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The DesertFox

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Posts posted by The DesertFox

  1. Originally posted by Razer:

    Now, it also seems to be that the wrong version got out to the reviewers. From my knowledge, that 1.01 was crucial.

    Actually the version which went out to the revievers was the 1.0 version. Exactly that version went out to the publisher for global release too.

    Exactly that version you will find on the shelves in stores and exactly that version will be the one most people on the world base their judgement on.

    Now tell me what went wrong here ?


  2. Originally posted by gibsonm:

    If someone has a version a few weeks ago (and they need it that early to play the game, write their review and meet their deadlines) then quite often what they write about has been fixed before their review hits the streets.


    Which renders the whole reviewing process useless from the developers point of view. If the product ain´t final there is no point for a review. A Preview is appropriate.

    However I take it from earlier posts on this board that the final version (the DVD Paradox is shipping) is more or less exactly the quality the reviewers got. If this is really the case, and I sincerely hope it is not, then the reviews are unfortunately likely to be spot on.


  3. Hi guys,

    unfortunately the demo isn´t working on my rig at all. After running the config utility it only gives the "problem with tow.exe" message. Running in admin mode or xp compatibility mode didn´t help either.


    OS: Vista Ultimate 32bit

    CPU: Intel Core2Duo E6300

    MB: ASUS P5B Deluxe Wifi

    RAM: 2Gig G.Skill DDR2 PC800

    Graphic: ASUS NVIDIA FX7950GT

    Driver: 158.18

    Resolution: 1600x1200

    any ideas how to get the demo to run ?


  4. Originally posted by wunwinglow:

    Series Bleue 1613O turned up in the post today, my copy of No Holding Back is being read from cover to cover, and the Scenario Editor is up and running on my PC! Version two of the map out shortly...

    Thanks Aragorn, for the kind word, by the way! Much appreciated.


    Look closely how the elevation lines differ from the map in Reid´s book and overlay these with the aerial pic you posted. After translating all of this, you end up with a map close to mine and then things start to get interesting. Good luck.



  5. Originally posted by junk2drive:

    I had a good time with Little Fritham PBEM.

    Yeah I had a lot of fun creating this one. Glad you liked it.

    BTW: Most names within stem from a hilarious sketch of a german comedian called "Loriot".

    Here is its transcript for those who understand a little german but you really have to see it (the sketch) on TV or DVD to LYAO:

    Guten Abend, meine Damen und Herren!

    Heute sehen Sie die achte Folge unseres sechzehnteiligen englischen Fernsehkrimis Die zwei Cousinen. Zunächst eine kurze Übersicht über den Handlungsablauf der bisher gesendeten sieben Folgen.

    Auf dem Landsitz North Cothelstone Hall von Lord und Lady Hesketh-Fortescue befinden sich außer dem jüngsten Sohn Meredith auch die Cousinen Priscilla und Gwyneth Molesworth aus den benachbarten Ortschaften Nether Addlethorpe und Middle Fritham, ferner ein Onkel von Lady Hesketh-Fortescue, der neunundsiebzigjährige Jasper Fetherston, dessen Besitz Thrumpton Castle zur Zeit an Lord Molesworth-Houghton, einen Vetter von Priscilla und Gwyneth Molesworth, vermietet ist.

    Gwyneth Molesworth hatte für Lord Hesketh-Fortescue in Nether Addlethorpe einen Schlips besorgt, ihn aber bei Lord Molesworth-Houghton liegengelassen. Lady Hesketh-Fortescue verdächtigt ihren Gatten, das letzte Wochenende mit Priscilla Molesworth in Middle Fritham verbracht zu haben. Gleichzeitig findet Meredith Hesketh-Fortescue auf einer Kutschfahrt mit Jasper Fetherston von Middle Fritham nach North Cothelstone Hall in Thrumpton Castle den Schlips aus Nether Addlethorpe.

    Nach einer dramatischen Auseinandersetzung zwischen Lady Hesketh-Fortescue und Priscilla Molesworth in North Cothelstone Hall eilt Gwyneth Molesworth nach dem zwei Meilen entfernten South Thoresby, um ihre Tanten Amelie Hollingworth und Lucinda Satterthwaite aufzusuchen.

    Diese sind jedoch nach North Thurston zu ihrem Schwager Thomas Thatcham gefahren, der als Gärtner in Thrumpton Castle bei Lord Molesworth-Houghton arbeitet.

