN: Send the panzerschrek teams to the far flanks and hope that they will be able infiltrate back into the engagement area through holes in the late stages of the fight. RESULT: The enemy AI did a decent job of providing an infantry screen on the flanks making it difficult move back in close to the armor. --- Note, I have won this mission quite a few times and taken out 1 or 2 enemy armor pieces. But the performance of my panzerschrek teams has seemingly been more a matter of chance than any clear sign of command expertise on my part. Any tips would be appreciated. Also, any tips on using infantry with panzerfausts to kill armor would be appreciated too. Thanks.
  9. What is the best position to place a rifle squad in a building? Assuming that the squad is shooting it out and the building is not in danger of being entered imminently? Should the squad be placed on the first or second floor? Should it be placed in the front, middle, or back of the building relative to the enemy? Assuming that the building is in danger of being entered imminently? Should the squad be placed on the first or second floor? Should it be placed in the front, middle, or back of the building relative to the enemy? --- Assuming that you must assault a building with a rifle squad being held by a rifle squad, what is the best method of assualt? Should you just give your squad an order to run into the building? Should they run to the outside of the building and then sneak into the building? Should you set their ultimate destination in the building to the first or second floor? Thanks!
  10. Can someone please tell me how to use this? I don't really notice any difference in the way things work whether I have this on or not. Thanks.
  11. I've tried turning this option on and off, but I don't see any difference on how to map rotates. What do I need to do with the map or keyboard in order to change the way the map rotates? Thanks.
  12. I've recently started playing Combat Mission. I have a scenario where a daisy chain mine has been placed in the road. I have half tracks and infantry. The mine stands between myself and my objective. (I am not going to name the scenario as I don't want to spoil it for anyone who might be reading.) I don't have engineers. So, I cannot clear the mine. However, I have experimented and it seems that for the most part I can drive my half tracks past the mine. However, on one occassion, one of them did get immobilized. So, how much of a threat does this mine pose? Can it be disarmed or safely by passed? Being able to move my half tracks up the road and take advantage of their MG fire is a great aid in this scenario. Otherwise, it is a very hard fight just depending on moving troops through the woods. Thanks.
  13. I really want to get into playing CM. However, I just don't have enough of the basic strategy to bootstrap myself. Is there anything analogous to a single consolidate strategy guide on the Internet where I can learn about the basics? Please post a URL(s) if you know of some good tip guides. Thanks.
  14. WIN98SE + G400 MAX + Power Desk 5.30 <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Schrullenhaft: It is most likely video driver related since this only occurs for so many users. What platform, video card and drivers are you using ?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  15. Posted with wrong topic and could not delete it or edit it.
  16. I have some strange graphics problems when I play v1.10. Although I think they also appear in other versions as well. The game has a number of pop ups which overlay the background (help key display, unit info display, orders display, and abort/quit prompt). Sometimes these pop ups are partially or wholey transparent and are nearly impossible to read. Does anyone have any idea what causes this? Thanks.
  17. I have some strange graphics problems when I play v1.10. Although I think they also appear in other versions as well. The game has a number of pop ups which overlay the background (help key display, unit info display, orders display, and abort/quit prompt). Sometimes these pop ups are partially or wholey transparent and are nearly impossible to read. Does anyone have any idea what causes this? Thanks.
  18. I had emailed them at: sales@battlefront.com But did not get any reply.
  19. I placed an order last Thursday from the Web via a credit card. I did not receive any confirmation when I did so or any follow up email. Is this normal? How long should it take for my order to ship? Thanks.
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