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Posts posted by Gpig

  1. You could, I believe, model the dismounted portion of the BHD battle.

    Start with the fast-rope Rangers at the 4 intersections surrounding the Imperial Hotel. Have a squad of SEALs/Delta's Appear on the roof top and secure the building (take the high-value captives.)

    Then after the trucks and Hummers come and remove the captives and part of the Ranger/SOF force, that could be the end of the first battle.

    The second battle could be after the Convoy got lost and returned to base. Stranding the Rangers and SOF soldiers in the Mog. Then you could try and find a place to hunker down for the night, surrounded by UnCons. Fortify your position and be able to call in HELO support (Guns only?)

    The third battle could be the attempted rescue of Durant's chopper by the DELTA sniper team. Not sure how that one would play out in CMSF.

    Fourth battle could be a night OP with HELO support. Many UnCons surrounding your fortified position.

    Fifth battle could be a breakout with Pakistani APCs.

    I may have to give this one a go. Has anybody got a map of Mogadishu pre-built?



  2. So, let me see if I can get this right.

    I'm trying to down load and play Small Gain MkII, from the Repository.

    I've got CMSF/Marines updated to V 1.11.

    I'm guessing Small Gain is a verison 1.0 scenario, but it does NOT show up in my battle list.

    I've uploaded Eid Offensive (a version 1.1 scenario) and it DOES show up in my battle list.

    So scenarios that were made in version 1.0 will NOT work in CMSF patched up to 1.11.

    This seems to be correct.


  3. Like hand to hand combat! :)

    I'm curious about a lot of things regarding H2H combat in CMx2 WWII.

    What type of situations will it occur? How will it be resolved in a 1:1 setting? Will parts of the squad go into H2H combat while the remainder continue to use SMGs and firearms?

    I can envision a squad with a portion of their members engaged in deadly H2H while the others are oblivious to the struggle. Perhaps firing at an enemy squad across the road.

    Will there be men struggling on the floor/ground, ala Saving Private Ryan?



    By brzzt at 2009-03-20


    By brzzt at 2009-03-20

  4. Learn something new every day. :)

    (I had thought that Canada never wanted anything to do with any nuclear weapons, anywhere at anytime. Wikipedia says slightly different.)

    This from Wikipedia

    ...With the launch of Sputnik and the new threat from Soviet missiles, the Canadian government decided to purchase the BOMARC defensive missile system. While Prime Minister John Diefenbaker agreed to buy the missiles, he balked at also taking the nuclear warheads that were needed to make the system useful. Accepting nuclear weapons into Canada became the central issue of the 1963 Canadian election, which saw Lester B. Pearson's Liberals, a party that had earlier opposed nuclear weapons, defeat the Diefenbaker government. On January 8, 1969, Canada ratified the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

    From the 1960s to 1984, there were American nuclear weapons in Canada[1]. These were placed under dual key rules whereby both Canadian and American authorities had to authorize a launch. Pierre Trudeau, Pearson's successor as prime minister, was opposed to these missiles, and in 1971, declared Canada a non-nuclear country. The missiles were moved out of Canada. Despite the fact that the Nuclear warheads were never placed in the country, due to agreements between Canada and the United States, Canada purchased Nuclear weapons through a tactical budget of the Department of National Defence under the projects NORAD, and the Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line.

    The Royal Canadian Air Force maintained a stockpile of AIR-2A Genie unguided nuclear air-to-air rockets as the primary wartime weapon on the CF-101 Voodoo all-weather interceptor after 1965. The rockets were held by detachments of the United States Air Force at the Canadian Voodoo bases, and would have been released to Canada if conflict threatened. These were removed in 1984, when the CF-18 Hornet entered squadron service and the Voodoo was retired.

    The Canadian Army operated the MGR-1 Honest John nuclear surface-to-surface rocket as part of its land forces commitment to NATO. No. 1 SSM Battery of the Royal Canadian Artillery, attached to 4 Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group stationed in West Germany, maintained a total of four rocket launchers for Honest John missiles fitted with the W31 nuclear warhead between 1964 and 1970.

    link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_and_weapons_of_mass_destruction


    p.s. Love the name "AIR-2A Genie unguided nuclear air-to-air rockets." I guess if they are "Air-to-Air" and are nuclear . . . not much point in having them "guided." CLOSE only counts in horseshoes and handgrenades. And Genie unguided rockets. Nyuk nyuk.

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