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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

The DesertFox

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Posts posted by The DesertFox

  1. Originally posted by LeanDemon:

    I get 28 fps with the following:

    CMSF Options:

    Display: 1280x960

    Vert Synch: Off

    3D Model: Better

    3D Texture: Best

    Anti-Alias: On

    High Priority: On

    My system:

    ASUS P5W DH DELUXE Motherboard

    Core2 Duo E6600 @ 3.2Ghz

    2.0GB Ram (DDR2 PC 6400)

    Nvidia 7950GX2 (1GB Vram)


    obviously there are both some NVIDIA and VISTA issues in this game. BTW other OpenGL games fly on both my machines. Here we go:

    Same settings as above 1280 etc. but in 1600x1200 I get the same results.

    VISTA Ultimate 64bit

    ASUS P5BL2 MoBo

    Core2Duo E6300 @ 2.4 Ghz

    3.0GB Ram (DDR2 PC 6400)

    Nvidia 7950GT (512MB Vram)

    Forceware 162.22

    4 FPS !!!

    VISTA Ultimate 32bit

    ASUS P5B Deluxe Wifi MoBo

    Core2Duo E6600 @ 3.0 Ghz

    4.0GB Ram (DDR2 PC 6400)

    Nvidia 8800GTS (640MB Vram)

    Forceware 162.22

    8 FPS !!!

    VISTA Ultimate 32bit

    Fujitsu-Siemens AMILO Pa 1510

    AMD Turion 64 X2 TL-52 @ 1.6 Ghz

    1.0GB Ram (DDR2 533Mhz)

    ATI Mobility Radeon Xpress 1100

    Catalyst 7.8

    3 FPS !!!



    P.S.: Edited to include Notebook results

    [ August 19, 2007, 09:50 AM: Message edited by: The DesertFox ]

  2. Originally posted by Barleyman:

    In other words, it's more economical for amis to DL paradox european webshop and for european wargame geeks to dl from BFC in US! How weird is that? :rolleyes:

    Actually it is most economical to just walk to your lokal supermarket, mediamarkt, promarkt, whatever and buy it there for 30.99-34.99 EUR.

    The boxed paradox version (eng/ger/fra/esp/ita) that is.


    [ August 13, 2007, 09:35 AM: Message edited by: The DesertFox ]

  3. Originally posted by kipanderson:


    But happily fro me… CMX2 is a far better engine.

    All good fun,

    All the best,


    Hi Kip,

    I´m with you with that sentiment. I was very sceptical after the initial reviews and the total failure of the engine to run on my ATI/VISTA Notebook. However on my NVIDIA/VISTA desktop it works, still a little sluggish due to 8800 GTS problems but you can work with it.

    Although I´m only 5 days into CM:SF right now and it still has a lot of rough edges and bugs which need dire attention I´m confident that BTS will manage to polish the product up to its full beauty.

    Presently I´ve decided to start creating some North German Plain Stuff just for my own fun. Seeing a reinforced BMP regiment attack the VRV is impressive stuff.

    I think 2 or 3 more patches and the game will really show its full potential.



  4. Originally posted by JoMc67:


    I am looking to upgrade from my 17" View Sonic monitor that plays CMBB, CMAK, at full screen to something around say 20 or 21" in size that will also play these games at full screen.

    Aside from opening up minor Win XP programs, occasional downloads or surfing online, my knowledge of computers is fairly limited.

    What max size plug & play monitor would you suggest to safely run CMBB, CMAK without having to do anything special.




    I would aim for a monitor which displays 1600x1200 resolution natively. A 20´ or 21´ should do fine.

    Indeed I myself bought a NEC/Mitsubishi MultiSync LCD 2080UX+ 4 years ago and still am more than happy with this excellent piece of hardware.

    NEC Review


  5. Originally posted by renaldo:

    I'm not sure if this helps (or even whether BF are looking into this) but as an experiment I put CMBO onto my VISTA machine and it doesn't have the same issue - the issue is only with CMBB and CMAK. Is there any chance that helps you at BF diagnose a work round until the drivers are fixed by NVIDIA ?


    Same for me.

    8800 GTS 640MB on Vista 32bit; Asus P5B-Deluxe MoBo (P965 Chipset), 4Gig Ram, Core2duo@3Ghz rig

    CM:BO works fine, BB and AK show this background problem. I hope Charles can fix this once he got his 8800 rig.


  6. Originally posted by Stryker:

    DesertFox - you have a similar setup to me, but in CMx1 the background continues to flash/move when I pivot the viewing camera. Others experience this also.

    Did you change any of your settings in the nVidia control panel? If so, which ones? I've tried numerous configurations without success.

    I have this background problem only in BB and AK, CM:BO works fine without any background issues. Maybe due to something which crept up in the code of BB and AK ?


  7. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    However, we are now starting to get reports that the old CMx1 games area also having problems with the 8800.



    don´t know if this helps, but I have zero problems with CMx1 AK/BB/BO on my machine. Also not a single problem with other OpenGL games.

    CM:SF however is running...uhm...imperfect to say the least.

    Specs are:

    Vista Ultimate 32 bit


    4 GB DDR2-800

    NVIDIA 8800 GTS 640MB

    NVIDIA 162.22 Forceware

    Hope you guys can patch this up to a workable state.


  8. Originally posted by medic911:

    Is there a command to show FPS? I searched for one, but if it exists I somehow overlooked it.

    (Not inconceivable... I'm sick and doped up on Nyquil.)

