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Posts posted by Gpig

  1. Thanks, Sixx. :)

    @ Steiner: I had a case of male-pattern hardware limitations. Plus real-life issues. I'm back on solid footing in both areas so I've found some time for wargames once again. Joy!

    Though I gotta say, the first time you play as the Syrians in "Going to Town" and you've got four (SPOILER ALERT) versus the USMC . . . talk about a let-down. I reckon I've got some learning to do regarding usage of (SPOILER ALERT) Those USMC squads are nasty!


  2. missingreality wrote:

    "Gpig -have you used Blender? It takes a bit of getting used too but having used Max, Viz, FormZ, Architrion and Lightscape I'd certainly rate Blender up there with the best of them as far as modelling and animation goes. And best of all, it's free"

    No, I have not heard of Blender. Looks interesting. I'll check it out! Steve, I'm always looking for opportunities to post custom doodles to the forum, but your game looks damn good these days. It steels some of the thunder from my drawings. :)



  3. I second that motion. But with the add-on request for information on the updated Demo. :)

    I finally got a PC and have tried out the Demo (v.7). I realize that I'm a full year (at least) behind the bow wave for this game but I feel the game is great! (And this is version 7.) There are a lot of little issues in the demo (hot-keys, camera, syrian artillery), but I found that once I ascended the learning curve they diminished in importance. The depth of the game is very satisfying. I am looking forward to purchasing the game itself.

    I'd still like to check out the updated Demo (and Marine Demo).

    Nice work, Battlefront.


  4. Gryphon, I've been thinking of those very same things. Especially the movement of infantry from yester-years.

    Men running while holding onto their helmets (G.I.s only?). Men moving up in a crouch, but not SWAT style. Weapons held at the ready, or slung low. Shooting from the hips, even.

    The low sprint across a road/hedgerow/alley. Crawling on hands and knees along a trench.

    Lots of fun, flavourful ideas out there.


  5. Interesting stuff, fellas. Thank you.

    Sorry to hijack this post for my "may as well ask" question, but . . . what about Japanese infantry/army tactics in general?

    More specifically, my question is "did the japanese have an army/infantry tactics manual/theory equivalent to the allies/germans?

    I've read a lot about combined arms and integrated defensive/offensive operations at the tactical level, when reading AARs for Allied and Axis forces (excluding the japanese). But I've yet to read a document describing Japanese offensive tactics that showed much depth or creativitiy. (I admit, I've hardly begun to dig.)

    My question arises after having watched Letters from Iwo Jima, and seeing a fairly simple representation of tactics. Also, having read a very small amount of history on the Pacific battles, it seems there was not much of a combined arms effort evident in japanese tactics. At least to the extent I have been reading over the years, evident in the European/Russian/African theater.

    Having read about only a small amount about Japanese Infantry offensives (mainly the overrunning of Hong Kong vs. Canadians), my impression is that there was not much of a premium placed on army tactics.

    Am I incorrect in that assumption? Can anyone point me to some documents describing tactics used by the Japanese army that fly in the face of the "human wave" tactic?



  6. Klavan wrote:

    Nice videos. Just one thing: in the ATGM video (during and after the second missile launch) the sirian team is targeted by hostile fire and by looking at the size of the explosions seems like they're fired upon by a 30mm Bradley's gun. Despite one of the bullets had hit the ground few centimeters in front of the man on the left they doesn't seems to be affected by any kind of suppression/shraphnel effect.
    I have not noticed in any of the videos released so far, any kind "suppression reaction" or ducking for cover exhibited by troops. Troops in CMx1 hit the dirt when incoming fire reached a level high enough to affect morale. But often, if the fire was light enough, they would do nothing.

    Part of what is making this current video (of the ATGM crew not flinching with incoming fire) is that the squad is modelled 1:1. This opens up a can of worms of course, as now we expect individual behaviour to specific events.

    This may not be doable, as that would mean more animations required, more often (for every other bullet whizzing by). Though I see your point that this seems to be a fairly large explosion. It's an interesting choice. One where the developers may have chosen to keep that aspect more of an abstraction.

    Things are looking amazing, eh? smile.gif


  7. Try and get a copy of JasonC's scenario on a Meeting Engagement. It's set up to more effectively and historically simulate how a "real" meeting engagement might have occured in France/44.

    It's set up in a way that brings each sides forces into play in a series of reinforcements, representing reinforced companys/btns (?) on the move. It's well researched (of course), so it feels very authentic. The map is not bad either. The Orders of Battle for both sides are exact, I'd imagine.

    I've played it from both sides (versus the A.I.) and it was fun both times. Though I know it would be WAY more fun against a human opponent.

    I think it's titled Meeting Engagement France or something original. ;)


    EDIT: Oops. Just realized he made that scenario of CMAK, not CMBB. Sorry.

    [ June 13, 2007, 10:51 PM: Message edited by: Gpig ]

  8. Yes. I felt the hairs standing on the back of my neck, watching those vehicles move down the dusty street. The anticipation factor is there . . .

    I wonder if the Stryker drivers (TacAI) sped up in response to the first explosion. Or were they under orders to "speed through ambush," if you get my meaning. (Contact orders?)

    It does look like the 2nd vehicle is about to plummet into a crater . . .

    Would having your men dismounted improve your chances of spotting any IED's, before they go off?


    [ May 29, 2007, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: Gpig ]

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