    Gwyneth Molesworth fährt nach North Cothelstone Hall zurück, aber nicht über Middle Addlethorpe, sondern über North Thurston, Thrumpton Castle, Middle Fritham und Nether Addlethorpe. Dort trifft sie Priscilla Molesworth, die mit Lord Molesworth-Houghton noch nachts von Middle Fritham nach North Cothelstone Hall fahren wollte... (Loriot)



  6. Originally posted by junk2drive:

    Helge, and while you are at it, do you have any more Sealion scenarios finished?


    haven´t touched the game for more than a year now. (Due to various reasons)

    Unlikely I will find time to do anymore scens in the future.

    Sorry for that.

    However I still have these Lydden, Hartley and Mark Cross maps in alpha stage gathering dust on my PC. Maybe I´ll find a way to get them out and someone with enough enthusiasm can find any use for them. We´ll see.



  7. Originally posted by wunwinglow:


    http://www.kipperboxes.co.uk/vue_aerienne-8_aout_1944.jpg . Warning. it is 2mb file.

    Anyway, 3 tiger wrecks marked in diamonds, but look more closely and there are dozens of other vehicles! It was taken in the morning after the 8th August.


    Anyway, thanks again, I'll keep you posted; I might just redo my map rotated slightly! Brilliant idea....

    Tim P (wunwinglow)


    great pic. I hadn´t seen this one before. I only had access to the aerial which is published in Agte´s book. The quality of this one however is way better and simply awesome! You really can see the wrecks. Wittmann´s wreck however isn´t marked with a diamond, but the hull of his tank can be seen north the tip of the arrow pointing to the "ancienne hauberge" near Gaumesnil.

    Furthermore this also confirms the hedgerow around the orchard of the "ancienne hauberge" which I had included in my revised CMAK scen.

    Great job sharing this one!



  8. Originally posted by wunwinglow:

    Hi team,


    work in progress is at http://www.kipperboxes.co.uk/wittmannA.cmg if anyone wants to have a look! Any comments more than happily received!

    Thanks in advance,

    Tim P (wunwinglow)


    maybe you want to take a look at this one [CMAK]:


    You also find the relevant references on the site. Especially I suggest building the map according to the reallife topological situation of the Cintheaux-St.Aignan area.

    1/25000 map 16130 Series Bleue "Bretteville zur Laize" IGN

    Feel free to use my CMAK map, if you want to.

    Also, as already suggested, have a look at Brian Reids book to get some idea about an interesting interpretation of the battle.

    Furthermore have a look at this thread where I posted a summary of the published data on this matter, while I dissected the ...um nonsense a troll named P51 had posted:


    I´m looking forward to your interpretation of this day´s battle.


  9. Originally posted by civdiv:

    I didn't say they were new books, I said there was a NEW series. Out of the three books I have, one has NEVER been published, and two others bear the ENGLISH publication date of 2002 and 2005 respectively. And I had the wrong books for myself, I didn't read Panzer Aces II, I read Tigers in the Mud. [/QB]

    Although they are certainly interesting reads and good for entertainment, keep in mind that Mr. Franz Kurowski isn´t writing reference based military history but is mixing real life events with pure fantasy. So take it with a grain of salt.



  10. Originally posted by Andreas:

    I know you are up to it mate! Jochen has moved away from Monnem and has not been in touch for a while.

    Happy destruction of the alcoholoic beverages!


    Yep, I know from last time in Worms. I´ll see if we can get something organized.

    It would be a pitty if all this stuff will have to extend its bottled life until next year :D



  11. Originally posted by Andreas:

    Monnem leider erst wieder im neuen Jahr, unsicher wann genau.

    Alles Gute


    Damn! You mean I will have to cleanse the world of all these irish stuff including this grain made destillates with Parabellum and Joachim alone ? Man that will be a hard task :D

    Alles Gute


    [edited because the Spellchecker doesn´t work as advertised, however - it vorks grate!]

    [ November 18, 2005, 03:01 PM: Message edited by: The DesertFox ]

  12. Originally posted by Andreas:

    How about you get off your German lardback and make a trip to Paris? ;)

    To get my car be blown up in flames ? Naaaa no way until our neighbours decide on another way of supporting their car industry. What´s their turnover nowadays...200 cars per night ? By 2015 France will be a state of only bikesmen :D (just fun)


    P.S.: I´m sure there will be a day in Paris in the future.

    [ November 18, 2005, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: The DesertFox ]

  13. Originally posted by Madmatt:

    You can't critize a game based only on what you THINK it will be like. Thats like banning a book you have never read because you THINK its offensive.

    Exactly what you said. I think it is time for some folks to realize that it is pretty pointless to judge over a not yet existing game. Wait for the demo (hint! hint!) and then come back and rip them apart ;)


  14. Originally posted by Sergei:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by KG_Jag:

    In any case they will be missed.

    Yeah, the crew goes down with their ship so we're going to commit a ritual mass suicide. Bye bye!

    P.S. Berli, do I take this capsule with water, or can it be vodka? </font>

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