    There is none. Use FRAPS instead and you might see how your High-end card is brought to its knees by this game :eek:

    I´m running the german (Paradox) release in v1.01 on a Core2duo@3000Mhz rig with a NVIDIA 8800 GTS card at 1600x1200 and I usually manage to get 10-15 FPS out of this unfinished beauty :eek:

    This game is unoptimised, unfinished and still in beta-state, though it has some unsurpassed potential, as you can easily glean from the forum and elsewere on the web.

    Wait for the next series of patches which hopefully squash the severe game bugs and performance bugs on NVIDIA and ATI machines and you might see it in its full glory in the not so distant future.

  9. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by The DesertFox:

    One must really wear thick pink fanboy glasses to look over all the shortcommings the release version of CM:SF is suffering from.

    Or else we're simply in the majority who have no outstanding technical issues and aren't letting them cloud our judgement. </font>
  10. Originally posted by MarkEzra:

    So Let me get this straight: You boys are wrangling over a review of CM:SF v1.0...a version that should never have seen the light of day and was Obsolete the FIRST MINUTE of the official release. A Review that has no follow up commenting on the ACTUAL release (v 1.01)? Do I have this right?

    He reviewed the release version (boxed) you can get off the shelf from every supermarket in germany for 34.99 EUR. This version is bugware in its worst incarnation. Even the v1.01 patch he also mentions in his review can´t hide the fact that this code suffers from multiple glaring errors and serious bugs as you can read on this board and elsewere.

    He obviously wasn´t aware of the hardware issues this piece of bananaware is suffering from. If he would have known about the ATI/VISTA bug he hardly would have found a 5/10 appropriate, more likely a 2/10 would fit to this piece of shameware in its current state.

    I can´t understand how someone like BTS can release such an unfinished product to the public and still believe they don´t loose any credibility in the customer-base by doing so. One must really wear thick pink fanboy glasses to look over all the shortcommings the release version of CM:SF is suffering from.

  11. Originally posted by rune:

    Look in the tech support forum, it is DEFINITELY a driver bug. Charles is seeing if he can work around it for now.


    I hope you are right with this assessment and can make the game work. Otherwise your risking to loose 50% of your Vista based customers to this bug.

    Looking forward to your patch and the patched demo.

  12. Originally posted by Blackmuzzle:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by The DesertFox:

    Unfortunately it ain´t working on VISTA/ATI combos.

    That's most likely a driver issue. I dare say that because I remember debugging a crash in the game "Illumina" right into the mipmap generation inside the ATI driver a few years ago, so there's a definite chance for something similar being the case here too.

    Or maybe, you know, Vista. ;) </font>

  13. Originally posted by Blackmuzzle:

    Trust me I would love to make up my own mind by the 1.01 demo. Unfortunately it ain´t working on VISTA/ATI combos, so I have to count 1 and 1 together from what can be read here and elsewere.

    Maybe hopefully once BTS has worked their product through some extensive bugfixing they´ll release a working demo for us ATI/VISTA people and help us to make an informed buying decision.

  14. Originally posted by Lt Bull:

    A very candid, frank and honest review covering all the main areas and echoing much of my own thoughts.

    Very unfortunate and irritating. From what can be read on the board and the available reviews everything looks like BTS decided to release some piece of unfinished beta-software crippled with serious hardware bugs and design flaws to the audience.

    Honestly I´m very dissapointed of what I can see here.

  15. Originally posted by tarball:

    Just for giggles, I tried this OpenGL benchmarking program - http://www.fl-tw.com/opengl/GeomBench/

    I do not crash using it.

    Works flawless on my machine also. CMAK also works flawless btw. Seems like CMSF 1.01 has some serious graphic bugs hidden in its code which are in desperate need to be fixed ASAP unless they want to screw the ATI/VISTA users completely.
  16. Originally posted by ASHBERY76:

    I'm curious to know if anybody with ATI cards and Vista have the game runing.

    Highly unlikely from what can be read on the board. Maybe they should label it NVIDIA only.

    I'm glad to have waited for the demo. [/QB]
    Me too. The demo ist totally arsed on my Notebook with VISTA Turion and ATI card which runs CM:AK smooth as silk. Crash to desktop happens 100% of time. Very dissapointing. If I get similar problems on my desktop PC (C2D and NVIDIA) I´m done with this bugger.
  17. Originally posted by gibsonm:

    Well then I suspect you will never buy anything (mobile ‘phone, car, computer, etc.) as the latest model always includes improvements on the previous version.

    Which of course is entirely your prerogative, just like you can wait until CM:SF 1.06 comes out (whenever) before buying.

    Exactly, if it doesn´t meet my expectations I ain´t gonna pay for it. The demo will show what is the case here.
  18. Originally posted by gibsonm:

    Are you willing to wait until 1.01 is ready, how about 1.02 or 1.03?

    Call me old fashioned but yes I am. I am no fan to get an unfinished product out of the box where I have to search or wait for fixes which should have caught in Q+A in the first hand and integrated in the release version.

    Unfortunately more and more developers/publishers seem to think that it doesn´t matter if they release an unfinished product with obvious problems to the unwashed masses.

  19. Well, it would have been equally avoided if Paradox hadn't sent out 1.0 copies for review. [/QB]
    I take it the responsibility to release a game for going to the DVD presses of the publisher is with the developer no ? And if the reviewer gets exactly the same version the customer gets out of his box the reviewer is in the position to write a fair review no ?


  20. Originally posted by Moon:

    The Desert Fox, that is not quite correct. Battlefront and Paradox/Gamersgate are going to launch v1.01. v1.0 will only be on the shelf in some European countries (with the v1.01 available right away for those customers).


    Still you will see a lot of complaints about this 1.0 version. Something that should have been avoided in the first place.

    1 month more work into the game and you most likely would have avoided all these negative waves from reviews already out.


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