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Sensible Toad

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Everything posted by Sensible Toad

  1. Interesting replies guys. I am playing with Shermans and Stuarts, and I know my opponent has some Panthers. I'll use your advice to my best advantage. Hey Mikey D, I noticed your bio says you are from Somerville. So am I! If you are interested in some PBEMs, I am part of the Massachusetts Minutemen, and we need one more player. Check us out at the Rugged Defense board, and email me (sensibletoad@juno.com) if you are interested. We need some help kicking Dutch, Virginian, Red Army, and possibly Great Lakes butt. Thanks, Rob
  2. "Move it or Lose it" is a blast. Not only is it thoroughly enjoyable as a multi-faceted battle, but there is action from the get-go.
  3. Rugged Defense. Cyberfox is very responsive, the players are great, and the site is well done. Thanks Cyberfox!
  4. Recently in a game I was playing against Capitalistdoginchina I saw the most wonderful thing. Two of my halftracks were trying to escape a mob of invulnerable Stuarts (I think CDIC must make them special for the Red Army) and to do this they had to speed across a bridge even though the other side was held by the americans as well. As one of the halftracks raced towards the bridge the crew was killed and the halftrack was knocked out. But instead of just stopping, the HT lost control, veered off of the mouth of the bridge, careened over the river bank to the left, and splashed into the water (ok, there wasn't a splash, but it looked so cool I could "almost" hear that splash). It was a fabulous CM moment. My CM2 request: I recently saw on that "crack" TV reporter show 20/20, that WWII jeeps were notorious for rolling over when out of control at high speed (or even low speed). Could my recon vehicles that have the pedal to the metal flip over 6 or 8 times when the driver is shot or abandons? It would be priceless! Thanks for the consideration, Rob
  5. Liberty. Lib-er-ty. Or as we say here in Massachusetts: Lib-ah-tee. This my Red friend is the catch word of the proud patriots of the Bay State, and we hold this word up as a heavy cudgel with which we shall bash your commune loving, liberty robbing ways to pieces. Very fine pieces! Pieces never to be seen again! As we wait for the Minutemen to rally (I believe our militia will soon jump in number from the current 1 to a powerful 3 within a few short hours (or days)) I will accept your challenge, and soon our armies shall meet for Combat Mission style hijinks.
  6. To all the Californians: Are you guys going to join the RD group ladder? It seems like both North and South have a lot of enthusiastic players. Maybe Cyberfox can split California in two for you guys, or maybe there should be a Californian Civil War to see who controls the State. The term "rivalry" definitely applies here.
  7. I got this email from Cyberfox last night: http://home.wanadoo.nl/edwin.vos/cm/Landen/groupsladder.htm Check it out. I think it could be a lot of fun. Per the second to last rule: I have nothing but the deepest of respect for Great Britain, especially since I just finished reading "A Bridge Too Far", and totally admire Frost and his men on the bridge. I do think friendly rivalry, and I do mean friendly, will add to the experience.
  8. Hear ye, hear ye (or is it "here ye"?) I would like to gather any Combat Mission Minute Men together to join Cyberfox's Group Ladder. I see on his ladder that only the Netherlands and Arizona are signed up so far (I wonder why the Southern Californians aren't signed up yet), so I'm taking the initiative. If you are interested in supporting Massachusett's proud military tradition (simulated) email me at sensibletoad@juno.com, and I will forward your names onto Cyberfox. FYI: I live in Boston, and play a turn a night on three PBEM games. I would love to add another Group game. Personally, as a Bostonian, I feel it is my duty to challenge the British Group immediately. However, there is no British group at the moment, which I find very peculiar. Did the tea party thing scare you guys off? Get your act together England! Paul Revere rides again! Thanks, Rob
  9. Yes! I am not alone! I hear, "You never go to sleep at the same time as me anymore," Way, way too often. She is beginning to spread vile rumors about me to her friends concerning my, "computer addiction". It could be worse though. Before I became a born again CMer I was playing a ton of Ground Control. GC is a blast, but like many games nowadays the main characters voice is a woman's. My girlfriend would always give me trouble over this femme voice coming from my computer room while I was playing. Now there is no mistaking the fact that I am deep into the machismo side of gaming when she hears, "Go, go, go, go!!!"
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